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Everything posted by ban1o

  1. they should have gotten attractive charismatic people to lead this film lmao. These leads look terrible.
  2. Jesus Christ I feel bad for the kid they cast as Rodrick. Teens on social media are going crazy about him and calling him ugly. Search the #notmyRodrick thing on twitter. I think he even deleted his instagram
  3. billy was by far the best character in this lol. I hope RJ cyler has a good acting career
  4. Thought it was great. Loved the cast and the development of the characters. 8/10
  5. mmm I just saw this. I actually really enjoyed it. RJ Cyler as Billy to me stole the show he was great. I wish they had done more with Zack and Trini though. They didn't have a whole lot o screen time. I loved Elizabeth Banks as Rita lol. I thought it was well done there was definite chemistry among the leads. Although the story was straight forward. It was well done. The best part of the film was actually the build-up which is what people seemed to be concerned about. It really gave the Rangers a real backstory and a reason for them to come together.
  6. lol there's a "holocaust film' coming out this year or next year that focuses on the romance between a SS officer and a biracial black girl. When I heard about I was like what? (I know black people were also suffered but still) It's very rare for Holocaust films to actually be about Jews.
  7. I remember the Chips trailer just because it plays one of my fave songs California Love. I don't know what the movie is about though or what else was in the trailer though lol.
  8. mm well I didn't say anything about her race. It was other people. I didn't know the actress was half indian though.
  9. the actress is half indian? Really? lol I thought she was just white lmao.
  10. My sister goes to school in the UK and she said that so many of her friends were seeing it and she wants to but she's to busy with exams lmao
  11. omg really wow? The trailer makes it seem really weird and Jupiter Ascending like. Is it true like this was the inspiration for Star Wars.
  12. lol I know this I was just wondering if junkshop did.
  13. yeah she was in the trailer for like 2 seconds.I was wondering if she was a major character or just a cameo. I think she's pursuing acting now. She's also in Ocean's 8. and lol I just realized I asked this twice. Whenever I see this thread bumped I feel like asking.
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