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Everything posted by Cmasterclay

  1. It was too Entourage-y for my tastes, but the acting was pretty damn good, and it's compelling when it's not in trite "Girls! Cars! Money! Fame!" mode. It has potential, just needs to decide what kind of show it wants to be.
  2. The reviews make it sound like someone is doing a parody of True Detective, so I'm not too hopeful.
  3. Damn, now it looks like I copied the "much ballyhooed final sequence" phrasing from Tele. Those posts were eerily similar.
  4. I'm gonna be honest, I thought the much ballyhooed "greatest third act in recent history" was just a lesser version of the exact same thing we got in Godzilla last year. I thought the pterodactyl escape scene was far more compelling and thrilling. But I know I'm in the minority with that opinion. This movie was fine entertainment, because Pratt+Williams theme+dinosaurs+cool theme park= at least something entertaining, but really, I didn't see anything cool enough in this to separate it from 100 other blockbusters that didn't make half the money. And the original JP is in my all time top ten, so it's not like I hate the franchise.
  5. 1) Will Jurassic World fall less than 55%? Yes 2) Will JW have Thursday drop of more than 10%? Yes 3) Will JW increase more than 83% on Friday? Yes 4) Will Inside Out make more than 65 million? Yes 5) Will IO finish less than 17.5 million back of JW? No 6) Will Spy drop less than 35%? Yes 7) Will Pitch Perfect drop more than 30%? No 8) Will any film increase more than 83% on Friday? Yes 9) Will the top 10 films add up to more than 205 million? Yes 10) Will JW be at more than 800 million WW by Monday morning, meaning Sunday numbers count (only estimates will count). Yes 11) Will Dope have an increase on Saturday? Yes 12) Will JW and IO add up to more than 152 million? Yes 10/12 3000 11/12 4000 12/12 600 What finishes in spots 5 Dope 7 Insidious 9 Avengers 12 Love and Mercy 2000 each 3000 bonus for all spots correct Bonus 1: What does JW make on Saturday? 5000 35.22 Bonus 2: What does IO make on Friday? 5000 23.2
  6. In America, the season finale set a new series high with 8.12 million first-run viewers despite going against one of the highest rated NBA games in a long time, so I guess that whole "all deez changes Ding and Dumbby are making from the books are driving people away in drovvveeess" posts were for naught, huh?
  7. True, but apparently the people running the park had no idea it could camouflage and were appalled at the idea, and also the raptor intelligence wouldn't really show up in a cage, so what were the corporate types so excited about?
  8. Really, what was the big deal with the I-Rex? Why would it possibly boost revenues this insane amount? It looked exactly like a T-Rex with a few more spikes. I expected it to sprout wings or do some awesome hybrid dinosaur shit. It was just like a slightly faster T-Rex.
  9. She doesn't want to indicate to Khal Drogo's former men that she has remarried.
  10. She doesn't want to indicate to Khal Drogo's former men that she has remarried.
  11. Oh, I know that for sure. I've made that same exact argument to Sun's Son and other pessimists like 20 times in the past two weeks. But Jon's death is significant because to casual viewers he was THE protagonist of this series and it symbolizes something so bleak that if something good doesn't come soon people will turn away. Maybe I'm overreacting a bit, but the Unsullied on my Twitter and Facebook feed have gone cuckoo for motherfuckin Cocoa Puffs. They're swearing the show off unless he comes back. Also a possibility that I'm up past my bedtime and my mind is failing me. The night is dark and full of terrors etc.
  12. ^Yea this is what I'm talking about might want to find a way to make it clear Jon's not dead guys. It's funny: the Red Wedding accelerated the show into the stratosphere because of how balls to the all insane it was, but FTW could derail it. That and the rape scene might be just enough to turn enough people off that it hurts the show and cuts down the budget. Dear lord, I hope not- I'm one of the few book readers who really enjoyed this season and will defend it.
  13. Oh, no way would he just flat out spoil it and say "Yea, I'm not dead" but I feel as if he'd give a mild hint or clue that people should tune in.
  14. I agree completely. His arc makes absolutely no sense otherwise, and was a complete waste of time. But who knows? Maybe he is just a nihilist. Maybe the entire point is that there is no point. As to "of course he won't say he's coming back!" I believe that they would at least hint at it to give a glimmer of hope. This could be the straw that breaks the camels back and makes viewers leave. Not a ton, but enough to hurt with the budget so high, and I've defended the hell out of this season. There's no point for people to watch if every single one of their favorites die and there's no hope in anything. The show needs to give the hint he might be back to keep people from fleeing.
  15. http://www.vulture.com/2015/06/kit-harington-couldnt-wait-for-you-to-find-out.html Either this is the biggest con in TV history, or he's really dead.
  16. Obviously R+L=J is set up in the books, but it just feels too obvious. Like somebody is fantasy booking it. I just doubt things that seem obvious. Then again, maybe not. I hope he's alive.
  17. Oh, the version I read said that he recently cut his hair and beard, but maybe he's growing it back out again. I just think...I don't know. I agree the Wall story would be pointless if he stays dead but I've always taking all of George's hints that he ISN'T dead as proof that he is, just like I've taken his hints that R+L=J is true as confirmation that it isn't. I just feel like he wouldn't hint so blatantly. It just feels like trolling. The main reason I don't think he's back for a significant role next season is that it would be impossible to hide him filming and in marketing material.
  18. Like I said, I'm probably a sucker, but for some reason it felt very genuine. We shall see. Certainly he won't be back in a major role till season 7.
  19. Maybe I'm just a sucker, but I think he's dead dead, mostly because Harrington in his post-show interview seemed to make it exceedingly clear that he's very much really dead.
  20. I actually think not having Neil or Goldblum added a ton of money by disconnecting it from the "old hat" last couple of entries and re-establishing it as a fresh, hip new franchise with bankable stars while still maintaining just enough nostalgia to hit the perfect combination.
  21. Check his name history. It's fucking water, guys. As if he hadn't trolled hard enough tonight, he tops himself with this one.
  22. What Tele said. Also, it costs a few bucks extra to book a ticket online because of the service charge, which may not seem like alot, but if you're a struggling family who has only saved up enough money to see maybe one movie every month or two, it can make all the difference. That's why alot of people I know avoid it- they don't want to pay a convenience fee.
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