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Everything posted by Crusader

  1. This also bugged me yet I'm a total Burn Notice fan and that show also has narration strange huh
  2. Right John Moore is in bottom 3 filmmakers right now so I had my expectations insanely low. He also made Behind Enemy Lines which offended me greatly but hey will Hollywood ever portray my country the right way ? of course not With that being said this is a Die Hard movie and even though the fourth one was bad and wasn't really what Die Hard's about I started watching wanting to like something ... anything ... Nonsensical action, terrible plotting, awful directing, piss poor editing, atrocious dialogue you name it its all there Van Damme makes 10 times better DTD movies And here's the kicker - I couldn't even stomach watching more than 30 minutes of this ... yep didn't even dignify this piece of shit a whole viewing 1/10 Shame on you Bruce shame on you ,,, its not like he's in a Nic Cage type of financial problems this is the character that started his movie career and the one he's most famous for and this is how you shit on your own legacy ???
  3. So is anyone watching the awesome 'nothing held back' final season ? 6 episodes to go ...
  4. Damn my bias with Wolvie is really showing I am so gonna be in the minority that liked this
  5. Well well well it seems not every SH movie this summer is gonna suck Other than a wooden actress playing Mariko and therefore a bit of a stretch in the second act where they 'fall for each other' and that clunky third act that must have been rewritten since supposedly the original script didn't have it ( hence why they called it brilliant ) this is a pretty solid SH movie ... feels very personal but also I must wonder how much you will be invested without being the fan of the character or having seen all the previous movies I would give it an 8 but since I'm very biased when it comes to Wolverine and at my heart I can't forgive em for not going full throttle and finishing without the snake-lady and a giant robot but with more of a subdued climax all in all its a VERY strong 7/10 DOFP better deliver
  6. so there will be a movie ? Good to know I liked the show overall but once Elba's out of the picture it just becomes ... super silly He really holds it together Bring on the movie indeed
  7. Each and every blockbuster movie that came out this summer was bad IM3 STID FF6 TH3 MOS WHD PR AE WWZ all bad films ... one way or another
  8. Why ? Those clips tell you exactly what the movie is about without revealing any of the tense drama that's gonna happen after first 20 or so minutes of it This is the way trailer should be done
  9. Also a Corto Maltese film Ballad of The Salt Sea or that one set in Siberia Leo as Corto and Johnny Depp as Rasputin ... my mind would melt from that
  10. Yeah but there's also the eccentricness,crazy eyes and that nose of his ... he's perfect for it IMO As far as everyone's favorite pick to play Cleopatra I guess Lawrence could do it
  11. Lock this if we already have a topic for this Its basically what movie would you like to see and specifically do you have an actor in mind for a certain character in it For example I always ( but I never will sadly ) wanted to see Tom Cruise play Napoleon in this long epic biopic about the man ... I also have it ending with him delivering a legendary speech to his generals and then walking off into the light in his last battle Now, reasons why its impossible are clear but boy oh boy I think the midget would totally own the role and not just physically
  12. And summer 2013 strikes again ! ( at least for me ) First off lemme just say this when its fun its fun ... but its not fun a lot isn't it ? I mean when you come down to it there are only 4 action sequences ( the take over, lawn chase, helicopter strike, air strike aka the finale ) and frankly, while they are good, they are not nearly enough to get me through the flat parts of the movie which is the majority of it. Then I must mention this ( and also hold it as a flaw ) 150 mil ?????????? on fucking what ? cgi shot of a plane taking off ??? helicopters flying ( and I don't mean that part where they fly between buildings ... every part where they fly ) they couldn't get a single shot of actual helicopters flying ? also explosions each and every one of them looked like tv shit... cgi in whole was terrible and on par with OHF. Die Hard 4 cost 110 mil and got way more spectacular and practical stuff onscreen... I was thoroughly unimpressed with the scope and bad CGI. I get that Emmerich does his shit a tad below Bruckheimer in terms of spending but he usually puts the money on the screen ... I'm being real now I could have made this movie for 100 mil ... if OHF cost 70 mil than I would've managed this with 100. Hollywood is really going ballistic with the budgets ... its like they exist only to be big not to actually make the movie better in any way The movie just felt off to me ... comedy was good I guess and Tatum has IT but despite the light and fun script that comes out through this mess everything around him ( except Foxx and Woods somewhat ) just completely and totally lets him down ... I mean its supposed to be this buddy movie on the side and yet it takes like 45 minutes for Tatum and Foxx to find their way to each other and after 40 minutes or so they are split up again only to be brought together in the end again My point is that it kinda goes through the motions and nothing really flows the way it should This is IMO a very flawed movie and what's more irritating is the fact that it could and SHOULD have been much more than this ... I thought Emmerich got this shit on lock but I was seriously mistaken ... Fuqua and him should have switched and directed each other's movie Idk I guess its a 5/10 cause I have to drop my criteria a bit it seems otherwise I'm gonna be called a hater and a snob
  13. Thanks If that is the case then the ending is slightly more tolerable but still irritatingly very much a cop out
  14. Brilliant ... but its Tarkovsky so its to be expected watch it and be in awe 10/10
  15. LMAO is this the one with Shaq ? fuckin classic
  16. I thought this wasn't as bad as suggested Sure it was bad but nothing we don't get on monthly basis nowadays 4/10 So pretty much on par with MOS IMO
  17. Yes it is but as I said in the 'most shocking endings' topic in speakeasy its completely illogical He shoots them and then the convoy comes from the front instead of coming from the back ?!?! To me this shocked me more than the 'shocking' ending in some way ... it just totally bugged me out
  18. I don't get the hype Dave Chappelle wipes the floor with him ( but then again he does so with everyone else )
  19. Hmm this is the only animated movie that transported me to its setting with the atmosphere and everything ... even Mononoke which I loved more couldn't do it on the same level as this add a mindfuckish story and its 9/10
  20. I'm in the 'needs explanation' camp That shit they pulled at the end just couldn't fly 6/10
  21. LETS ALL ATTACK BAUMER'S OPINIONS ON RANDOM MOVIES !!! After all his opinion is so important that we must challenge it if we don't agree or better yet argue with him in order to change it
  22. To be frank baumer I don't think he is in minority ... and I'm not talking about movie geeks like us here I'm talking about audience in general Regular people that are seeing it around here ain't got a lot of good things to say about it
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