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Everything posted by Crusader

  1. If you're not joking we agree on every aspect ! Except I thought Clooney was the only good part at least his charisma could get through I do feel like its a movie to sorta 'trick' people to read more into it than there really is
  2. I know right ? Guess I'm one of those 2 people out of a 100 that didn't like it ( though judging by the reception in my cinema it divided a lot of people ... more liked it though TBH )
  3. I didn't like the film Its not a bad film but I couldn't get into it after the first 30 minutes were up
  4. I don't wanna rain on everyone's parade here but this year can suck my dick movie-wise Its not bad but its just soooooo overrated IMO I liked the components ( director, actors, scope, music etc ) but the film was such a predictable manipulating affair that I was actually defending some of the aspects of it given how much most of the group I went along with hated it ( I talked them into going of course ) 4/10 Clooney was the brightest spot of the film by a mile
  5. Great horror movie Cronenberg to and fro and above else you can never forget it it stays with you for years to come and that's an attribute of great films I'd never thought I give such a disgusting movie a 9/10 but here it is
  6. Hey I'm seeing this tomorrow they moved up the release over here I suppose ... I think it was due to come out on the 10th sweet !
  7. I can't wait to watch this This is such an amazing story and its ashamed americans are into that going around in circles racing thing instead of F-1 Rivalries like this one are absent now from F-1 which is such a shame ... but I guess when there are less higher stakes its not as thrilling I heard Bruhl nails Lauda
  8. yeah but you know they'll all be back in like 4 or 5 episodes ( even though I don't mind the higher stakes job Beckett is doing now ) I was mainly referring to Castle being in threat which is not exactly and ordinary stuff ( usually its Beckett ) ... also these 2 parter episodes are really good and while I realize that you can't have it all the time ( show would switch to serial instead of procedural obviously ... though Burn Notice did do that and the show actually improved when it was getting quite stale ) I think that 3 or 4 two-parters per season would be nice Premiere,finale and somewhere in the middle Hopefully this isn't the only one this season
  9. excellent premiere last night show hasn't been this exciting since season 3 finale IMO
  10. Its ok B movie fun First one is still the best ... mainly cause its original this one does a lot of the same stuff which is kinda disappointing On a side note wasn't it ridiculous that the father of the character that died 10 years ago had around 40 years here ? and his sone was around 30 in the first movie ? I remember the character from the first movie so it kinda bugged me 6/10
  11. Paula Patton is really hot and her voice is such a turn on ... great tits too I mean that topless scene had no other reason to exist except for us to see her boobs ... which was fine by me as she really does have nice boobs I am talking about Paula Patton's boobs because nothing whatsoever is memorable from this movie ( which I saw an hour ago ) aside from that 5/10 She's not a good actress though oh yeah Marky Mark and Zel are in this too and they shoot guns ( hence the title )
  12. Really great 9/10 What happened to Wolfgang Petersen afterwards IDK but this is as good as you get When they were waiting in silence for brits to pass them I was seriously on the edge
  13. Well last night ( or early this morning whatever ) I was bored and couldn't sleep so I decided to give this one a go given that its sci fi action and I like that particular genre and I loved the original so yeah First off I don't dislike Wiseman ... matter of fact when he's directing this big stupid action stuff he's better than Bay IMO My problems with this movie were the following : paint by numbers remake of the original Kate Beckinsale is hot and all but I seriously cannot buy this woman as a freakin Terminator which she obviously was in this movie also her character was sooooo supposed to die in the elevator chase scene but due to her 'connection' with the movie she was unnecessarily kept in till the end car ( well those hovering things ) chase was a complete mess seriously underwritten characters seriously underwritten plot no logic ( the fall is a tunnel and the only way to get to the other side of the planet ???? in a future where technology is like this ? I mean in the end when he destroys that thing that travels through the earth and closes the hole they are safe ? there are no airplanes but they do have hovering cars and all that other stuff ? also they were going to invade this really huge place with 50000 soldiers ? come on now writers don't be so fucking lazy ) Good stuff - Again I don't mind Wiseman ... if he was to work with better scripts he might be able to produce a decent movie ... while he does rip off plenty of other directors out there he does keep me entertained during action scenes somewhat ... they are nicely choreographed too Farrell is a solid leading man ... I guess the audience never gave him a proper chance ( he's a star but he's not much successful in big movies ) The one thing I disliked about the original is the very ending. Even when I watched it for the first time as a kid I thought that at the end all of it would turn out to be a fantasy at Rekall ... well here Wiseman practically does that ( I saw the director's cut I guess ) with a scene that totally reveals that Now if this was the original movie I would have rated it a bit higher but with all this stuff I mentioned I give it 5/10
  14. I am fairly certain it will air around new year So december/january then
  15. did you honestly believe that even for a second ? well I knew someone would have to sacrifice his/her life and Madeline was the logical choice I guess being the oldest and all Very fitting finale and Kevin Bacon show has been quite great these last 2 seasons so you missed out on a lot of good stuff ... they really ended on a high note I knew they would end the show with them helping someone out as an homage to the old days and format of the show ... I just thought Michael and Fi would be with them too Still, I loved this show and I though this was a very fitting ending of it all Bye Michael Westen
  16. Yeah we all know that won't happen though I'm super excited for tonight's finale ... despite a few hiccups here and there ( cough season 5 cough ) this has been an excellent popcorn show and I will miss it
  17. Face it baumer - this guys gets worse every year a bit of trivia - I've seen bits of all his films but I've only seen The longest Yard and Dictator in its entirety
  18. Another masterpiece by the genius Tarkovsky
  19. Well this is one of the greatest films of all time Imagery is beautiful, the direction is perhaps the most ambitious I've ever seen and the philosophy you mentioned Tele along with symbols just cut into your mind and get deeply inside of you ... this is as thought provoking as you can get on film that long shot with 3 of them in front of the room pondering = perfection 10/10 Sadly, this film is definitely not for everyone
  20. For reasons somewhat unclear I too am most fond of this one after the first Even though it does slide easily into ridiculous territory concerning action pieces it kinda entertained me more than the second one and it was more cohesive than the third one I'd say a 7/10
  21. Which was a good call seeing how her 'directorial debut' was a straight up bullshit propaganda movie Oh yeah right - suck it Jolie !
  22. I am glad something finally lived up to the hype This summer was the worst one in my life regarding quality of the movies I'm almost 25 so that's not saying THAT much but yeah ...
  23. Such a great feelgood movie This is what romcoms should all aspire to do 9/10
  24. SIMON IS COMING BACK IN THE NEXT EP !!! I seriously can't wait ... hopefully they manage to tie everything together with only 3 episodes left
  25. This season is gonna break records as far as viewing figures go in UK The hype is insane That teaser is brilliant ... almost as much as Watson's mustache
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