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Everything posted by Crusader

  1. Watch as Alice in Wonderland reviews get copy/pasted for this movie
  2. Danny boy Kathryn Bigelow is my personal choice too ... she would be a very interesting choice IMO
  3. Tarantino is not the right choice nor would he do it IMO ... it would have to be written by him and filmed like he wants it to But I'd definitely anticipate a Tarantino Bond flick more than I have any other Bond
  4. This along with Raiders and Schindler's List is Spielberg's best work IMO of course
  5. If the ever make a definitive top 10 underrated films list this one should be on it Amazing 9/10
  6. Thank god I'm not alone I thought there was something wrong with me I felt pretty much the same minus the acting props as I do not consider constant yelling legitimate acting and LOL at Lawrence for winning over Riva such a shameful win I get sick in my stomach just thinking about it
  7. I've seen SLP and now I've seen Amour And Jennifer Lawrence winning for playing that wacky chick who likes to yell in a ( bad ) rom com flick against the 80 something actress flawlessly capturing what my grandmother is going through right now ? L O L ! Riva should have won on the basis of just taking on a role like that at her age it must have been incredibly hard Whoever mentions the old 'academy members are a bunch of old farts who give awards to other old farts' again ... look no further than this travesty right here to shut him up
  8. fucking agreed people will go see a movie if it interests them ... if economy is down and overall business is down that only means that those original and good movies will make even more as people are gonna be real picky about what they see
  9. You can say that about every film out there ... different folks different strokes and such Care to elaborate what you liked about it ?
  10. Indy doesn't fire a single bullet 3/10 obviously I have other reasons for disliking it ( the fridge, forcing Shia in, uninteresting storyline, horrible third act... and not good first 2 either and so on ) but I just wanted to point this out
  11. Its a 9/10 movie for the first 2 acts Its a 4/10 in the final one Its a 13/20 movie Which makes the final grade 6.5/10 Is there anyone in the world who liked the third act ? like literally ANYONE ?
  12. Yeah this proves Rock can draw in some people ... I mean this genre is practically dead so 12-13 mil on OW is good enough
  13. I fail to see how Bad Boys 3 is gonna make a profit for the studio Lets see Last one was budgeted at 130 mil Will Smith and Bay are gonna inflate the budget with their salaries so you are looking at the say 25 mil expansion on that 130 mil number just to get these two ... you add in another 5 mil boost for Lawrence who's gonna go like ' yeah I maybe need to pay the studio to be in this one for the sake of my career but what the hell as long as you're paying these guys so much give me some cheddar too! ' That's 160 Now production obviously needs to expand on the previous movie as sequels always need to be bigger ( they don't actually but Hollywood thinks they do ) ... add in the natural budget inflation over the last decade and we are looking at a minimum budget of 200 MIL! And that's the best case scenario IMO ... So previous movie made 270 mil ... sure that one was rated R and you can bet that studio is going to go for PG-13 this time around ... which brings us to another watered down action flick situation but still it should somewhat help BO How is this going to recoup the money invested ... especially when you factor in Smith and Bay % deals ? It has to gross over 600 mil to be deemed successful ... and frankly I don't know about that
  14. I pretty much never do this but ... revising my grade to a perfect 10 I've never questioned life and death and human soul and this movie got me to think about all that ... since that's pretty monumental stuff I think its fair to give this movie a flawless mark and rank it up there with the greatest films of all time for me Everything I said still stands ...its just amplified now
  15. I was kinda on the fence how to start my major write up ... and then as usual I realized I don't need it I'll just keep it brief Forgive me for this but this just may be the biggest conformist film I ever saw There's no acting there's only yelling ... but because lines are being yelled out by young and hot actors its considered good acting apparently Its no different than your regular rom com ... except that its worse cause it tries so hard to be this quasi serious film but to me it only ends up with some white american problems that only they can relate to In the end this takes the crown for the most overrated film of 2012 4/10
  16. With under 100 mil DOM and so so results OS do we have hope that this will struggle for 250 mil WW ?
  17. DH is a fifth movie in a franchise that has its fair share of fans so its not like it won't be frontloaded
  18. Even with 10 mil OD DH is not touching 50 mil Who are they kidding With all factors involved 40 mil is the target ... trust me
  19. Another classic obviously God I love Leone so much
  20. Then you clearly misunderstood Dredd ... character is not only older than Rambo he's also nothing like him Rambo is a very emotion-driven character while Dredd is most certainly not Like I mentioned somewhere in this thread Dredd is a cross between these characters Dirty Harry, Robocop and Terminator
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