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Everything posted by Crusader

  1. Even though overall I did like it it does feel like there's no overall story advancing in this one You have Cumberbatch as your villain who can be menacing only by speaking and then he plays an actual super human with all these strength and intelligence and you resort to this ? I felt like the only thing STID did totally right in that underwhelming ending was keeping Khan alive so that he can come back in another sequel to wreck havoc the right way
  2. 500 mil WW will happen which is not too shabby If DOM numbers approach or exceed 300 then 550 oughta be happening too
  3. This was pretty good but not as good as the first one 2 things that are top notch here - Cumberbatch and Abrams Cumberbatch has a very underwritten and underdeveloped role yet he totally owned the screen and made the most of it ... get behind the hype and watch Sherlock you'll be amazed Abrams because once again he was working off of a pretty lame/bad script yet gave another solid blockbuster A generous Cumberbatch induced 8/10 miles better than IM3 that's for sure
  4. Hmm this one is kinda great all throughout but then that end sequence with the helicopter and the train kinda ruins it and coincidentally sets the tone for the rest of this ongoing series Up till then its your regular spy movie with action but actually believable action all in all I would say 7/10
  5. Hmmm people might be thrown off because of I mean sure if ( 'when' is more suitable here since its Cuaron ) the movie is great they oughta forgive it but still its nice that such a big star decided to do a supporting/cameo kind of role ... its probably cause its gonna be a kickass movie and he/she felt it
  6. <3 Finally I have a comrade in my battle !
  7. IT won't drop that much but people who think IM3 has good WOM are very mistaken IMO its reception is very mixed if my crowd is anything to go by I expect it to barely top 60 mil this weekend
  8. Sounds like its gonna hit around 45-50 mil for the weekend to me I'm not quite sure about over 50 mil Still a great success
  9. You can chalk it up to the fact that he's a made up persona ... therefore there's no need for it to make sense That's the running theme of the movie ( nonsense ) just look at Guy Pearce aka The Dragon
  10. I think mine are Avengers 8 IM1 7 Thor 7 IM2 4 Cap 5 IM3 2
  11. Umm Mandarin was changed precisely because of China ... they are strict with the portrayal of Chinese and if he was this OTT offensive chinese villain they would ban the film At World's End had to cut Chow Yun Fat's character cause of film's primitive portrayal of Chinese btw its the least problem with the film uneven pacing, plot holes and numerous other things are much more important
  12. LMAO at all this philosophy behind this very bad and shallow film with a Shyamalan kind of stupidity 2/10 so much conformism around here
  13. I agree with the general consensus ... there are a few problems I had with the style Scott chose and he didn't quite transition the 2 movies in one thing all that well but yeah he pulled off the emotion perfectly Thanks to one of Denzel's best performances and Fanning's actual best performance on screen 8/10
  14. Yep its a real triumph and the music is good too which is rarely mentioned 'the legend of Ashitaka' is one of the greatest pieces in history of soundtracks
  15. Umm about the making money part ... Bay, Wahlberg and Johnson have back end salaries which means that the films needs to gross way more than your regular movie in order to be profitable for the STUDIO I'm pretty sure anything below 70 mil won't cover it
  16. Damn saw this like few days ago Insanely dumb 3/10
  17. I am very glad that ya'll didn't bring in my boy Van Damme in this conversation cause everyone knows he has the best accent of all time
  18. Here's a pretty damn spoilerish video of sherlock series 3 filming Damn I thought I had it figured out ... hopefully this scene they shot is part of the reveal of 'how did he do it' and takes place before the fall
  19. Excellent cast On a side note while Del Toro did put his name on quite a few mediocre to bad movies ( in terms of producing ) and while his american commercial films like Blade 2 or Hellboy didn't quite live up to his name I got one movie for ya Pan's Labyrinth end of discussion
  20. I haven't read the book and I generally didn't like this movie The thing is it all starts rather well ( yes even with shaky cam and all ) but once the game starts they make all the wrong choices ... like Fishnets mentioned on the previous page Peeta kills a girl ... that's a pretty big moment for the character yet they decide against it in order to have 2 righteous heroes in the end so one of them can be a male too Games were boring as hell and the little girl dying left zero impact on me and for anyone else who didn't read the book ... in my theater someone even said 'are we supposed to care cause she's black ?' ... no one got the big deal about that ... I got that its probably cause the book gives much more to the character but this is a FILM ... its supposed to be viewed as independent from the book Final 30 minutes are just WTF
  21. Good film 8/10 If the female lead could actually emote then it might have been even better ... for some reason directors think that asian female characters should be a tree and nothing more
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