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Everything posted by Crusader

  1. the ONLY reason this is below Heat is the fact that Tom Cruise clearly had his way with the script a bit terminatorizing his character ( who was perfect the way he was and the way Tom played him so there was no need for it really ) in the final act of the film Otherwise its another LA noir crime drama that Michael Mann should be making all the time 9/10
  2. Goddamn it it is a bit unrealistic at times but I just saw it for like the 10th time and its 1 am and I am dog tired but I still sat through the whole thing even though my eyes were shutting off like at 8 pm ( had a looooong day after a night with very little sleep ) so yeah 10/10 classic
  3. What you guys don't mention from all this is that once the studio sells the rights to a movie OS they don't get the usual 40-45 % of the gross They get little to no money from its OS performance since the distributor ( rightfully - since they paid for it ) have the rights to the movie in their respective territories Sometimes this bites em in their asses since a movie does much better OS than DOM
  4. I don't wanna go too deep into it but I agree with the majority Its an excellent movie albeit a bit flawed ... sorta like Spike Lee movies ... strong throughout but don't quite cut it in the last 15-20 minutes 8/10 excellent performances though
  5. Yeah Pitt can go there but see he's an actor and he's a megastar so all these roles he takes on while I don't always think it works I respect em ... I mean he could have had a Will Smith like-career if he wanted to but he chose a more interesting path He's in 12 years a slave this year too as a supporting player and that one is apparently pretty great
  6. Market is kinda empty right now 500 mil is doable
  7. The governor is drawing zombies to the gates and has an inside man feeding them with rats to keep them there That's what I think Good episode last night
  8. HELICOPTERS COULDN"T CARRY A ROBOT THAT HEAVY THIS FILM FAILS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously though some of you need to get a grip ... Independence Day anyone ? Hell I don't even love it as much as most people do and I get what its supposed to be about My impressions - fights = awesome -needed a full on daytime fight scene though not just a tidbit here and there - acting - for the most part b-level awareness awesome ( my man Elba stood out ) - question though and I'm being totally serious here ... did Hunnam and americans playing australians act horrible on purpose or they went for the same type of b-movie full on cheese and failed ? I mean ok the american australians I get they are supporting but either Hunnam is really terrible at acting ( which according to many isn't the case ... I'm not familiar with his other work ) or he ain't good enough to realize the fine line you have to walk in a movie like this - excellent A class world building ( hugely important in a movie like this ) - what's up with the rushed prologue ... surely Del Toro could realize that he needed at least another 5 minutes of it - so much anime influence ( that's a plus ) - Film kinda dragged a bit story-wise in the first hour ... it was a bit of a heavy watch regarding plot checkpoints they had to go through ... they should have inserted a full on daytime battle here ... with those stereotypical chinese and russian pilots and their jaegers ... would've made the Hong Kong fight even more better - which brings me to a feeling that the movie peaked there and not during the final boss fight ... I wasn't very fond of Avengers-type of ending but yeah I saw it coming totally - even though in order to go full on stereotypical and cheesy you need to do it how it used to be done its still a little annoying how the japanese girl was in love with Hunnam's character and yet he didn't see her like that at all - not having a love arc is totally refreshing though so I'll let it slide - Ron Perlman and his kaiju-dealing operation from 'Bone Slums' = 80's perfection ... like Total Recall-kind of perfection Overall I loved it even though it seems I have a lot of issues with it it certainly is the most fun I've had this summer So in that regard its a little above STID and FF6 and therefore I'm giving it an 8/10 best summer blockbuster
  9. I have a companion ! we're 2 man crowd now
  10. I'll see it for Arnie I like Sly too but Arnie was always the one for these cheesy roles ... he's much more charismatic
  11. Its not a funny feeling its probably true I mean I really think that this is 'just good' at best At least I see actual dialogue not people just shouting over each other so I'm up for it
  12. very good film I can see why QT loves it so much 8/10
  13. your point is mute I saw most of Tarkovsky's and Bergman's work and loved it all Same goes for Kubrick's Odyssey I didn't like this film and its my right not to like it ... honestly its starting to feel like a bandwagon right now I would elaborate even further and deeper why I didn't like this film but since all its getting is praise I'm not gonna post something that is clearly irrelevant to anyone but me I'm glad so many people love this film ... I'm just the odd man out I guess
  14. I liked this Cage is the one of the most WTF is he doing actors around but in here he worked 7/10
  15. Since I'm the only person in the world that didn't like it I guess I'll answer YES Still didn't like it
  16. much like the film itself though I think its a good number ... it has older-skewing stars and an october release 35-40 mil OW will happen ... not sure about topping 40 mil though but I guess it could happen
  17. Another thing - unnecessary sexualization I am no expert so correct me if I'm wrong but don't astronauts wear diapers when in space suits ? I find it hard to believe that they ( females especially ) wear such revealing underwear and nothing else except that ? If you are going for realism then go for realism don't let actress and her agent interfere with requests to show off her body in the sexiest way possible The space diaper thing I saw on some documentary a while back ... apparently during take off, landing and while in outer space they HAVE to wear that thing
  18. I knew too I mean the trailer practically gives it away that he's gonna be dying However, I find it very odd that all these moviegoers ( you and me included ) thought that the outcome would be any different that the satisfactory ? I mean the movie does go by-numbers regarding plot so there was no reason to assume it would pull Buried on us ... once the emotional monologues started I was just praying for something to shock me in order to make me care about anything that was happening on screen And, mind you, I did care in the first 30 minutes Now I won't be seeing this again in theaters because 1 I didn't like it obviously and 2 cause tickets were so damn expensive and I payed for my GF and me ( yeah it sucks I know ) but I am actually eager to check it out again down the road since I am truly lost at the reception for this movie I feel like either everyone's being fooled or I simply don't get the joke
  19. Judging by the comment section on coming soon's FB page ( my only way to see how people from all over the world are reacting to a certain movie ) I am not alone in my thinking I would also like for any of you guys to tell me did you really find it 'nerve-wrecking' or whatever the reviews called it ? I thought that after Clooney it was just your average task-filling ( insert emotion here and there ) thing I am really surprised I didn't like it given all the hype and general reception but I am firmly standing by my opinion As an art film it failed to move me and as a mainstream movie it failed to excite me Children of Men wasn't all that hot in the first hour but the final act of that film was amazing which turned around my opinion of the movie ... here both second and third acts are a choir to sit through
  20. really ? I thought as soon as Clooney was gone it was obvious who's gonna make it ... from that point on the movie suffered a great deal IMO as it lost all the tension about who makes it out. It was just a bunch of obstacles the main character was supposed to overcome both physically and emotionally and you already knew the outcome. That's how I saw it at least Buried was a movie that handled this kind of survivalist story much better in that regard
  21. I am being serious though I generally thought it was very mediocre ... and what he said I really do agree with
  22. The show will be set and filmed in London Well that's certainly a great news ... though I imagine it will be expensive especially for a summer 12-episode show
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