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Everything posted by Crusader

  1. It will be fighting a lot of movies but anything from 600 to 700 is a go
  2. Dexter often doesn't know what kind of movie he's watching so he reviews Dredd in the same way he would review Schindler's List
  3. It broke the record in Serbia for most weeks in the theaters for a foreign film ( 40 something ) ... in modern times I can't account for anything from 10 + years ago Gross is small and irrelevant but its a fun little fact
  4. I fuckin love this movie and I can't exactly explain why ... I mean there ain't nothing special about it whatsoever but it just works for me 9/10 I think I saw it like 4 or 5 times
  5. My biggest quarrels were this - PG-13 ... yeah I know its rated R but its blatantly clear it was meant to have a PG-13 rating since curse words were downgraded to few 'shits' and the blood was CGI Major ball dropping right there ... and you can bet it was Sly's and studio's decision not West - Van Damme was awesome ( he needs to play villains in the future too ... his face got so dark and gloomy with the years of drinking and doing coke he really is villainous looking ) therefore he should have had a more expanded and thought out role ... you can tell he was making stuff up and his one liners I bet were his own. And they were the best part of the movie along with Lundgren - Final fight was just lazy and wrong and I cannot forgive them for that ... a bunch of throwing around 2 kicks from Van Damme and that's it ???? Fuck you whoever choreographed that shit ... hell from all the action movies I saw in my life ( and I saw A LOT ) I would have done a better job that shit is just inexcusable ... if it wasn't for Van Damme and his lines that scene would have been downright embarrassing In case you didn't notice I love JCVD - The plot could have been tighter ... I mean it just was a little over the place and not structured well at all ... came close to completely crashing down during the middle and the Chuck Norris cameo Overall I guess I liked it ... and I did thought it was better than the first which was a letdown to me ... but I can't get over things mentioned above
  6. I fail to see how it will do 500 WW It opened in the end of january its not gonna have the best of holds
  7. In 5 years everyone will know who Cumberbatch is And everyone should watch Sherlock like NOW
  8. Her calling Renner a semi-star is actually one of the most spot on things she has said like ever
  9. I don't like either of them ( I'll take Van Damme anytime over Statham ) but you are wrong about JLo's popularity, internationally that is. She's still a major star in lots of places ... that won't help Parker at all ( since she's not a movie star ) but its true
  10. Its hard enough when western world paints a terrible picture of you in the media but when idiots from your country do it too just so they can shock people and make them turn heads its more despicable than the movie itself Anyone who met serbian people know they are fun and easy going ... media picture is just ... wrong btw we have a new disgusting movie but this time its teen porn and its called KLIP (clip ) so if anyone is up for underage sex scenes ( dick and pussy included in the shots ) this one's for you
  11. The 130 minute version is one hell of a film 10/10 The 100 minute one - pretty good but not the same film watch the 130 minute cut !
  12. Its good ( well for the genre ) up till the end Then Reacher calls up a shooting range owner who brings a gun for himself and not for Reacher ... this is on top of the fact that Reacher can't get a gun on his own yet he can disappear like a ghost whenever he pleases The cop's motivation is totally left out Basically I thought it was all right till the end but then it became very implausible 5/10
  13. I am now officially stoked for this Whenever I see it ... it better fucking deliver !
  14. Filming moved to march but late 2013 air date is still on God if they push it back to 2014 I'm not going to be able to hold myself together Its already killing me that I have to wait a year
  15. Was watching this on youtube lol and yeah I gotta command Guy Pearce here He knew the movie was shit even by B-movie standards yet he gave the character everything he got He's a real discovery in terms of action heroes to me ... he needs a Dredd-like movie to service him right in terms of story and action movie is crap though make no mistake about it Filmed entirely in the studios and few locations in my city lol
  16. I should have seen this move back when it came out but it never got released in theaters here and later it sorta slipped from my mind Well now that I have seen it I can join everyone here praising it First off - the wolves metaphor was great - Liam being the alpha of the human pack and all Speaking of Liam - character's story about his wife and Neeson's own personal being so parallel ( his wife passed away few years ago ) amplified his performance and I can only admire him for taking this role As for the ending much like in film like say Buried it was excellent and what you needed to see and not what you wanted 8/10 Top 10 of the year no doubt
  17. This N-word bullshit needs to stop On another note terrific for Miserables ... this ensures a great run And another winner for QT with Django ... its a QT movie therefore somewhat frontloaded but 100 mil is LOCKED
  18. I said I wouldn't watch this and I did ( well sorta ... I was skipping a lot cause it was awfully boring ) First off I may not be a fan but this ain't Spiderman ... its too dark and serious and at the same time even more outrageous than the previous movies Garfield sucked and Emma Stone wasn't much better too Villain makes the case for one of the weakest one yet in comic book adaptions There are plots completely abandoned ... the first hour or so is a carbon copy of the first SM movie I admit I'm not a fan of those they are fun while you're watching them but nothing to write home about ... however soapish and also dragging they were too Raimi at least managed to capture the look of a SM movie and the train fight in SM2 is easily better than all the action from this one put together There are also a bunch of just bad and uber cheesy scenes like the bridge scene or the crane one Why was thing movie made again ? Oh yeah cuz it HAD to be made But just because it was in that kind of predicament there's no excuse for it absolutely sucking balls And since people are just plain sheep there's a sequel coming 3/10 ... and I'm being totally generous here
  19. Here's the link and photos for Radcliffe storyhttp://www.facebook....pe=1&permPage=1That dude is fucking proper too
  20. Emir Kusturica who is the most prominent Serbian director also happens to be one of Depp's closest friends and he invited him over for Kusturica's film festival ... which is really low key it takes place on a freakin mountain there are like 2 screens with 300 seats tops Well he brought in Depp for a 3 day visit and Depp was just walking around the village by himself and like 2 people tops one of which was his manager ... he talked to people took endless photos ... he got hammered one night with our local drink called rakija which is hard as fuck especially for foreigners and he was up tomorrow doing film workshop with a bunch of film students for the entire day There's all sorts of other stuff my friend told me all about it ... she was there and her family is also a friend of Kusturica's so she even hung out with Depp So like his movies or not this dude is pretty chill and his cool factor is like 500 % Another fun fact about Depp is back in the 90's when he visited Serbia he crashed this gig at an underground club where a local cult punk band was playing and they invited him onto stage where he played with them for like an hour and at one time someone through a glass bottle and hit him in the head ( hey its an underground punk club this shit happens ) and he still continued to play even though he almost got knocked out Here's a video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1C574mkfnc
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