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Everything posted by Crusader

  1. Finally saw this Its a solid effort Cruise was very good and Andrea too ... Olga wasn't but then again she was under developed to and fro so I can't chalk it up to just her acting skills The plot was serviceable and held it together with that great fuck you sally moment ... until the obligatory hollywood nonsense must happen ( I really don't know why I mean its not like it made the viewing experience better for anyone ). Why can't he just sacrifice himself and then we cut to her being ok on earth ... I mean 3 years later his clone shows up ( why 3 years later why not sooner ) and what about the fact that there are at least 50 of them out there I mean what if they all come to claim her ... do they duke it out ? or does she live happily ever after with all of them bukkake style ? I know it sounds stupid to complain about this but when I'm watching a sci fi movie I expect each explanation to be logical ... I mean that's sorta the point of a sci fi movie Anyway, nice homage to some other BETTER sci fi films and at the end of the day while it did become somewhat generic in the second half it also had some interesting approaches for this big of a film All in all 7/10
  2. Series 3 premiered tonight Come on Brits sound off is anyone watching this great show ??? I loved the premiere sucks that its only 4 episodes
  3. Well this does it ! Like Spielberg and Soderbergh recently pointed out we are nearing the official death of cinema I won't be a part of it anymore Wake me up if Elysium delivers and forgive me for possibly ( if the reviews are at least somewhat decent ) watching Wolverine as I love the character but other than that ... Here's my review for MOS btw two words NOISE and NONSENSE 3/10
  4. One of those OTT sentimental american drama's that pull it off Also its theme is very relevant today and I imagine it will be in the future too Carrey owned it 9/10
  5. Hmmm when you break it down the script and everything else was pretty bad much like Blade 3 ... but then you have Del Toro to pull it off 7/10 Very solid fun
  6. Starts out somewhat interesting ( well for a Smith movie this is an interesting premise ) and then it shifts into this out of nowhere drama that totally didn't work and then to cap it off ends up so generic with the worst explanation in the entire SH genre I also don't know if it being animated movie-like short was a plus or not given how bad the whole thing started becoming 3/10 bravo for the idea but terrible execution on all fronts
  7. OMG !!!!! is that kal ??? It is isn't it ? KAL WELCOME BACK !
  8. Pretty good with an excellent parody of 'the american dream' or in this case nightmare Everyone was excellent and yes Rock was great but nobody is mentioning Mackie who absolutely killed it and was by far the best out of the trio to me Also the hot chick really had me drooling Anyway Bay needs to make more movies like these and less Transformers A strong 7/10
  9. Smith deserves this for passing up Django Actually, he deserves way worse things but this'll do
  10. 9/10 It has the guts to go all the way Watch it before Spike Lee inevitably makes a lesser version of it
  11. Such a great study on men in general Last 15 minutes are where film becomes so powerful 10/10 Bigelow's best hands down
  12. Refn would certainly be an interesting idea I imagine his bond movie would either be brilliant or the worst of the series I like those odds ... always been a fan of roulette
  13. All right Overall I liked it Here are my positive and negative thoughts about the movie negative : - second act is dull as fuck ... once again they went in with the BS complicating of the plot that doesn't need it ... I mean the whole LA jail segment could have been left out - cast is good but Vin Diesel needs to we waken up I mean when Paul Walker out-acts you you're in trouble ... I mean yeah I get it its fast & furious but the dude wasn't even trying - some of the serious stuff fell flat ... mainly Gal Gadot's sacrifice ... positive -infinite runway - Vin's flying skills - car that flips other cars - The Rock - Illogical plotting ( pulling that gun on some big ass military general inside his own base ) - comedy that actually works ( both intentionally and unintentionally ) - Tank that's faster than racing cars Overall 7/10 I would have given it a 6 because of that completely unwanted second act but the final act is really good and its always more important to finish on a high note than not Fast Five is a tad better though Definitely a crowd pleaser though ... no use in watching it in a theater that's empty
  14. I still have faith in Refn and I am still hoping I'll like this but after so many good movies ( and mind you I thought Drive was arguably his weakest to date ) with his style and approach to filmmaking he was bound to produce a clusterfuck somewhere down the line I love Gosling but Refn needs to work with Tom Hardy again ... they made magic in Bronson
  15. Yeah it seems everything involving Cumberbatch was great while the rest ... not so much
  16. not as bad as they make it out to be ... if only the main actor was actually able to even try to act 6/10
  17. pretty tedious and easily the worst of the series 3/10
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6m3kV47Jgwg off topic but this piece is fucking amazing
  19. Skyfall IMO was pretty great and there's also that maybe the next director ( whoever that might be ) will have a tough job following That's why these more high profile directors are reluctant to take on the next Bond
  20. Well I caught this on tv today and thought it was very solid B movie fun When you have Ving Rhames and Wesley Snipes facing off against each other you barely even need a story ... when I saw Walter Hill directed it I wasn't surprised one bit Even though its more than 10 years old now its still a little baffling how such an 80's movie got released but I guess just like with last year's Dredd filmmakers have that urge to bring it back to those times 7/10 Time for the sequels now ... I'm a sucker for B movies
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