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Everything posted by Mango

  1. It's definitely in the realm of possibilities. I think it can do it, assuming it doesn't lose a ton of theaters around Christmas with that ridiculous number of new releases.
  2. Overall I'd have to say this was a fantastic extended weekend at the box office. Definitely among the highlights of the year. Hopefully Catching Fire and Frozen will continue to hold their ground among the Christmas rush of films.
  3. I do remember that. We knew early on that initial Sunday estimate was low and it was just great knowing it would go higher. But there was a much bigger number involved with a lot of unexpected Sunday night sellouts. Unfortunately I think CF and Frozen did most of their business Fri/Sat as per usual on this weekend. But hey there is always the possibility of a surprise.
  4. Well at this point we pretty much know how the weekend is going to turn out. Normally the margin of failure for the estimates is fairly small.
  5. Catching Fire and Frozen managed to buck trends all week so hopefully they can keep going and have some smaller than normal drops this next weekend.
  6. I've always enjoyed going to the movies but I think 2008-2009 really made me a big film fan. It helped that interest really came about when I was in my freshman year of HS (really the big start of someone's journey to "find themselves" I guess) and coming off of films like Iron Man, The Dark Knight, Wall-E, and Gran Torino really made me start to gain interest in the film industry like never before. And yeah, 2013 hasn't actually been the best year for me for various reasons but as far as moviegoing this year things have been really good which definitely helps.
  7. So how long will we be seeing that Miley Cyrus chicken creature?
  8. Wow I expected it to underwhelm at the BO but I definitely did not expect it to be off the map after just a month. There hasn't even been that much competition has there? Thor and Catching Fire really did it in...
  9. Yeah I think both are over $90 million in today's dollars. $250 million has to be pretty much a lock at this point.
  10. If we're talking about lengthy records, Toy Story 2 held on to that Thanksgiving OW for a solid 14 years until Frozen topped it this weekend.
  11. Yeah honestly at this point I could care less about the box office. I'm sure tomorrow with official estimates are out there will be a spark that gets some interest back but right now I think fans of every aspect of the film industry in general are pretty bummed.
  12. Death happens all around us all the time, yet somehow it never gets any easier.
  13. Speaking of Wreck-It Ralph why the hell is Sonic on the poster AND home video artwork? He makes a cameo and says one line.
  14. Brave was okay but Pixar needs to leave the fairytales to WDA. They have always found their strengths in the more "odd" ideas. Hell, if Wreck-It Ralph were Pixar and Brave were WDA both films would have 95% on RT or something.
  15. Yeah but $60 million of that are the top 2 films. Not trying to undermine other films success, but the excitement this weekend is all the girl on fire and the snow queen.
  16. You know as epic as this weekend is it's really only because of Catching Fire and Frozen. The rest of the box office is pretty lackluster actually.
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