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Everything posted by Mango

  1. I do think a real-time gap would be cool. It'd be really awesome to see the world with a resurgent of supers, with Dash and Violet as adults and successful superheroes on their own. I think it would also be cool to see the era shift as well. The world in The Incredibles had that awesome, slick, 60's aesthetic to it. It'd be cool to see that same world aged with like an 80's atmosphere. Whatever the case, I'm really excited Bird is on board. Is it bad that I just want Tomorrowland to be over and done with so he can get on to this?
  2. $13.9 million on a Monday in April is still fucking insane.
  3. I feel like the new films somehow spread some weird, fun energy to the earlier ones. Like, before Fast Five I never cared to re watch the original Fast & the furious, but since the newer ones came out it made me enjoy the originals a bit more too. I can't quite explain it.
  4. So before summer even officially starts, 2015 is going to have two films that made $300-350 million in the calendar year. It wasn't until September that a movie did that in 2014.
  5. Actually forget Incredibles 2. Just get Bird to do a darker/gritty "realistic" live action reboot of The Incredibles and inevitably let them join The Avengers at some point. Iger will be proud.
  6. This year I had Kingsman or 50 Shades to choose from. Next birthday movie weekend will be Deadpool I guess.
  7. Maybe it'll just be Dom working on cars for two hours. No action, no stunts, just him fixing up cars and test driving them down the street while talking to himself philosophically.
  8. Strangely enough, same for me. Literally the only other time that happened (in a normal theater) was the midnight screening of TDKR for me (which I attributed to them starting it 2.5 hours early when TDK failed to load as part of the marathon). It was strange for an average Thursday viewing at 9pm not to have any previews and just go straight into the film.
  9. Furious 7 deserves it. Ride or Die, $60-70 million. Not my fav film in the series but I love to see it getting that $$$
  10. Still, it's a nearly guaranteed money making franchise at this point. Not to mention he'd be double dipping in future Avengers films with Groot and his Inhumans character. Basically at this point the F&F films need him more than he needs them.
  11. The movie was entertaining as a whole, but it was just way too clunky and unfocused. The first half is where this is really apparent. The entire first act of the film was just the gang kind of "doing stuff" and I know that is a piss poor description and kind of vague but while the plot seemed to be slowly starting it just didn't seem like anyone was doing much of anything. When the movie was enacting it's usual high-octane action scenes and stunts was when it was at its best, and really felt like a Fast film. The mountain chase scene was great, and I enjoyed the entire Abu Dhabi sequence for the most part. It's a beautiful city and I'm glad to see such well done cinematography from it again. I disliked how Hobbs was sort of on the bench until the climax of the film this time, since Fast Five he's been a powerful source of fun for these films. The climax seemed messy, the only well done parts of that we're the Dom/Deckard fight and Brian fighting that one guy in the building. Everything else with the Gods Eye or whatever was really sloppy. Glaring flaws aside, all the characters we love are here and as enjoyable as ever, and the film definitely works best when everyone is together, further driving home the Fast films consistent theme of family. It definitely isn't my favorite, that still belongs to Fast Five, but it's a solidly entertaining installment, and a very great ending to what became one of the most fun film series out there. And I really loved that ending, which was essentially a huge tribute to Paul. I couldn't help but get a bit misty eyed. The circumstances of his far too premature passing were simply tragic/horrific, so I felt incredibly happy that the Fast crew, in a way, gave him a very peaceful, heartfelt send off here. And while I feel they probably should have spent more time giving Brian stronger feelings about "moving on" and such than they did in the film (considering at the beginning it was mentioned he felt the exact opposite), obviously I can look past that for obvious reasons because, damn, that was just effing beautiful. Also- crowd loved it, it was nearly sold out, and there was applause at the end!
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