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Everything posted by Mango

  1. If they found a way to fit the Pizza Planet truck in Brave they better fit Dinoco in this.
  2. Lol at The Purge that weekend. 75.6% drop on Father's Day weekend. I forgot how hard that movie crashed.
  3. I can't really say much that hasn't already been said. I really, really enjoyed the first half of the movie. It was very Spielberg-ish and classic blockbuster in the way everything was building up. But... That was it. The build up had no pay off. Laurie's pseudo-sociological spiel was all bark and no bite, pretty underwhelming antagonist. Clooney's character was pretty bland. Robertson's character I really liked but by the end of the movie all she really did was give a cookie cutter solution anyone could have come up with. Also REALLY awkward relationship with Clooney and the 12 year old robot girl. Key cameo was funny though. I give it a C, I guess. Enjoyable, but ultimately bland and delivers absolutely nothing in the final act.
  4. I knew this plot seemed like a rip off of something, I just couldn't place it. Then I just came across said episode while rewatching Futurama on Netflix. I doubt this will be as good.
  5. I'll probably see San Andreas tomorrow. Seems like a good matinee to sober up at.
  6. Bridge of Spies is one to watch out for. Spielberg and Hanks is normally a great sign, and this time you can add the Cohen brothers to the mix. On paper this sounds like the best idea ever.
  7. Anyone else think this could benefit from moving to the early October release date? It worked wonders for Gravity (and Gone Girl, for that matter). With the current thanksgiving opening its in direct competition with Mockingjay, and Star Wars will likely completely sever its legs only three weeks later.
  8. Timeskip 30+ years. Sci-Fi overload. Fast & Furious in space will actually happen.
  9. Right now it looks like they'll be pushing Cinderella over, likely with Inside Out. Maybe by the time Ant-Man comes out they can fudge it over.
  10. Hopefully San Andreas or Spy will do well enough to keep things kind of interesting. JW and Inside Out should end up really propelling the second half of the month, though.
  11. Yeah, 300 had a huge impact. Not necessarily for being a great film, but for its outrageous action and of course "THIS IS SPARTA" Snyder can only dream BvS will replicate the same thing.
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