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Everything posted by Mango

  1. Conservatively here- $82.8 $71.5 $54 (25% drop) $208.3. Record is going down.
  2. Also impersonating Rth should be a bannable offense. Since he's our God its practically blasphemy of the highest order.
  3. I wish I would've been on mojo at the time of TDK's OW. I bet it was amazing
  4. I'm gonna be ballsy and say it makes it to $77 million. West coast over performed last night, and the if the east is any indication it should tonight too.
  5. So at this point I wonder if it's safe to say Marvel needs Pratt more than Pratt needs Marvel.
  6. I don't think BvS is gonna open to over $150 million, let alone beat the record.
  7. I'm really interested to see the 3D and IMAX shares. According to BOM (though I know we might should doubt this) it's opening in 800 IMAX theaters. At first that sounded like international level to me but Keith kept using that number with the domestic theater count.
  8. If this falls even less than 50% I'm just gonna say fuck it and go with this making $500 million.
  9. If JW hits $70 million for Saturday I can't see it missing the OW record.
  10. Maybe Spielberg and Pratt could be creative enough to crate an original character who can be a "charming goofball badass" without having to reboot Indy. No? Okay.
  11. Too bad Pratt wasn't the action star he is today in 2007-2008. He would've made a much more convincing son to Indy than Shia did and would already be set up to take the helm of the franchise, as a new character that wouldn't have to mimic Ford's depiction of Indy.
  12. You know this is one thing I don't get about studios these days. Home video sales are way lower than they were in the 90s and 00's, yet they are much quicker to rush their films out on home formats in 3-4 months. You'd figure with most people opting to wait until they can stream the film on Netflix or something rather than pay $20-30 for the dvd or bluray, studios would be trying to milk the theatrical releases for every dime they can. A great recent example is Frozen. It ended up being a smash hit and had incredible legs. It was still playing in well over 1000 theaters at the time of its home release, and made $2 million the weekend before. Yet, the film was released and definitely lost a few million bucks thanks to that. Tl;dr with nobody buying DVDs and blurays like they used to, I don't get why studios don't make more of an effort to hold off on the home release for a while and find ways to extend theatrical life.
  13. Can't speak for today but we definitely did last night. We had to park in the fucking Chili's parking lot. *thanks autocorrect
  14. Or dare to dream bigger... Maybe three $100 million weekends! (Okay, highly unlikely, but that would be absolutely fucking astonishing)
  15. Not to mention last time Christmas fell on a Friday, Avatar was the pack leader. We all know how awesome it's daily numbers were.
  16. And to think Universal just got their first $100 million opener a few months ago.
  17. Star Wars is going to be interesting to follow... I think preview numbers will be nothing short of massive, mid-December be damned. $30 million plus for sure, maybe even DH2 range if it starts at 7pm. Then I could see Friday day business suppressed more, with a big jump Saturday and great holds through the week.
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