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Everything posted by Mango

  1. Sitting down for the 7:30 Mad Max. Busy Sunday at the theater today.
  2. This new BOM writer needs to be cut asap. Never thought I'd miss Ray so much.
  3. Ocean's Eleven and so on were ensembles, though. It's sort of shortsided to attribute all of their success to soley Clooney.
  4. Huge weekend. I would have never expected PP2 to open to $70 million. $200 million is likely. Mad Max opened greatly as well. I know a lot of people weren't confident it would even get $30 million, let alone over $40 million. Also, WB somehow got MM opening in 3,702 theaters this weekend? That's gotta be one of the widest R-Rated openings ever.
  5. It could make up for the competition by having better weekdays. Goddamn PP2 is huge.
  6. Did anyone else read Mojo's weekend report? Apparently AoU was 59% over 25. Just kind of shocking to me, seeing as how we always push Avengers as one of the more "family heavy" titles.
  7. I'm really curious as to how the legs will be. Obviously it's not getting a 3x, but WOM is strong enough to where a 2.5-2.6 multi would make sense to me. Pessimistic I guess it ends up around $450 million (IM3/TDW multi) and high end around $520 million (TWS multi)
  8. I'm really mixed about this one. Not mixed on whether or not I liked it or not (I did, overall) but how much exactly I like it. Definitely not a top tier Marvel film but not a bottom tier either. But even then I wouldn't call it "average" because there were actually a lot of awesome moments, but there were also some really boring or dumb ones. It did some things better than the first film, but some things worse. Even as a fan of the MCU, one thing that has kind of erked me lately is how the shared universe concept, while allowing for some really fun storylines and ideas we've never had before in film series, at times things can start to feel very "TV-ish". And by that I mean, introducing a character or plot point and not to have it touched upon again for a while. Age of Ultron almost feels like a fuller middle chapter at times because of this, I feel. Each film is at the mercy of the previous one or the next one, which creates a great challenge for the filmmakers in creating one solid, tied up film. It's not necessarily a bad thing, it's just that certain things don't necessarily add anything to the film's. But, I liked it overall. All the core characters were there doing what they do best with excellent chemistry and charisma. ScarJo had some really great scenes and might be the stand out of the film for me thanks to her scene with Banner at the farm. Really fantastic acting on her part. I liked Quicksilver and loved Scarlet Witch. ATJ was actually quite good here! (Where was that enthusiam in Godzilla, man?). Olsen is as awesome as she is beautiful, I really hope she gets a chance to shine in Civil War. Ultron and Vision were alright. Vision was fun for a minute then kind of became Thor 2.0 so maybe in the next movie his character will be more unique. Ultron had about the same motive and logic for his master plan as a Transformers villain did, but at least he had some fucking personality. Still a far cry from Hiddleston's Loki, but solid enough. I thought the last shot of the film with Cap starting with "Avengers!", takes a breath to finish the phrase only to be cut off by the credits was really funny. Like I said, I'm still really mixed. Can't tell if it's C+ or B- range, maybe another viewing will help me decide how much I liked it.
  9. I can't believe some people are talking shit about Rth and his contributions. Some of you really are really ungrateful.
  10. Implying Dark Shadows was actually "competition".
  11. Huh, SM1 actually made more at midnight than SM2. iirc it only did $5 million. God, people here would have fucking aneurysms if that happened today.
  12. TDK is still king in tickets sold and likely will be for a long time, but I'm pretty sure Avengers sold more than 65 million tickets. It's pretty much on par with SM1 in terms of tickets. The 3D share wasn't THAT big.
  13. Well, TDK had IMAX so I think it's more like 71-72 million. Avengers had $68-69 million.
  14. The original went up 12% Friday day business to Saturday. That was likely with some spillover effect. I think the fight might have a slight effect, but most of the Saturday increase is thanks to matinees, which I can't imagine would be hurt by a fight happening in the evening. I think it'll go up around 4-7%.
  15. God, some of you people are fucking unbearable.
  16. Around here it seems any movie that doesn't top it's predecessor by a considerable amount is going through fatigue.
  17. I don't think Saturday is going down. Maybe not up as much as the first film, but not down.
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