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Everything posted by Mango

  1. Possible, but it's far from a lock at this point.
  2. We need 5 extra hours and we'll get that $100 million
  3. With a $100 million OD even being considerably conservative with the rest of the weekend there is no way this misses $220 million. BKB is a goddamn prophet.
  4. Just got out of Avengers. We went aiming for the 8:00 show to find out it was sold out until 9:30. Pretty sure the last three showings were sold out as well. damn though, I can't believe this could end up with a $100 million day. Just unbelievable.
  5. Awesome, turns out I don't have to work tonight so I get to see Avengers tonight. Hoping to save a couple bucks and hit a matinee around 4 or 5. Real question is- which of the 4, 4:30, 5, and 5:30 will be the least packed?
  6. Why anyone was expecting it to is beyond me. First off, it's fucking May, not mid-July. And "early preview showings" have never really had the buzz that the midnight releases had.
  7. Great number! $27.6 million on a Thursday night in April/May is huge. If Friday attendance matches IM3 it's OD will be on par with the first Avengers, and if it does around the same day business as the original it might be challenging DH2! So as the day starts its looking like $80 million (lower end) to $90-95 million (more optimistic end). Either way an awesome start. I do think it'll end up more frontloaded in the long run by a good bit, but it will be interesting to see how the OW plays out.
  8. Are we going to start another one of these "Thursday night should not be counted in Friday" debates because I thought that was kind of settled upon like two years ago.
  9. Why would it have to top it that much? DH2 had 3D as well.
  10. What's the highest preview numbers we've had since they started becoming a big thing? CF?
  11. Ray didn't want to risk another TDKR overpredict.
  12. And even after all these years of exploding international markets, inflation, and the great China boom; Titanic and RotK still remain in the top 10. Unfortunately RotK will be out this year, but still.
  13. Just finished season one. Wow, this was great.
  14. Hmm. If he's just started writing I'm gonna assume it'll take at least a few more months to the year to get actual production started. From that point on the process for an animated film is much longer than a normal live action one, so this might not make release until around 2019.
  15. Daredevil keeps getting advertised with the "TV-MA" rating so technically this is their R-Rated endeavor. As for a big budget movie? Hell no.
  16. I agree we could use some more diversity in our big movies... Hell, all movies in general. In the meantime though, how about we just appreciate/ support the steps forward (Fast & Furious being a shining example right now) and not try to bring down other series/ fan bases just for the sake of arguing?
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