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Everything posted by Mango

  1. So Planes might be a huge flop? At least something good is coming from this.
  2. I would like for studios to start separating the preview numbers from the Friday numbers. Say what you want, but in no way is 7pm Thursday afternoon in any fucking way at all Friday. If it is, we may as well just start counting Saturday's 7pm numbers with Sunday's gross to stop Sunday from dropping. And then we should just count Sunday's 7pm numbers with Monday, an so on.
  3. So Apes will probably drop 55% or more this weekend. I was hoping for a drop not too much over 50% but oh well.
  4. Has anyone mentioned Man of Steel yet? Because, you know, no movie this year has topped it's gross yet. Or Monsters University for that matter.
  5. Maybe they shouldn't have rushed out the home releases. It could have continued doing well in dollar theaters for at least another month or two. Seeing how much the home video market has decreased in the past 5 years, I wonder if studios will start pushing the releases back further to allow longer theater runs again. I mean the whole reason they kept being released earlier and earlier was so studios could cash in on the home video profits while the iron was still hot, but nowadays it doesn't seem worth it.
  6. Is doing theater count predictions still on-topic? Planes F&R - 3644 Sex Tape - 3181 Next week- Lucy - 3026 Hercules - 4480 Believe
  7. You say this now but a year from now you'll be hailing Bird like the rest of us.
  8. Ghost Protocol is on FX. Its the Burj Khalifa scene. So awesome.
  9. This looks really fun. Hopefully WDA's streak continues. Why Fall Out Boy though?
  10. I'm really glad I have you guys to entertain me during this Geography class every morning. It would get really dull if I actually paid attention.So thanks.
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