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Everything posted by commonsense88

  1. Thursday: Fault in our Stars - 3.7 -12% Maleficent - 3.45 -14% Edge of Tomorrow - 2.25 -19% DOFP - 1.4 -18% Look, like the male skewed films really got hit, feeling like great midnight numbers for 22JS
  2. I have no idea, maybe there was suppose to be a double feature option and the theater decided not to do it
  3. 22 Jump Street 7:00 PM 30% Full Earth to Echo(No Response) Dumb and Dumber seq ( laughs) Sex Tapes ( laughs) Lets Be Cops ( lots of laughs) Deliver Us From Evil (No Response) Transformers ( No Respose) The Interview (laughs) Think Like A Man too ( couple of laughs) They accidentally started 21 Jump street before stopping it ten minutes in. Movie: Laughed the whole time, Crowd enjoyed it, Funniest credits since Hangover II, A+ 10/10 :-)
  4. Lone Survivor 6/10 ( I was intoxicated at the time.) Ride Along 8/10 Lego Movie 7/10 About Last Night 8/10 Noah 9/10 CA:TWS 9/10 TASM2 8.5/10 The Other Women 6/10 Neighbors 8/10 Godzilla 6/10 X-Men:DOFP 10/10 (Twice) Maleficent 3/10 Edge of Tomorrow 8/10
  5. With inflation, 1998 is probably going to sell more tickets than 2014, doesn't that make it more successful with GA
  6. SM 7.5/10 SM2 8.3/10 SM3 9/10 ASM 7/10 ASM2 8/10 (Hmm Strange)
  7. X-Men - 7.2/10 X2 - 8.3/10 X-Men:TLS - 5.7/10 X-Men: Origins - 4/10 First Class - 7/10 The Wolverine - 5/10 X-Men: DOFP 10/10
  8. Movie: Gorgeous film, Special effects are beautiful but the story is at the level of See Spot Run. The film used a lot of narration instead of taking the time to show us. Angelina did a great job with what little she had to work with. Half way through the movie it started to contradict it self. There is a hint of lesbian love in the context.The last act was almost decent just to fall apart with an anti -climatic end. There is such a lack of dialogue that the movie came off as an excuse to show wonderful CGI creatures. Should have been titled Fantasia 2014. I feel like the move was made for Shiloh's age group or under only. Funny only saw one kid at my showing. Grade D-
  9. Maleficent 7:30 PM 20% Full Jupiter Ascending (No Response) Book of Life (few laughs) Big Hero Six (lots of laughs) Annie ( few laughs) Paddington (No Response) Transformers( No Respose) Cinderella Teaser Movie: Gorgeous film, Special effects are beautiful but the story is at the level of See Spot Run, feel like the move was made for Shiloh's age group or under only. Funny only saw one kid at my showing. Grade D- P.S. The crowd was strangely quiet at the end, heard no comments about the movie, just one about how happy she was to get out of the cold theater.
  10. The Stephen King, Dark Towers, mini-series slash movie combination
  11. I curious how different people rank, rate, or grade their movies, I am sure everyone have their own standards. Here are mine. 10 / A+ - Amazing 9 / A - Almost Amazing 8 / B+ - Very Good 7 / B - Good 6 / C+ - Pretty Good, OK 5 / C - Mediocre 4 / D+ - Boring, Kind of bad 3 / D - Bad 2 / F - Walked Out/ Refund 1 / - Cruel and Unusual punishment
  12. Most of the Characters took a back seat in the 2014 Godzilla too, except for in the first half hour, both action and characters took a back seat.
  13. Goosebumps + Jack Black , scares me for the wrong reason, funny enough as a kid reading both Goosebumps andFear Street, (by the same author) Fear Street was always better, Would prefer to see and Animorphs movie anyway
  14. I can't wait , loved Prometheus even with it flaws, like what they where going for
  15. The X-Men:TLS did, and buzz seem high as it was then, I know people who haven't went to the movies all year saying they want to go see it.
  16. Who's bulge is in the water, please keep your package to yourself lol
  17. I have to say the Trailer and Marketing was epic, but this is also a fan movie too, I am curious about how Saturday will do compared to Friday (without Thursday grosses)
  18. Godzilla: Thursday 7:30 pm showing 2D 75% (3D sold out) Trailers: X-Men Maleficient 22 Jump Street Edge of Tommorow Lucy Expendables HTTAD 2 Movie: C+ The crowd seem to like it ,applaud at the end, Personally for me the best part was the first twenty minutes, then it all went down hill from there.
  19. The estimates seem so close to me , does it matter. And niki's multipliers never make sense.
  20. I actually expect RA to increase from estimates, compared to Paul Blart:Mall Cop , also RA actuals has always increase from weekend estimates.
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