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Everything posted by lilmac

  1. McQueen Cuaron Russell Greengrass Coogler
  2. Any chance Mandela gets nominated for Best Picture or Best Actor? I haven't seen the film but it's what I consider Oscar bait AND the unfortunate timing may play in its favor....
  3. LOL...I was telling Ed to back off of you because you're mine. *sigh* My jokes fall flat...again.
  4. Hobbit DOS's 3rd weekend will be right up there with the older LOTR movies and that's after adjusting for inflation.
  5. Really? Yikes. I thought the incinerator scene in TS3 was pretty intense. Brave was PG for good reason.
  6. There is no such thing as a G rating anymore, correct?
  7. Anita was doing what Nikki is doing now (daily "reporting") in 1990. Way back when.
  8. Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug is starting to get my attention again. Frozen and Catching Fire are doing well and worthy of note but my goodness....DOS may top $30m!?? this weekend
  9. I've now seen the film twice. I give it a B- Positives: Scorsese's film is an epic, three hours of every kind of cardinal sin short of murder, with characters both repulsive and entrancing, in a hysterically funny and painfully horrific saga of depravity as only Scorsese can bring. Hill transforms himself in this film and DiCaprio gives the best performance of his career. He jumped head first into the role and there isn't one moment that you are watching this where you feel like you are watching Leonardo DiCaprio. What you are seeing on screen is Jordan Belfort. He is brave, brilliant and fearless. Back to Jonah Hill. I have come to the conclusion that Jonah Hill's forte is bringing chemistry to a scene. He exudes chemistry and is one of the best supporting actors in film today and I mean that in the literal sense. Oftentimes the supporting actors are just actors who got second billing. They're not central to the story. Jonah Hill supports the main lead and makes the overall film better. Who would have thunk it several years ago? The film is attempting to convey in the first place- these lavish lifestyles are intemperate beyond remorse and the decadence seen means exactly that never is it all apparently enough in our culture - the copious money, the gorgeous women, the sensation of drugs, and whatnot and Scorcese excels. Negatives: Lack of moral compass. The parties and intoxication are normally something I love, its fun to watch people party and do drugs (at least for me). Here, the excess becomes tiresome, and that would be fine, if the film was intended to show the perils of excess. But that's not the intent. The scenes of excess go on way too long. We get it and we got it very early on. I kept waiting for a reason to care what happened to these characters and it never happens. Also, this is one of the rare occasions when a potentially great film suffers because of its running time. I have truly never experienced so much fluff in a movie before. And what's worse it was totally unnecessary because the material was there and it was more than enough. I can't even begin to praise the merits of The Wolf of Wall Street (it did have a few) because the redundant scenes and dialogue are too much to get over. It's sort of like trying to enjoy a fine steak while tofu is being forcibly stuffed down your throat. It's all ruined. All and all what a pity. It could have been the best movie of the year if only.....
  10. I love that DOS was #1 and could possibly win the weekend. Woohooo
  11. Duck Dynasty Don't Stop Believin': Everyman's Journey
  12. I will eat crow. I expected a drop for Frozen.
  13. Studios are going to be in for a treat. This weekend will see increases across the board and soft drops for most films in the first weekend of 2014. Two weeks later is MLK Day, a Holiday.
  14. Dunno but the 4th Ice Age film made nearly $900 million. There is money to be made son!
  15. If they can connect Minions to DM3 in a meaningful way then $400m is a lock. The studio should use Minions to set up DM3 and increase anticipation instead of having it be a standalone. Just IMO.
  16. Catching Fire will get to 390-395 million with just weekday grosses (I'm including 1/1). Therefore it needs only $15-20 million in weekend numbers from here on out to surpass IM3. $410-$415m sounds about right.
  17. The first step is admitting you have a problem.
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