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Everything posted by lilmac

  1. A family comedy about a precocious and spoiled teen girl who learns the value of family, patience, life, and giving after her grandmother moves in with the family. Gingy.
  2. Shawn, here are numbers I ran yesterday after the Monday numbers came in. Too low for Friday? Monday 6.2 Tuesday 4.5 Wednesday 3.2 Thursday 3.0 Friday-Sun 8.5 11.8 8.3 $28.6m 3rd weekend. OR Mon 6.2 Tue 4.5 Wed 3.6 Thur 3.2 Fri-Sun 9.0 12.6 8.9 $30.5m 3rd weekend.
  3. Candidate for best post of the day.
  4. We'll each take turns writing entries to a story. Yay! Whatever someone posts, the next person will continue the story. No rules! Except 1) please make your submission related to what the previous person wrote and 2) write AT LEAST 3 full sentences of substance. No one-sentence throw away lines. 3) lets try to avoid people going more than once in a row, wait until somebody else makes an entry. I provided characters but feel free to add more, just post a made up name and picture. I figured titling it GTA6 would be a good beginning theme but if this story ends up in space then so be it. Here....we....go: Tyrone: I don't think we should bring him along man! He's outta control. Jason: I hear you but there's no better locksmith than Clay. We NEEEEED somebody with his skills. I promise, I'll keep him in check Tyrone: If he messes this up, I'm comin for yo a** Jason: Yea yea yea, listen - I've worked with Clay before. We're talking $6 million man. I wouldn't bring him in on this heist unless I could trust him. Tyrone: *sigh* Give him a call... Jason picks up his phone then dials Clay's number...... Ring ring ring....
  5. You're getting upset because you've convinced yourself in your head that you can predict the future?
  6. The Phantom Menace but probably because I saw it 8x in the movie theaters and at least twice since then. Either of the LOTR is probably a close second.
  7. I don't want to hurt Interstellar's chances so no...wait till next year. Sorry Gravity.
  8. I see it easily grossing an extra $15m after Oscar noms come out in January. That would only be its 15th week and it should still be grossing above $1m a weekend.
  9. Gravity defied gravity by grossing more in its 2nd Monday than the first. We'll probably see a 30% decrease due to the Columbus Day effect (would normally have been an increase).
  10. The only thing that managed to survive on the farm after the worst tornado in years was Hellie, the old goose and the egg she had just laid the day before. Mindy, an 8 yr precocious farm girl and her mom/dad hitch up in their old station wagon for the long ride to the city to stay with her uncle who has agreed to take them in. Hellie is in the corner of the wagon, stressed (the farm is all she has never known) but affectionately/lovingly tending to her egg. After a long trip, the family arrives in the city. The first time any of them has ever been in the big city. Just as they arrive, Hellie's egg cracks and a baby gosling emerges from the shell. The egg is an allegory for a new life, a new life for Mindy and her family and a new life for Hellie. Love at Second Sight.
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