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Everything posted by lilmac

  1. Neo was right. OP has been updated. My bad. Iger said the Episodes would come out over a six year period (2015-2021). It's more likely December 2018 then December 2017 for Episode VIII, meaning Avatar 4 (not 3) is at issue. Good point. Do you have the link where Iger said they were aiming for Memorial Day 2015? I think we can safely presume that was the goal by the way Disney immediately inserted Tomorrowland in that slot. Memorial Day 2018 would pit Episode VIII against TA3's 3rd/4th weekend. Still problematic but as I mentioned in the previous sentence...they were going to do that anyway with Episode VII/TA2. It would suck to have haphazard non-patterned Star Wars releases. December here, May there... The franchise deserves better. Tell that to James Cameron, however, I doubt he'll move Avatar 4 (I'm assuming no delays for his movies). Why should he? They claimed December 2018 first. I think you may be right about May 2018.
  2. Read the links in the OP. At Cinemacon, Disney officially announced Episode VIII for 2017 (it did not say which month). The Episode movies would be every other year, starting in 2015, with the standalones happening in the inbetween years. That's official, from the horse's mouth. I am surmising that because Episode VII is now December 2015 that Episode VIII will be December 2017. There is of course the chance of pushing Episode VIII to 2018 but that runs it up against TA3. If its every 3 years for the Episode movies, say December 2018, you still run the problem of going up against an Avatar sequel.
  3. Officially they are set for a collision date, as laughable as it seems. A couple of problems here, and I touched on this in the OP. 1) May 2018 means dealing with Avenger 3's 4th weekend. 2) you've now instituted a haphazard release date schedule that's not nice and orderly like the OT/PT's May releases. I don't think LFL wants to do that.
  4. I was wrong about Thor 2. I didn't see anything north of $80mil. I'm going to bite it at the Derby this weekend. *sigh*
  5. With Avatar 3 scheduled for December 2017 and 2018 respectively and the Star Wars episodes being filmed over a six year period, there is a chance Episode VIII could go head to head with one of the Avatar sequels. If Disney maintains the every 3 years (2015,2018,2021) model and makes December a new tradition for releases (and for consistencies sake), we have a potential showdown of mega proportions. It's unlikely two films of this size and scale will be able to share the same month. The first Avatar opened on December 18, 2009 and its sequels will likely follow that precedent. One solution will be to move Episode VIII to May 2018 but that put it face to face with Avengers 3 and would disrupt the new pattern of December releases they are presumably trying to establish. Disney would be foolish to cannibalize itself that way (also, who knows when the inbetween standalones would be released) but I think that's the most likely option. Given Cameron's personality, I can see him playing chicken with Disney (and JC winning) over that December 2017 showdown. It's going to get interesting folks. Release schedule Star Wars: (2015 - 2021) Episode 7 - Dec 2015 Episode 8 - Dec 2018? Episode 9 - Dec 2021? Avatar: Avatar 2 - Dec 2016 Avatar 3 - Dec 2017 Avatar 4 - Dec 2018
  6. Given that the 2nd movie of the OT is widely seen as the best of that trilogy (and the ST is allegedly going to resemble the OT more than the PT), do you think the SW filmmakers will be biting their nails hoping, praying, and trying to make it the best of the trilogy?
  7. I thought X-Men: The Last Stand was fantastic! I also really enjoyed that 2nd Punisher movie for its campiness (I never took it too seriously which helped).
  8. If this gets pushed; 2015 may not be the mega summer it was shaping up to be...
  9. Good news indeed. Looking forward to more Russell/Lawrence collaborations.
  10. B Worth of the Marvel pantheon of films but by no means upper tier. I would say it is better than the original as there's more going on and we don't waste time with establishing characters and origins. Some of the weak points centered on Kat Dennings and rest of Jane's entourage. Also, Portman doesn't have much to work with besides being beautiful scenery (she seems to be getting more attractive with age). Highlights are the dark elves, Asgardian special fx, Hopkins, Thor being a fish out of water in the real world ("Mind the gap"), Melekith, the Loki subplot and his redemption, the 3rd act (thought the movie was over but it wasn't by a long shot). Overall, a good addition to the Marvel universe.
  11. I included Star Wars because I find it hard 2 imagine them screwing this up, not with Kennedy, Abrams, Kasdan, Arndt at the helm (with Lucas providing the overarching story which is what he's best at ).
  12. Is anyone else worried that this will be yet another movie with a great cast but that disappoints (thinking of Counselor)
  13. Here is how they stack up for me: Star Wars Pixar Marvel Walt Disney (animated) Walt Disney (live action)
  14. Mirroring last week I guess.. Tues - $1.844 Wed - $1.46 Thu - $1.42 Fri - $3.6 Sat - $5.2 Sun - $3.9 $12.7m for the weekend according to my revised back of the envelope projections.
  15. Gravity will have $207m by Thursday and then a $12.3m weekend. $260m is possible but alot depends on how it adjusts to the 3D/IMAX losses
  16. By design a poster can only do this once since it wouldn't be right I guess for one person to keep subtracting doom points from their movie. :-P
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