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Everything posted by Talkie

  1. Your world is so bright and happy. I wish I lived there.
  2. I prefer to wait for actuals rather than engage in a pointless guessing game. Until the numbers come in WB's spin game is much more enjoyable. Box Office: 'Batman v Superman' Plunges 68% To $52.4 Miliion Zack Snyder's Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice plunged an estimated 68 percent in its second weekend — one of the biggest drops in history for a marquee superhero title — even as it easily stayed No. 1. The Warner Bros. title earned $52.4 million from 4,256 theaters, less than anticipated, for a domestic total of $261.5 million. Final weekend numbers will be tallied Monday. Heading into the weekend, some analysts thought BvS would pull in north of $60 million, considering it had little competition (no new major studio title opened nationwide). Warners and Snyder have plenty riding on BvS, which launches the DC cinematic universe, including two Justice League movies — the first of which Snyder is presently shooting — and this summer's Suicide Squad. BvS is also seeing big drops in some key international markets. Overall, the movie fell 67 percent internationally to $85 million from 67 markets for a foreign total of $421.4 million and global haul of $682.9 million. BvS has slowed dramatically in China, where it was beat byZootopia this weekend. It has earned $85 million in the Middle Kingdom to date. Dismal reviews and a B CinemaScore are no doubt catching up with the superhero smackdown, which teams Batman (Ben Affleck) and Superman (Henry Cavill) on the big screen for the first time. And it has already eclipsed the entire lifetime gross of Snyder's Man of Steel($668 million). Among other superhero movies, Avengers: Age of Ultron fell 59 percent in its second weekend and The Dark Knight slipped 53 percent. The only major studio superhero movie to see a decline approaching 70 percent was X-Men Origins: Wolverine, which fell 69 percent in its second outing. Man of Steel dipped 65 percent. Warner Bros. also dismisses any concern, saying BvS remains a formidable player after breaking a number of records in its debut, including nabbing the best March opening of all time domestically and the No. 1 superhero debut at the worldwide box office. The studio also notes it has already passed the entire lifetime runs of titles including Ant-Man, Thor, Wolverine and Captain America. "We're not concerned with the drop," said Warners domestic distribution chief Jeff Goldstein. "No matter how you slice it, to get to $52 million on any given weekend is an enormous accomplishment. We’re most focused on where we are in total. And our global number is huge."
  3. That depends on a lot of factors, including whether or not he can pin the blame on Robinov or some underling. Tsujihara inherited Zack Snyder and the legacy of MOS. It was Robinov who gave the reins of the DCEU to Snyder after a couple of expensive flops (Sucker Punch & killer owls), not Tsujihara. He stayed the course, but perhaps all he'll be faulted for is trusting the filmmaker's vision.
  4. This weekend is interesting, to say the least. When I saw the initial $18M headline the number seemed high to me, so the downward revision makes sense. However, this is a drastic drop. There is no way that Tsujihara is okay with this, though it's unlikely that WB makes any public moves regarding its DCEU slate immediately. ("Unlikely" as in, it ain't happening.) According to Deadline, BvS isn't expected to make a profit even with a $900M+ WW total. The way the numbers are plunging in many markets is going to make WB's bottom line on the movie even more dire. One has to wonder what this does to Tsujihara's regime, even moreso than what the box office means for Snyder.
  5. All tentpoles won't need to hide their mediocrity behind embargoes. Besides, the press will catch on if any studio seems determined to hold off bad reviews. That could lead to negative press in and of itself. Best to take their lumps as they come rather than try to keep the public from finding out what critics think. Or better yet, WB could focus more on getting the story and characters right during production so that a last-minute embargo isn't even a consideration.
  6. Millar is just pissy because Marvel has completely revamped Civil War so that it doesn't resemble his shitty story.
  7. @Marvel @CaptainAmerica #TeamIronMan (seeing if emojis work)

  8. @AgentsofSHIELD But what about #AgentCarter?????? #TeamPeggy

  9. A Windex ad urging shoppers to buy window cleaner and MBFGW2 tickets was playing on a loop at the local grocery store. The hype is real!
  10. Why should they waste that much on a glorified tv episode? Power Rangers is all about the low-rent Ultraman esthetic, anyway. They'd lose the show's fans if the costumes and fx looked like they spent more than a few bucks on it.
  11. This thread was buried on page 6. Feel that buzz! Anywho, I just saw the weirdest promo for this. It was a Windex ad featuring two talking ravens who urged viewers to watch MBFGW2 to see the window cleaner used the "right" way. A scene with one of the characters using Windex was shown. Talk about extreme product placement.
  12. RT @Prince3EG: PRINCE ROGERS NELSON::PASSPORT PICTURE 2/11/16 https://t.co/lgdLCXQ9y2

  13. I'm really enjoying this. Deadpool sucker-punched everybody. The over DOFP club that @TrendyWiz7 created is all but a done deal. That's a win for the entire genre, imo.
  14. I thought Deadpool was gonna break out back when folks were shitting on the "juvenile" first trailer. Reynolds and the writers gave fans of the character exactly what they wanted, which turned out to be exactly what the GA wanted. Imagine that!
  15. The trailer is hilarious. I'm gonna drag my friends and family out to see this.
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