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Everything posted by Lumos

  1. Why is everyone who receives early box office information completely incompetent? If this number is real then...wow! Nice increase! But I'm pretty certain the estimate tomorrow will be significantly lower.
  2. It's going to have to have a large increase today. That thu is just terrible. Should increase at least 80% today.....
  3. Fri: 14.2M (+67%) Sat: 18.6M (+31%) Sun: 14.0M (-25%) 2ndwk: 46.8M Will need a really good Fri/Sat increase if it wants to hit 50M this week.....
  4. Wait, is the last game between Boston and Chicago tonight? I thought there was still a few more games left. I'm a Canadian and even I don't know this. Fail.....lol
  5. I was about eleven when I started following the box office....some time during 2003 when Matrix Reloaded and Finding Nemo were released. Interest peaked around 2007/2008....
  6. Django Unchained. I had never seen a Tarantino movie before this one, and I was expecting a slightly above average western film. The film blew me away though, and might even make my top 10.
  7. I had no idea that the Godfather adjusted to over 600M. Mind blown..... Anyways, I voted for Titanic. Probably the best film from the 90's along with American Beauty.
  8. This scene has always freaked me out. Although, not as much as the shower scene later in the film.....
  9. Wow. I predicted 51M for TGG a week ago....and it ends up with 51.1M. That is kind of scary. IM3 makes no sense however. I honestly thought this was headed for a sub 65M weekend. How did this end up having a smaller 2nd weekend drop than IM2?
  10. I hope this does over 100m. I know this was made by Cauron, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's doomed for failure. Georgy and Sandy have enough star power to generate some interest. And the trailer reminded me of the film Open Water, which I loved. But instead of shark infested waters we're stuck in space. Looks very cool! Also, to chime into an older conversation, Y Tu Mama Tambien is definitely the best film by Cauron. It's so simple and perfect; a very human story. If you haven't seen it go see it! Now! Right now! Unless your thirteen, then maybe you should find something more kid appropriate.
  11. BOOOO.... I wanted TGG to win Friday. And I wanted IM3 around 18M. It's such a shame that the world doesn't revolve around me
  12. IM3 should do around 18M Friday....Gatsby anywhere from 15-20M. It will be close.
  13. I think it's better to compare Wed to Monday and disregard Tue altogether when trying to predict legs.... IM3's Wed retained 72% of its Mon gross compared to 74.2% for IM2 and 72.02% for TA.... This would suggest a larger weekend decrease than IM2, possibly as high as 65%.
  14. Discount Tuesdays are much bigger than they were when IM2 was released....even compared to last year they've seen a huge increase in popularity. The Tue increase is a promising sign, but the Wed drop of nearly 30% is equally as alarming.
  15. TA probably would have had a larger Sat increase if capacity wasn't an issue. Which is insane because it made something like 70M.... But, that is a fair argument I guess. I'm still predicting a 2nd weekend around 61-65M.....
  16. True. But do you think it's more family friendly than IM2? Do you? Do you really? I think people are just making excuses for some bad weekday numbers lol. And sequels tend to be more fronloaded than their predecessors. This is kind of common knowledge....isn't it? IM3 dropping less than IM2 would be very unusual.
  17. Also, a 61M 2nd weekend would be a 65% drop. Not too bad for the sequal of a film that dropped 59% on its 2nd weekend.
  18. I'm comparing it to Iron Man 2. Why would IM3 be more family friendly than IM2? IT'S THE SAME FRANCHISE, released on the same weekend of the year! These number show that IM3 is far more frontloaded than its previous installment.
  19. Ok, I decided to do a Iron Man 3 vs Iron Man 2 daily comparison (because I am THAT big of a nerd). Fri: Iron Man 3 was 34.4% ahead of Iron Man 2 (for that day) Sat: Iron Man 3 was 36.03% ahead of Iron Man 2 Sun: Iron Man 3 was 38.3% ahead of Iron man 2 Mon: Iron Man 3 was 20.3% ahead of Iron Man 2 Tue: Iron Man 3 was 34.6% ahead of Iron Man 2 Wed: Iron Man 3 was 16.7% ahead of Iron Man 2 So Wed was only a mere 17% ahead of Iron Man 2's Wed. That's pretty bad considering its Sat was almost 40% ahead of IM2. If IM3's 2nd weekend is 16.7% ahead of IM2's second weekend, or in other words has the exact same inceases/decreases as that film for the next four days....it will only make 60.7M this weekend. A sub 65M 2nd weekend is almost assured IMO. I don't care if this is acting like a "family" film, these weekday numbers aren't very good considering that enormous OW.
  20. That would be hilarious if the great gatsby won the weekend. IM3 would have to underperform and TGG would have to way over perform. So in all likelihood there will be a good 15 mil difference between the two.
  21. This films going to have pretty bad legs. Like everyone's going to want to check it out OW to see what all the fuss is about, but once people realize it's trash it'll be abandon ship. Like it might only get a 6x which is pretty bad for a fillm now in 1997. I see this opening to an impressive 20m but it'll have a huge drop after that....100m looks pretty difficult at this point....
  22. Hmmm.... So after 3 days of release, Iron Man 3 had the 2nd best start of all time (after The Avengers) By Day 4 its dropped to #3 (behind The Avengers and DH2) and, by day 5 its dropped all the way to #6 (behind TA, TDK, DH2, TF2 & TDKR) Obviously this is the result of having no summer weekdays, but I do enjoy watching this slip nonetheless.....
  23. Come on guys. The Reader is obviously the best picture from 2008....dunno why it receives so much hate....
  24. So is there a "The Avengers 2 over Avatar (760M)" thread yet? I think many people would join at this point....I might even be tempted to myself. Although maybe the fascination with 3D Marvel films will die down by then...perhaps...probably not though....
  25. 500M is on the table folks. 3D Marvel films now rule the box office....just a fact of life I'm afraid!
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