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Thrylos 7

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Everything posted by Thrylos 7

  1. Agreed, I liked jumanji 2 , if we can call it that, a lot , it was a lovely movie but I just don’t see how a sequel can work and have the same charm and freshness. I really don’t think that it needs a sequel but of course we are going to have one for an almost one billion movie, esp. from a desperate studio like Sony Columbia.
  2. For participating in a thread called fanboy wars ? Seriously ? I’d say the insecure people are the ones that feel the need to always keep their seriousness and “coolness”, I mean who the fuck cares it’s fanboy Wars and we are going to have some good online battles damn it !!!
  3. All I saw in Wonder Woman is slooooow motion. The first avenger basically destroys it and actually shows the era it’s is supposed to take place , unlike Wonder Woman. I mean they use captain America as a living ad for war bonds. I get that Wonder Woman is like citizen Kane/The Godfather/apocalypse now all rolled into one for desperate dc fans but at its core it’s a very average film that just happened to rally the butthurt, from ghostbusters2016, feminists in the U.S. How on earth films like the dccu films have sincerity, from pa Kent advising Clark that he should have let a bus full of kids die to Batman being a homicide maniac to Superman being an unlikeable God, I have no idea. This thread is amazing though, hadn’t read it for a long time and didn’t know that it has reached such amazing levels of entertainment 😂
  4. Yeah maybe I took things a bit far but I feel it is a superior blockbuster film that seems like a small miracle , all things considered and how difficult it seemed that this could actually work, on paper.
  5. Yep, infinity war is a beloved classic already , how the hell is it divisive ? I mean I get not liking it, I hate movies that are universally beloved but I won’t go around calling them divisive because I don’t like them.
  6. Morbius rocks as a character though I would prefer an an MCU horror universe with “werewolf by night”, “tomb of Dracula” and “morbius the living vampire”.
  7. In its third weekend AATW will do some serious damage to it, so I dont think that we will see a rise from the grave for it. Anyway I really don’t see how this has even a slight chance for 400 million and it’s first Tuesday (with a number close to what many predicted for Monday) doesn’t really change much. If it was to have a tiny increase in Tuesday then we would be talking about 350 million.
  8. It’s not just that. I2 (and JW last year) had a huge first Monday after a phenomenal opening weekend so some spill over effect was in play in their first Monday. JW2 is performing more like a more “normal” blockbuster after an o.k (for a sequel to an over 650 million film) opening weekend and a bad first Monday . It was obvious that it would have a decent increase in Tuesday , just like every film in the top ten will have. If it didn’t we would be talking about BvS legs right now. I am sure that 99.9% of people posting here understand that but want to ignore it and start dreaming again. Oh well the second weekend is coming and that will cement exactly where JW2 will finish.
  9. I am on the sixth or seventh episode and I love this season so much more than the first one. This has more humor, a great main villain, more action along with the things that were great from the first season, like the awesome music.
  10. I am on the second episode of the second season and it is a much more enjoyable season than the first. Always loved the blaxploitation elements and the fantastic seventies’ style music but I found the first season too heavy. Second season seems more laid back and the villain is great.
  11. Really good run for Deadpool 2 , less than 10% drop WW , when all is said and done.
  12. The hook for A4 is great and the anticipation, for something/anything concerning A4 (a hint about the title or when we can expect the trailer e.t.c) is already reaching fever levels all over the internt. The only enemy of A4 is itself, if the movie delivers then the sky is the limit for its box office run. Of course the rhetoric about why it will drop (while a similar rhetoric about why JW3 will increase already exists) has already begun so again this forum will be bizarro land compared to the rest of the internet just like it was for IW pre-release.
  13. Yeah I will post my opinion on JW2 in every thread it is mentioned because to me it is bottom of the barrel blockbuster film making. Sorry if that offends you. As for the personal insults, I pity people who resort to them and actually give me a smile.
  14. Allowed to do what exactly ? Hating terrible films ? Not making personal insults, like many forum posters do ?
  15. So we agree on the basic “this won’t get to 400 million” , the rest is semantics. And no, not everything is terrible for me, the Deadpool run was quite nice (where did I even say that Deadpool did terrible for a sequel, I have been seeing many weird statements about me lately like how I predicted “under 100 million ow for JW2” which NEVER happened ), I2 has done great for an animated film e.t.c After watching the film I immediately wrote that this will see a huge drop in the U.S and have terrible legs , that’s about it.
  16. Yes I hated the film, just like many people and critics did, how is this bad exactly ? This is just a terrible blockbuster , bottom of the barrel stuff.
  17. So you think that it will have good legs ? The Monday number seems terrible to me and clearly indicative of its legs, not that I had any doubts after seeing the film but this just reinforces my belief. Anyway more numbers will come in the upcoming days and then the huge second weekend drop will make these arguements redundant. The 4th of July will be this film’s last hurrah before AATW comes and decimates it completely. Even the fact that it’s actual weekend was lower than universal’s estimate should be alarming but some people were so caught up with the silly “under 100 million ow” that missed the point. Not much more to say, let the numbers speak...
  18. Yep, the bad legs , just as I predicted that this would have in the U.S, have just begun.
  19. Let’s hope Cameron can bring some magic back. Having Linda Hamilton in there is already a huge plus.
  20. Ignoring your personal insults , the mods should see into that, care to point where in the hell I had predicted a sub-100 million weekend ? oh and it’s not 150, it’s 148 million.
  21. Curiously I don’t see many people predicting JW2 having trouble reaching 400 million in the U.S , in 2017 threads. Of course NOW everybody “knew” everything but reading a few older threads that have been bumped are painting a completely different picture.
  22. and universal overestimated it just to have “an 150 million” opening weekend at a time when almost all studios are extremely careful in their estimates. Dont see much difference apart from the fact that we had to constantly read for three years that 600 million was the celing for a CBM in the U.S. and reading wall of text after wall of text why x upcoming CBM will disappoint.
  23. It’s neither bad , not very impressive either and it missed 150 million. There was a riot when AOU missed.....200 million, things are extremely civil here.
  24. Nothing is really review-proof esp. in the U.S market. Bad reviews eventually hurt a franchise, at least in the U.S. Transformers is a good example of that and JW is heading that way fast, let’s not forget that we are talking about a potential almost 300 million drop from the first film in the U.S.
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