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Thrylos 7

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Everything posted by Thrylos 7

  1. The fact that an assumed 135 million ow has become a cause of celebration for a sequel to an 1.7 billion (and 650 million domestic) grossing film speaks volumes. Thats like saying that an 150 million ow for A4 would be a reason for us to sing kumbaya.
  2. Eeeeh, yes I hated it, it’s a terrible movie and I want it to do bad, I don’t see what’s the problem. I loved the first one and was rooting for it and never, not once did I complain that it beat AOU. The thing is these underpredictions aren’t a result of hate, they are a result of the horrible presales, if presales were decent not even people that hate it would “underpredict” it.
  3. Funny I see the exact opposite. Many butthurt people over the success of the MCU trying to support everything else just to have an arguement with MCU fans. The various pre-release clubs for IW and the majority of opinions expressed there is a testament to that, people like movieman89 , who was damn right in everything he predicted, were ridiculed there. Solo flopping, JL flopping, JW2 ready to have a huge drop worldwide compared to the first while every MCU sequel is flying to much bigger bo results than its predecessor has made some people even more bitter. The underestimation of JW2 comes from the fucking presales numbers that are terrible. Anyway don’t see any reason for anxiety , real numbers are almost here and a TLJ kind of drop WW for JW2 is what I predict. The movie’s lack of quality will affect its legs a lot in the U.S.
  4. Yeah maybe he should commit harakiri if FK does well......whatever. If that was the case half the forum should have been dead already with the amount of bullshit that has been posted about various movies,pre-release.
  5. My point is that you tried to compare JW with JW2 and the circumstances are very different.
  6. Except that this is a sequel and has a huge marketing campaign behind it. Comparing it to the first jw doesn’t make sense but talk is cheap and we will have numbers in a few days, or even hours. Whatever it makes in its ow I can guarantee that it won’t have anywhere near the legs of the first film.
  7. Except that AOU and TLJ have nothing in common. One fell around 7%ww from its predecessor while the other fell 35% + from its predecessor. It’s nice to put them in the same sentence so that TLJ can look better. JW2 is heading towards a TLJ drop worldwide.
  8. The trailers are extremely flattering for this film and very misleading.
  9. Yes they actually are. It’s not the people’s fault that these movies are shit and some fanboys are butthurt about it. Again this thing is loud , too loud , the only movie it reminded me was again BvS. Right now at 44% top critics.
  10. How will Pixar get that throne ? Is there a 2+ billion Pixar movie in the horizon that I am unaware of ?
  11. IF JW2 doesn’t have a decent ow , say 130+ million, things will get ugly for it extremely fast. It’s such a lol movie that I expect some hilarious reactions, this thing is begging to be decimated by social media and the like....oh booooy.
  12. Trust me, it will, and there’s no dead of summer. I2 is very strong and AATW is looming on the horizon ready to destroy any hope for decent legs for this “film”. I don’t know if you have seen this film but expect a lot of spiteful reviews, I can’t wait for “half in the bag” for this. 54% and still dropping.....
  13. These guys are awesome. They embrace their nerdish nature and make a great living out of it (most of their videos have millions of views) and they actually know what they are talking about. Their post-release ghostbusters 2016 “scientist man” video (not the half in the bag review) is one of the best I have ever seen on YouTube.
  14. The first film was a joy for me, I really liked it. Hollow but enjoyable with cute characters and even its story is like citizen Kane-caliber compared to the second . Vincent d’onofrio is like a million times more charismatic that JW2 villains. I wonder, after the 1.7 billion the first one made, why universal didn’t go crazy with the sequel . Get great actors to play the villains, have a wild, epic story , make a spectacle . They cheapened out to save a few tens of million of $$ and will loose much more with the franchise’s decline and the poor taste this is leaving/will leave to many viewers. First the horrible mummy film (another movie with a terrible story) that sunk t(e planned dark universe , now this....wth universal ?
  15. They should do a scary salem’s Lot film, has more in common with IT, with the big monster in small town theme , and needs an AAA movie adoption . The 1980 tv film is very good but it can be done better (the more recent tv mini series was an abomination so it doesn’t count)
  16. I take back everything I wrote about the budget, the movie definitely doesn’t seem more expensive than the reported 170 million budget. It looks cheap and it is a very small-scaled film, after the first 20-30 minutes. The marketing is hugely misleading . Also at 57% rotten already and deserves to be much lower, it is the BvS of the Jurassic franchise and it is daaaaaark, not emotionally but literally dark just like bvs 90% of the film takes place in the dark. JP>JW>>>JP3>>>>>>>JP2>>>>JW2.
  17. Rocky 4 wasn’t just entertainment in the climate it was released and neither were the Rambo sequels. Whatever I have said my piece , nothing further to add.
  18. Sorry Baumer but rocky 4 epitomizes everything that was wrong in the Reagan-era action films. It’s basically a propaganda film as was Rambo 2 (and 3 but that was outdated before it was even released and is mostly a joke seeing Rambo helping the talibans) . This one again seems to implicate a human being , drago’s son, that is basically not human since he has “nothing to loose” as most “Russians, commies, whatever” are , at least in the mind of Americans. As as I have always said, americans’ liberal sensitivities end with whatever has to do with issues inside their country, they will rebel against people bashing a piece of shit like ghostbusters 2016 because of feminism or whatever, they will basically call anybody that dididnt like black panther a member of the kkk but they still have no problem with their movies portraying foreigners as inhuman creatures, esp. if it’s russians or Chinese or North Koreans or middle eastern citizens or whatever is the bad guy of the day for the U.S.
  19. Terrible trailer but expected. Too bad because both rocky balboa and creed were such good , heartfelt movies. This goes back to the pop corn shit of rocky 3&4 that are extremely outdated, esp. part 4. Oh look the giant son of......drago. Whatever since nostalgia pays well, at least in the U.S box office, I guess it’s a good paycheck for both Stallone an Michael b. Jordan.
  20. The nineties for me was a horrible decade in everything entertainment, music, movies e.t.c, the worst decade ever and I was glad when they were finally over and no cherry picking of a few films, most of which I don’t even find that good, will change that.
  21. Finding dory didn’t beat civil war worldwide and neither did Wonder Woman beat GOTG worldwide. At an age when most box office grosses come from overseas some people are acting as if we are in the eighties when comparing films.
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