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Thrylos 7

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Everything posted by Thrylos 7

  1. I am terrible at predicting bo and I have said so many times. That doesn’t mean that I will sugarcoat things, I am just presenting facts. For this particular film the bad reviews and the huge drop worldwide are a fact , not an opinion and again no matter what you or I say the posts of what people were predicting are very easy to find and read , I really don’t see how there can be an arguement about this, THE POSTS ARE RIGHT IN THIS FORUM (sorry for yelling).
  2. You know what ? Look at the forum member picores who is “laughing” at my post. The same guy was predicting at least 950 million overseas for JW2 and an easy over 400 million in the U.S. Now he is celebrating in this thread cause “Dinos are kicking ass” I get the box office just fine, there are a ton of franchises that have been very consistent up until one point at least and don’t drop 35% worldwide with their first sequel. Do i need to start naming them ? People were loosing their minds over a 7% worldwide drop for AOU.
  3. 50% at RT (43% top critics) is very bad. Around 600 million less worldwide than the previous film is very bad. Having almost zero chance to reach 400 million in the U.S is very bad. I am sorry but for certain films there are specific expectations and most people were laughing at the thought of this doing less than 400 million in the U.S , a month ago , let alone a year ago. The thing with me is that I am stubborn and don’t change my tune just to sugarcoat things saying one thing one day and the opposite the next. It doesn’t even have to do with my personal feelings about a movie (or a book or a music album or whatever) , I was called a troll in inifinity war threads because , after its grand worldwide first weekend, I had higher expectations and thought that it would perform even better than what it did. Now that’s a movie that I watched five times at the theaters but I never started gushing over it’s bo results despite them being actually very impressive. You won’t see me celebrating if A4, for example, does 1.5 billion WW cause it “will have turned a profit”. Most people here , and that’s very obvious one look at the posts is enough, have huge expectations for films they support, become extremely aggressive to support their expectations (one look at the various clubs is enough) and when these expectations aren’t met they change their tune so that they can be happy. Sorry but, for better or for worse, that’s not me.
  4. Depends on the perspective, I have it doing around 1.1 billion so dropping 1/3 of the first film is quite bad both in percentages and absolute numbers (way over 500 million drop) plus, but that’s a personal opinion, I think it will have poisoned the well for the third film with its bad reviews and what I believe will be bad wom. Very badly reviewed film that has a huge drop from the previous one, I fail to see the positives other than the cliche “universal will make a profit” . I mean if universal was to loose money from the sequel to a 1.7 billion film for which it spent nearly 400 million $$ (production+marketing budget and this thing had an extremely intense marketing campaign even more intense than deadpool2) then it would have been a catastrophy for the studio that isn’t exactly swimming in huge blockbusters.
  5. Even better worldwide , AOU basically fell around 7% from TA and it was the punching bag of this forum for years and the main arguement, along with “civil war is an avengers film” of why IW wouldn’t do that great. Oh how sequels from other franchises wish they could only fall 7% from their predecessors....
  6. First of all I never predicted under 100 million ow or whatever,my only prediction has been 1.1 billion WW and I stand by it. Secondly we get it, 1-2 folks thought it would open very bad in the U.S and it didn’t , so what ? We have had a gazillion posts here by people that have been ridiculously wrong in the very recent past, trying to get some kind of revenge or whatever, people that were seeing a “tight race WW between IW and JW2” and were making fun of anyone predicting great results for IW in general, do I really have to dig up these ridiculous posts ? We get it , movieman89 was wrong now move on , it’s not like JW2 is lighting up the box office or is having amazing reviews or whatever. Seriously half of the posts here are about the 1-2people that predicted wrong , if we start doing that in every thread there won’t be any discussion at all.
  7. Wow so many butthurt people that movieman89 owned their asses in the IW predictions threads where they were posting stupid prediction after stupid prediction and they think they can retaliate with a sequel that will have a historic drop from its predecessor.
  8. I really believe that universal went cheap on this instead of creating a summer spectacle, for whatever reason and thus the script’s weakness is more pronounced since you don’t have the visuals to hide it, at least after the first 20 minutes. At 50% on RT right now.
  9. Can you imagine 20 Jurassic films in 10 years ? Each would be doing about 10$ worldwide. Right now in 2018 , 2 MCU films will do much better than JW2 both domestic and worldwide.
  10. So now “JW wasn’t all that loved , the huge drop was expected blahblablah” . Damn this forum sure was singing a different tune a year ago when the first predations for how 2018 movies will perform were being made....
  11. Always predicted 1.1 billion for this worldwide (my post is right there in the JW2under 1 billion club) and never posted anything about sub-100 million ow or whatever , and everything up until now seems quite normal to me. Dont see why a TLJ kind of historic drop is cause for celebration, esp. by people that were swearing about how JW2 would do better than IW before IW was released, but whatever. As I have written people just need a reason to be happy.
  12. How the hell are the MCU films frontloaded ? IW demolished the Saturday and Sunday records and some people are acting as if the MCU movies are depending on previews or whatever. Black panther also had an amazing weekend , compared to its preview number, we aren’t talking about Star Wars here and I believe people still holding on to the walk up business of JW2 are about to be really disappointed.
  13. I don’t think that women will like this thing. My girlfriend loved the first one, we went together (against my advice I knew she wouldn’t like the sequel, based on trailers) and she kept nagging during the last 2/3 of the film, and rightfully so cause it was terrible. The first one one was more women-friendly, I think.
  14. I compared U.S opening weekends not entire runs, and I believe that was the actual question. Solo is a flop, a bomb, JW2 will be an underperformer if it drops over 500 million worldwide from the firs film.
  15. Doesn’t matter , we aren’t comparing a mainline Star Wars film with it.
  16. The thing is , even without a tentpole avengers film or a cultural BP phenom, marvel had THREE close to one billion worldwide films in 2017 and you have to put everything against them (from star wars to f&f to animated films, basically the whole movie industry) to.....make them look bad, I don’t even get it .
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