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Everything posted by K1stpierre

  1. This is just a prime example where sometimes all you need to make a great thriller, is a basic premise. You can describe this movie in one sentence: A dog becomes infected with a disease and suddenly becomes violent and terrorizes people. Sure, it doesn't sound great, but boy the film really does deliver. Big time. This is just one of those movies that had me gripping my seat throughout the last half hour when the mom is trapped in her car with her son. This movie blew me away, since I wasn't expecting it to be great. Overall, I'd give it a 9/10, A overall. This is a great thriller.
  2. I really really really was dissapointed with this. Big fan of scooby doo, watched it as a kid. One of my fav shows. I just didn't like the storyline. I felt like it was really dumb. The actors was one of the bright spots, I liked who they picked to play all the main characters. But the script and story just was bad. Overall, I give it a C, 5/10.
  3. This was okay for me. It was decent as a horror and had a pretty good story behind it. I just felt that the acting was a bit off with the kids, some violent parts were eh. Overall I'd give a C+ rating, 7.5/10.
  4. This concept is why I think this will have a big OS pull for nations that have revolted as of late in egypt and other nations.
  5. Close, it did 27M, which isn't bad. I think CF should jump to at least 35M, if not more. I'm surprised China beat France...
  6. Seriously? LOL That is funny! I'm surprised they haven't heard of it. I just might ask my theater the same question and see what they say...
  7. Schmoes saw it!!! AND THEY LOVED IT!!! 5/5! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RbJoaz9p-Fg
  8. Copycatting who? I wouldn't say I'm copycatting them, I'm just on the 40+ bandwagon that these projections are now saying
  9. Final OW guess: 41M. Yep. I'm with the 40+, marketing for this has been extreme (I literally can't watch a TV show without at least 3 Gravity commercials, one each commercial break) and reviews are insane. Bullock, you did it with The Heat, and now your at it again with Gravity.
  10. I didn't think of it like that. Now that you said that, it now should have been obvious lol I'm just used to this show throwing us the unexpected.
  11. I think I'll go a bit lower, just to be on the safe side and say 275M, but I could also see it doing 300+M.
  12. Well, they were calling the person Victoria was with as "boy-toy", and they seemed really close. The last scene with them felt like she was distraught over her loved leaving.... Over maybe I just have a sick mind
  13. This movie blows away any other vampire movie I've seen. It just had that realistic feel to it, rather than your average vampire movie where they are 'super fast, super stong'. Don't get me wrong, I'm a sucker for vampires like that (NOT twilight, but true blood is cool). But this was a refreshing new view on vampires. It's funny because me and my sister just came upon this because it was assigned to us from one of our college classes. We had to write a paper on it, and me and my sister when it started were ready to make fun of it. About 15 minutes into it we were actually hooked. A+
  14. I have to wait till Saturday....>.< God, I would s*** my pants if this could take the October OW record.... If this can open to 35M though, it's still a win.
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