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Everything posted by K1stpierre

  1. I'll have to check out Erased, along with others Exactly mentioned. I just got done watching a show called (in the english version) From The New World, not really sure how I feel about it. People online had it down numerous for being most scary/disturbing, and so I figured I'd give it a shot. I think at times it did intrigued me, especially the beginning episodes as it definitely had that ominous feeling. However, I think the author's direction of the story at times just really made it hard to get into. It was like just when the thrills were there and I was scared for the characters, then poof! The story takes a safe turn in a complete opposite direction and it just left me bummed. And then it got somewhat weird in the middle, almost dropped the series entirely, but I managed to watch it and the last few episodes did turn okay. I guess it wasn't what I was expecting in my mind and so it left me feeling unsure of what I thought of it. I do like the adult themes presented to us such as war, politics, morals and ethics, some of which were really intriguing as it really questions the viewers of situations that have existed in our past and maybe even today. But at the end of the day, it's still a let down since I didn't want an anime that just makes me thinks, I wanted one for thriller feels and scary chills, and this just didn't live up to what people were saying about it. I'd give this a 6/10. It's not something I'd rewatch probably.
  2. I've only seen pitch perfect 2, and to be honest didn't find it funny in the slightest. I was bored.
  3. Yeah, I finished it last night and I get somewhat what you mean. I mean, are they going to do another season? If so, then I think it's fine to end it there. If not, then yeah the ending does suck ass. Yeah, I didn't really find it funny either I guess :/
  4. The whole movie of Tomorrowland was like a nightmare I didn't want to pretend ever happened........I wanted to vomit in that theater.
  5. Nevermind, I get it MJ2 overall was satisfying and good but it's definitely not flawless.
  6. Sweet! I'll def check that one out after I finished this one called btooom. A few sites recommended it as it's along similar lines as Future Diary. It's been awhile since I've seen a fantasy anime, so that'll be an extra bonus. :3 I just still can't get over the end of Future Diary. It just mind fucked my brain. What's it about?
  7. Speaking of dark anime, just finished Future Diary and WOW. LOVED IT. I mean, it got kind of confusing at the end and gave my head a bit of a headache having to really think quite a bit and grasp what was happening, but I actually didn't mind any of it that much. The series was fucking awesome, gave me chills and some great laughs the whole time. Definitely will be in my top 5 probably.
  8. I concur it's an amazing sequel........but not because of the reasons you said.
  9. If it made 50's I would feel a bit safer about it hitting a 1B. Anything lower than that kind puts it dead to me.
  10. Yeah I typically like the darker anime, those of gore, thriller, horror, varieties. I just find them more compelling. Corpse Party the anime wasn't too gory, I mean there are some gore but to me it wasn't that bad but then again gore in general doesn't bother me so I guess my word isn't so great Corpse Party the anime is worth a watch if you're bored and need time to kill.
  11. To me staying flat is a great number, no need for it to increase just yet. Hell even if Wednesday drops a bit it's not the end of the world.
  12. I forgot we had an anime station on this page. I spoiler tagged it as I'm not sure if this is where you talk about anime in detail..... I'm sure there are more that I've seen but I can't think of them, plus I don't want to rant all day
  13. It's hard not to get greedy and want more when the numbers have been godly so far.
  14. Oh so is that Disney's estimate and not RTH's? I trust what RTH says than Disney.
  15. So this didn't get past 90M this weekend? I'm a bit disappointed.
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