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Everything posted by wileECoyote

  1. It's a win by default but I like the number. Almost 5M more than I expected!
  2. So will it be at around 430-440WW when all is done? A pretty respectable number and its a positive step in rebuilding the Disney Animation brand.
  3. Damn those OS numbers look too good to be true . And the Russia drop may show that it has some legs.
  4. That is pretty good. Maybe it'll hold up. And those Sunday drops seem to be too steep.
  5. 18M is still 3M more than I expected so if true it'll be a nice surprise.
  6. Hopefully it does bump up. I think that ERC is expecting it to follow AL:VH. I'm not surprised but hope it doesn't.
  7. Exhibitor Relations ‏@ERCboxoffice Universal's MAMA nursed the #2 spot yesterday, scoring $4M. Total is now nearly $40M.
  8. Exhibitor Relations ‏@ERCboxoffice HANSEL & GRETEL was #1 on Friday w/ $6M, but there will be no fairly tale ending w/ an estimated weekend of just $14M. Ouch. looks like their expecting some steep drops for H&G. I kind of expect it to have a bump today.
  9. Decent first estimate. I'm not gonna get too excited yet until later but feeling a bit more optimistic about HG.
  10. Probably take more than that but at least it's doing well in the home market. Here's hoping for small miracles because I thought this movie deserved much better than the crappy marketing and release date that it got.
  11. Damn I miss this forum. it's good to be back in the US. :DAnd being a sucker for action flops..Last Stand is my first movie of the new year!
  12. We may know soon enough how TH has affected Time Warner's financials when quarterlies are released. A fairly decent run could've been baked into expectations. Of course this is Hollywood accounting so who knows what may show up.Anyway saw it. I'd give it a B- with the second half being miles ahead of the first. As for BO performance: incomplete. Waiting to see if this will hold up any better.
  13. Decent bump for TH. If this is geared more towards family fare we should be expecting a very nice bump for Friday.
  14. Lincoln is a machine. Nice bump for a Thursday.
  15. 13M pretty good. Guessed around 105 for OW so it may top that. Any idea when we should get a cinemascore?
  16. True but it could get a boost with double features. Haven't seen RotG yet but meaning to soon. At least it's showing some good legs.
  17. Agree. Pleasantly surprised at how many theaters it's keeping. Any idea on the impact on showings though?Not so surprised with the TC loss for Killing Them Softly. Looking good for BD2 and Skyfall.
  18. Just wanted to get my 2¢ in before flying from NYC. Nice hold for ROTG. Maybe a decent run in the books?SF > BD2 this week?And c'mon WiR more legs please :)And congrats to Argo for crossing 100!
  19. Oh well, I guess the week after Thanksgiving will be as unforgiving as the last. Still nothing unexpected. WiR seems to be diverging a bit from Bee Movie and pulling ahead and 170 definitely reachable with 180 looking like the top end unless the holds significantly improve.And really liking Lincoln.
  20. Curious as well to see how these two end up this weekend. VWiR drop yesterday was bigger than I expected but it's holding up pretty well with the new completion. And nothing new until TH. so both movies have a few weeks.
  21. Wow liking the numbers so far. If WiR follows Bee Movie (which has been pretty close) it'll do3.1 Thurs8.27 Fri7.86 Sat4.32 Sun 27.3M 5-Day Weekend 20.5M 3-DayIf it follows Megamind (which its holding up better than)2.8 Thurs7.3 Fri6.8 Sat3.4 Sun24M 5-Day, 17.5 3-DayNot bad. 150M at least by end of week.
  22. Great numbers overall. BD2 could still end up around 140. Skyfall is definately holding its own. At least WiR is doing a little better. 4.4(Fri), 8.8(Sat), 6.1(Sun) 19.3 (-42%) 122 cumulative. Weekly drops are still steeper and was thinking that this weekends hold would be decent considering the good TC drop but 200 now seems out of reach. Still think it'll do 175+.
  23. I think that shows that Twilight basically has pretty set, but sizeable, audience. Which leads me to think BD2 will end up BD1 +/-10% DOM.
  24. Sounds logical. Looking at HP series, which is the only comparable I can think of, I can see where your coming from as for BD2 going up. But has the audience increased to blow it pass 300? I don't think so. But again I don't follow the series, just occasionally dragged into it.
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