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Everything posted by JCS

  1. Yes indeed. I said it should do at LEAST £60M with 3D and coming off the epic LOTR trilogy. And it could go higher to £70M/£80M depending on WOM.
  2. That would be a great opening.Considering The Hangover only opened with £3.2M in 2009.
  3. Yes in £ it is but was thinking in $. The exchange rate really changes the grosses for the LOTR trilogy in the UK.It should do at least £60M then especially with 3D.
  4. I was thinking more conservative, around $100M gross in the UK as it is the first film and not like ROTK which was the epic finale to a loved trilogy.It will be clearer closer to release, seems so far off now.
  5. That is a great actuals increase! How high is IA4 going now?
  6. Ted opens tomorrow here in the UK. Sometimes films open on the Wednesday but you are right that Friday is the normal day for new releases.I feel Ted will be huge too (like in Australia) but not sure it can match the Inbetweeners as it is not British.
  7. DH2 will be tough to beat in the UK. Would be great to see The Hobbit top it.
  8. I hope so! I have already contributed twice to the TDKR gross and possibly more times! Every little helps. Indeed, TDKR should beat TDK in £ but won't get close in $ due to exchange rate changes since 2008.However, the Yen-$ exchange rate has improved since 2008 so worldwide it probably balances out amongst other currencies and exchange rates.
  9. Damn TDKR dropped. :(At least OS weekend actuals increased to make up for it!
  10. A very tidy little increase there, nice!Makes up for USA weekend actual decreasing...
  11. It was a -49% drop which is very good considering weather and Olympics!TDKR up to £30.7m ($47.9m) now which is great!
  12. TDKR for sure, just an epic finale to a wondeful trilogy.TDKR 9/10Avengers 8/10TASM 8/10
  13. I really liked Bane's voice. His delivery of some lines was great!
  14. So the actuals for OW went down in China? Ouch!HR and SD said $1.1M for China so was using those figures.
  15. $1.1M OW in Portugal is good. Up to $291.5M OS now, and loads more markets to open this week and up until October.
  16. It really did badly in China. $1.1M OW there = bomb! Up to: $110.3M OS. Might end up with around $125M OS. Perhaps less.
  17. Really, that sucks.Still, IA4 is going to have a mammoth OS total so $2M will not be too badly missed.
  18. Lord of the Rings is simply epic!Harry Potter and Star Wars great also.Everyone forgetting Godfather series too as Part I + II are stunning. (Good enough to balance out poor Part III).
  19. $450M finish will be good all things considered! I hope it reaches that and it will pass $1B WW.
  20. That's good. It will all get added into the IA4 OS total anyway so does not matter too much if it was not reported properly in one weekend's total.
  21. Why would they not report it? Is it 'should be' $5M or 'is' $5M higher? Spain BO really is awful this year.
  22. You need a bow to shoot and hit high Box-Office grosses this year it seems.
  23. In other news, The Lorax had an okay OW with $3M in the UK (including previews).Cannot see it doing well, with IA4 raking in tons of $$$ as well as Brave releasing soon. Very daft release date for The Lorax...
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