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Everything posted by Killimano3

  1. The world has ended. You board a spaceship with a small portion of earth's population for a new world. For some reason you are the only one capable of preserving any films and you may only select 20. This is not necessarily a "what's my favourite 20 films". You'll want to get a good split of genres for everyone, you'll want to represent as many directors as possible, but take the best films possible. You'll want some that can be enjoyed by adults and some for kids. What do you choose!
  2. It physically hurts me to watch as paramount releases literally nothing but flops for an entire year. I mean jesus did they really shit the bed. Sad to see one of films oldest studios crashing so hard
  3. Surprised if they're supposedly doing a best picture push. I mean what are the chances of that happening?
  4. I'm curious as to how you adjust for inflation with overseas numbers
  5. I feel as if you are wasting far too much time and effort worrying about the evil feminists. I think you'd be happier if you just chilled out a bit
  6. Considering how weak the box office has been for weeks now and how weak it'll continue to be til this opens I expect big numbers
  7. This was a fantastic movie but it's still sitting at only 279.2 million to Dawn's 710.6 million >.> ouch >.> This mean no fourth film then? =(
  8. Is this supposed to be the final one?? Cause on the RT description is says "to conclude this rebooted trilogy on a powerful note" but I could've sworn they said they were making more...
  9. After this and ice age 5 I'm thinking pirates 5 did pretty well actually
  10. http://www.boxofficemojo.com/showdowns/chart/?view=daily&id=alicevs.htm lol it's so pathetic and sad to look at those numbers. I didn't expect much but it still was horrible compared to what I thought it'd make XD
  11. Think they mean that's how much MORE those movies are going to make
  12. lol BvS's run is going worse than Spider-Man 3 It might actually make LESS then Spider-Man 3 with a higher opening...
  13. What? I wasnt saying Harry Potter is unimpressive now... I was just saying it was interesting that in 3 years it only dropped 1 spot and this year it dropped another 4. Shows how strong this year's been WW compared to the last couple
  14. Harry Potter really got hammered WW this year lol. Went down 4 spots XP
  15. Wait somebody thought that it would only make like 5-6m more then the hobbit?!
  16. I was looking at the OW list and i realized that removing the Comic-book and Young Adult movie openings (the most front-loaded genres) the list up until this year looked like this: 1. Pirates of the Caribbean: DMC (135,634,554) 2. Shrek the Third (121,629,270) 3. Alice in Wonderland (116,101,023) 4. Pirates of the Caribbean: AWE (114,732,820) 5. Toy Story 3 (110,307,189) 6. Transformers: ROTF (108,966,307) 7. Star Wars Ep. III - ROTS (108,435,841) 8. Shrek 2 (108,037,878) 9. Indiana Jones and the KotCS (100,137,835) 10. Transformers: AOE (100,038,390) Dead Man's Chest was first for nearly a decade and not a whole lot of films seems to open very high (the highest still being 135M) But this year that records been broken 3 times. First by Furious 7 (147.2M) then by Jurassic World (208.8M) and finally by Star Wars (248.0M) Just find that interesting
  17. I actually made a new topic a while ago in the China section that's updated. You can find that here: http://forums.boxofficetheory.com/topic/19452-highest-grossing-films-os-c/
  18. 1.6B would put it waaayyyy past the previous best first-run attendance record
  19. Hunger Games/Catching Fire = Fantastic Films Mockingjay part 1/part 2 = Trash
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