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Mr Terrific

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Everything posted by Mr Terrific

  1. And in the Midwest… The eight-screener I’m going to just opened another preview show. Context is that our town is pre-sale averse so the numbers coming in are pretty exciting.
  2. SIAP What is reasonable guess for 3D/4D if it hits $8m previews? Thanks.
  3. In the comic book world, this would be an annual. Loads of guest stars. It’s just meant to be a different thing than the monthlies. I could’ve really enjoyed the suggested Kraven storylines, but Tom Holland whoa-ing at a bunch of shocking events is gold.
  4. Doesn’t it seem likely that the real story is more complicated than Peter asks for a dumb favor and Strange just goes along with it? The idea that Peter wrecks the spell by babbling during the casting feel like a misdirect.
  5. My own personal touchiness as an MCU fan comes from actually growing up as a comic book fan. Buying comic books was always niche and geeky. To have those same characters be culturally dominant is great (!) and strange. When people attack the genre, it’s harder to shake off. We weren’t born rich. We fluked into it.
  6. At this point, Chapek is the heel who comes out and mocks the local fans at a wrestling event so Liu can be the face who kicks his ass.
  7. The domestic and PA numbers for Jungle Cruise mean Disney will make day and date releases… a) more likely b) less likely c) too many factors to make JC results that big a factor
  8. I’m a franchise warrior. Still, some of the analysis that drops major facts is odd to me. I get the-numbers-are-what-they-are perspective, but come on. BW is going 80/170-190(?) domestically. AM&TW went about 77/217. If you’d said that would happen in January 2020, that would happen, people would say wow, what factor caused that. Here we are with a global pandemic that also sparked a major home video option. That’s just a different marketplace. I wish BW was a higher quality as a fan. That cost it some money for sure. This is a dead ball era of box office. Let’s not be shocked if the HR champ ends a season with 40 homers instead of 50.
  9. I’m a Disney stan who isn’t adverse to some of the arguments and scorn it draws. However, BW’s numbers so far are pretty shallow evidence of a larger Marvel fatigue. It’s like there is so much (understandable) fatigue about Covid, that it gets skipped over that the market remains a big mess.
  10. How long can Disney wait on a decision about switching Shang-Chi to a PA choice? (IDC except that I’m a Disney stan and I truly crave bigger theatrical numbers for the MCU.)
  11. Maybe Shang-Chi stays theater exclusive so the numbers don’t look even worse relative to BW. Will have Disney have any ego about wanting to avoid SC only doing $50-60m on OW?
  12. Will Shang-Chi be a PA movie? Does Disney announcing PA money for BW suggest that is more likely or less likely?
  13. I can’t remember if I posted something different, but $100-$120m seems right. The whole presumed lack of interest for a prequel/dead character thought undercut the positives some for me.
  14. This trailer felt like a real step forward. I agree with the people pointing out that the compressed release dates alter the MCU hype cycle. We’re getting more Loki, BW and maybe What If? before Shang-Chi. It’s harder to feel an album release is epic when the label has so many releases in between. I’m buying it all, of course.
  15. I’m excited for the Hockley movie. Demand for the Fabrizio prequel is very overstated though.
  16. This series is gold. The dojo feud has gotten insane. I’m not sure what the writers will do with some characters in the aftermath. Very excited for the answers. Ally, Sato, Chozen, Terry Silver, Mike Barnes... would be juiced to see any of them.
  17. Agreed. I’m hoping for CAWS numbers, but others are much more optimistic. I hope they are right.
  18. I’m a liberal who enjoys Rambo movies... I’m sensing that Rambo will be defending some kindly Mexican family from evil Mexicans by the end. Patronizing? Even-handed? Who can say?
  19. I’m gonna side with Ayer here. Nothing Ehrlich wrote there was new, interesting or clever. His post is spiteful I write this as a person who really disliked that movie.
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