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Water Bottle

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Everything posted by Water Bottle

  1. We should hate #WorkIt because it looks like the worst show of the season, not because of any "message" it might send.

  2. I think NBC is happy with what Parenthood is doing. Anyways season 2 of the show was far better than season 1, although season 3 has yet to match season 2's quality. Oh well, there's still time from Crosby to sleep with someone and create a whole bunch of drama.
  3. This is a movie with a great adventure and it skips no time in getting to the adventure (even the opening credits felt like they were trying to be done ASAP to get to the story). The problem with the movie is that for the most part, it's all story. Tintin is introduced to us already fully developed, which is great, but the problem is he doesn't evolve throughout the film. Even worse? We don't really get to know him and he has no stakes in the adventure. He literally just goes on the adventure for the sake of it. The Captain is a much better character in that he does evolve throughout the film, and he even changes, but the emotional core he could have given the story was introduced too late and too little. While the movie never gets boring, it never gives you a reason to care. Although, this movie did handle comedy very well as I don't think a single of it's jokes missed. Since the movie rushed to get to the adventure, it also felt like the opening of the movie, the part before the adventure, was non-existent. First films should draw the viewer into the character and his world before starting the adventure, not try to do it at the same time. The ending also felt like it was rushed. Not the climax, as that was very well done. There was simply no real resolution. It was a cliffhanger for the next film, which is perfectly fine if you care about the characters. After the movie, I can't really say I care about Tintin or the Captain or the dog enough for the cliffhanger to work properly. Overall, I recommend seeing this once but I don't see any repeat value. B
  4. There's nothing like putting a group above comedy to make it equal. It's like setting it apart from everyone else. #Glaad #WorkIt

  5. He's fighting the very existence of the universe! That would actually be Liam vs. Chuck Norris.
  6. 10% in Red Tails20% in Underworld
  7. Yeah I guess there's no broadcast TV show that wins wins awards or competes with cable.And some of the best shows which don't compete for awards are on broadcast.Anyways, I don't do cable pilots because they don't follow pilot season and there's just too many.
  8. A- It has quite a few of flaws, but still their all minor flaws. A pretty great film-visually stunning and frankly got better as it went along.
  9. Alien-Nation, a Close Encounters-type science fiction drama about a man whose obsession with alien technology drives him to be alienated from the world, is a comedy? That's news to me. :PExcellent run for Trails of Tears.
  10. Favorite Returning shows:NikitaThe Vampire DiariesFringeThe Good WifeParenthoodThe Big Bang TheoryParks & RecreationCommunityThe MiddleChuckFavorite New Shows:HomelandRevengeGrimmPerson of InterestNew Girl
  11. Consider me excited for the Dark Knight Rises.

  12. Christopher Nolan's first feature film is a short one, coming at only 70 minutes. Yet with those 70 minutes, he can develop great characters and tell a better story than most directors who take more time. While Following is not perfect, it is pretty damn good. The story starts simple enough, but as the movie goes alone it gets a little confusing. Everything does become clear at the end of the episode, but there were moments where I did lose the thread of the story. This isn't necessarily a criticism, since the film isn't linear and so it's meant to confuse the viewer a bit. I felt that since it was black-and-white, the lack of colors confused me on who was on the screen at times and so it confused me more than it was supposed to. When the plot does finish, when it all comes together, then that's when you realize just how good of a story Nolan told and how he had set up everything almost perfectly for that ending (which I personally didn't see coming). The characters themselves were pretty good. The character the film largely follows, the young writer, is nicely developed throughout the film. He starts out innocent, even unsure about the events of the plot, but he quickly takes into the lifestyle. He is never in control, as he's a puppet of the girl and the guy known as Cobb. Cobb is a fascinating character, one whom I wanted to spend more time with. He's the one who truly commands the movie, and the plot as well. His whole mastery at pulling all the strings simply was outstanding. While the female wasn't very interesting, that's probably only because she wasn't developed herself. In fact, I lost interest whenever she tended to appear until two-thirds of the way in when the film reveals a lot about her. What's impressive is that the unknown, inexperienced cast of the movie managed to bring all their characters to life. The editing, even the sound effects, were all pretty impressive and Christopher Nolan managed to bring everything together rather nicely. Overall, this was one great film and even a classic in it's own right. Which is pretty high praise for a first film, but it can show why Nolan has become one of my favorite directors. A
  13. Just bought Christmas presents. The scary thing? They'll probably get there before me!

  14. And finally done with all the pilots ordered so far-a lot more will be ordered in the near future.
  15. I think it's simply the idea that those films already had their chance?
  16. Top 25 coming sometime soon. No requests, and I may do a write-up for some films but probably not.
  17. #Chuck review is up! A good episode with a cheesy ending. #ZacharyLevi http://t.co/6obdAeqr
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