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Water Bottle

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Everything posted by Water Bottle

  1. You know what sucks? Finals. GAH!

  2. It looks the Golden Globes love this show as much as we do!
  3. It's funny how that worked.0-10: People are figuring out what's working as the game establishes itself.10-20: The game gains in popularity as film plots get longer.20-30: Our "Roaring 20s": the game is at it's most popular with most of the best films30-40: The game loses some key players and the quality of films overall goes down. "The Great Depression" at least to some of the years.40-46: The game moves like a glacial as interest seems to be at an all-time low.Game ends suddenly, not by a natural death but due to BOM being closed.
  4. Since people are doing reviews, it might as well be time to do predictions.
  5. Yeah, I guess I should have stuck with the typical Hollywood ending and just had the aliens come and blow everything up. Screw the thematic message the film was completely about.
  6. So it looks like people didn't really like Alien-Nation.
  7. Why do you think it's gotten lazier?There is a trend. The more popular a show gets, the less it's willing to do anything fresh (hence it gets lazier).
  8. And I'm a mod. Your point?Oh...wait...I get it.Hey guys! I'm a mod! MWAHAHAHA!
  9. Sadly my action film, fantasy film, and drama film won't be done by the deadline. I'll hold them off to next year, but yeah-college got in the way.
  10. Main Film: Alien-NationI have no fillers.
  11. Name: Alien-Nation Director: Duncan Jones Genre: Science Fiction Date: May 20 Cast: Jeremy Renner...Mark Christine Woods...Lisa Zac Effron...Sam Plot: Theaters: 3,800 MPAA Rating: PG-13 Budget: $120 million
  12. Historically accuracy wasn't what i was aiming for. Although I almost included Jackson's famous line to the Supreme Court in the film but decided against it.But, yeah I kinda struggled with Adolf's character.
  13. I'm going to merge this with the main Napoleon Dynamite thread. At this point, I don't see the interest in both the show's discussion and the over/under game to justify two different topics.
  14. I cancelled Ender's Game since a real-life movie is in the works.I do have a film for May 20th, but it's more like Close Encounters of the Third Kind. (I also have an action film planned for June 17th, and a fantasy film for President's Day. My final OC, the drama film, on December 2nd.
  15. I've never head of this show, but I assume it's a show that follows ghosts as they go on adventures.
  16. My fantasy film of the year is going to be an adaption of the book The Magicians by Lev Grossman. I'm going to change some things around, but this is a heads up. And don't worry-this is nothing like any other fantasy film of the year (I believe).
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