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Phil in the Blank

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Everything posted by Phil in the Blank

  1. Let me put it this way. If anyone who put Man of Steel (a movie I enjoyed) or Transformers Revenge of the Fallen (A movie I most certainly did not) on their list then give me 2 weeks with them to play 36 movies and I guarentee they will be BEGGING to quit and watch ROTF or MS by about movie 6. But noooo suckers, we still got 30 more to go! I could not guarantee that if I chose a couple of movies at random from their best of list, that after 6 movies of my choice that they will be begging to remove their choices from that best-of list.
  2. In my Opinion Masterclass : 2001 A Space Odyssey Citizen Kane Mulholland Dr. Good : Batman Returns The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974) 300 Man of Steel Average: Halloween 2 Pretty Bad : Alice in Wonderland Passion of the Christ Sucker Punch Mostly Shit : Scary Movie 4 Pearl Harbour Dude Where's my Car? Shrek the Third Heavy Metal 2000 The Cat in the Hat D-War The Human Centipede - First Sequence Twilight New Moon Green Lantern A Good Day to Die Hard Transformers Revenge of the Fallen Complete Shit : Dumb and Dumberer That's my Boy Vampire Suck I know who Killed Me A Sound of Thunder Super Mario Bros Date Movie Meet the Spartans Dragon Ball Evolution Battlefield Earth Epic Movie Catwoman Batman & Robin The Last Air Bender Possibly Maybe I Guess be Considered for worst 36 movies ever made Disaster Movie
  3. Let me put it another way. Imagine how silly a list of best movies ever made would look, if you spent your movie going experience trying to avoid good movies. This is how silly in my eyes, a worst movies list looks like when most people try to avoid the truly bad films. Obviously you can only rate the movies that you see, but as we try to seek out movies that we will find enjoyable, we are going to see a lot more great films, than the truly bottom of the barrel.
  4. The basic problem is that most people are not masochists and will not deliberately seek out terrible films. So the films that tend to occupy lists like this are films like Pearl Harbor or Dude Where's my Car (don't even get me started on Citizen Kane, 2001 or Mulholland Dr. lol) which sure, are quite terrible films, but they are still at least competently made. They have budgets. They have actors and not just the directors mum. If Pearl Harbor is one of the worst films you have ever seen, than congratulations because you have avoided true stinkers in your life-time. The truly terrible films, films like if people even come across them, take one look and know to avoid unless they enjoy pain. Its the movies with some budget, that could put together a slick trailer or have named actors that you might go 'yeah I enjoyed movie X with them, this could go well' are the movies that people will actually see and hence vote for. Even if there are plenty worse out there.
  5. Exclusive vision of Squaremaster316 if he heard that news
  6. My problem with Iron Man 3 was not that it was too serious, nor that it was too light hearted but that it tried to be both at the same time. Iron Man 3 tried to have its cake and eat it too with moments that were quite dark with the way he was trying to deal with the NY incident or his protectiveness of his lover while also having all these witty one liners running through the script, ALL the time regardless of whether its appropriate to or not (for example after he thought he lost pepper). Please Iron Man 4 choose a tone and stick to it. That's all I ask! With that said I don't get the hate to Iron Man 3. Is it a great film? No. But its entertaining enough while you are watching it and that is all a summer blockbuster needs to do to get a passable grade in my book.
  7. People are free to have different opinions than me, it simply makes them mad
  8. How has this got more B's then A's Y'all mad Yo. Great film and one of the best for the year.
  9. I'm not sure why where the original source material came from matters. Many many people identified Sean Connery as the ultimate bond yet the film franchise did not die when he moved on from it. Recasting Indy would be difficult, but franchises have done it before, and will continue to do it into the future. Hollywood just loves money too much not too.
  10. I''m sure people said that about James Bond with Sean Connery too back in the 60s.....
  11. Yeah I agree, but still hearing it for the first time watching Sunshine in the cinema....amazing. Another one that has sadly been way over used Lux Aeterna - Requiem for a Dream (Clint Mansall) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLJllk-0o6c
  12. That Catching Fire is worse than The Dark Knight Rises
  13. Here is another song that I really enjoy Adagio in d minor (Originally for the movie Sunshine) by John Murphey
  14. American culture is quite frankly, the world's 'default' culture which explains why Hollywood movies tend to do well pretty much anywhere - Because most people can relate in one way or another. Chinese culture doesn't have that same world-wide appeal and therefore I would consider it a major uphill battle for Chinese Cinema to achieve the success of Hollywood's.
  15. I would play a particular level of Shadows of the Empire on the N64 over and over just so I could hear from 5:10 onwards from the Rescue from cloud city track. #Nerd Alert
  16. Goffe, your signature disturbs me more than any other signature I have ever seen. Congratulations.
  17. The Indiana Jones Theme - Instantly transports me back to my childhood.
  18. Also I'm pretty amazed at how close this poll is given the backlash against TDKR and the hype surrounding CF. Go team TDKR go!
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