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Phil in the Blank

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Everything posted by Phil in the Blank

  1. Wow, who knew that a simple eye-rolling gif would cause such offence. Woohoo! Go you! 5 points for Gryffindor! Woah Woah Woah, hold on there for a second mr strawman guy! I never said you, or anyone else couldn't deconstruct any film as much as you like. All I said was that it was needless. There are plenty of things I find people do that are needless but that doesn't mean I don't think they should be allowed to do them. I'm saying that movies like MOS are not exactly high-art, nor did they make an impact on popular culture as a whole so the amount of time and effort to rail against the movie is needless IMO. If you want to rant against MOS be my guest, but I shall continue to roll my eyes at the thought that an otherwise forgettable film has caused such a reaction in some people. Let me give an example of what I mean. You compare the action of Batman Begins to the action of Man of Steel. Despite having similar styles of action you despise one while enjoy the other. And you justify this by giving an explanation as to why it suits batman but not superman. Fair enough, but you could have equally have said that given Superman is faster than a speeding bullet etc etc, that shaky cam is appropriate because it gives us a sense of how quick to the eye that he moves, that it is impossible for a human to keep up with his movements, blah blah blah. I suspect the truth is that you enjoyed the action in BB because you were engaged with that movie, and you didn't enjoy the action of MOS because you were not engaged in that movie. But that's just a hunch. Regardless, my point is that there is a risk that if you hate a movie then there is a risk you are going to let that cloud your judgement over every single aspect of that movie. Even aspects where you would give a pass in a film that you enjoyed more. Ultimately your list, is your list and it can never be wrong. It's your feelings after all. Don't worry I'm not saying its not 'valid'. What I am saying is that it is obvious to me that many of the reasons you give are not because they are 'bad' but because your hatred of this film makes them much bigger issues then they should be. And that is MY opinion and my opinion is just as valid as your opinion bud. I didn't see any need to post a decent rebuttal for the following reasons. 1) This is your list, you can do what you damn well please. My arguing isn't going to ever make you change your mind on that so why waste the effort 2) MOS isn't a film that I love so I have no great desire to spend the time counterpointing your arguments. Its a 6.5/10 film for me. If I loved the film I would probably be motivated to defend it, but I don't so I have no great desire too. You can rant about any film you like, but to make a post about MOS roughly 3x longer than any other on this thread (yes I did read all your entries) was hilarious to me on a film that is just meant to be a bit of popcorn fluff. I rolled my eyes with an amusing wrestling gif and you take offense. Oh well, too bad, so sad. Each to their own hey?
  2. Logical, thought-out argument is in the eye of the beholder, and my eye beholds nothing like that from that post I see an argument that needlessly deconstructs a movie far beyond what one would typically expect from a summer blockbuster. I also see an argument created while wearing the most negative goggles one could possibly fine. The movie is not great, its not even good. But dude, you are taking it even more seriously than the film itself did.
  3. I think he was also responsible for the Lipizzaner Stallions speech while the two men are sitting around waiting for the message to appear.
  4. There is probably about 18 good movies in this film somewhere. Sadly the 18 good movies all conflict to create this one giant sticking mess of a film.
  5. Brilliant film. Very High Tension. And while you are obviously rooting for Denzel, you certainly feel sympathy for Hackman's viewpoint as well which makes for great drama. A Edit - Also one of my favourite 'main titles' from Hanz Zimmer and a great OST overall.
  6. This movie made me wish I was born deaf and blind.
  7. January The Hobbit - Desolation of Smaug : 3.5/5 Wolf of Wall Street : 4.5/5 February Mandela - Long Walk to Freed : 2.5/5 Robocop : 3/5 The Railway Man : 3/5 Lone Survivor : 4.5/5 Last Vegas : 2.5/5 March Non Stop : 3/5 Wolf Creek 2 : 1.5/5 Total : 9
  8. Who was wearing a kilt and a t-shirt saying 'I bang on the first date'....
  9. Any movie that follows the life of jesus is basically a palindrome. He lives, He Dies, He lives again.
  10. Any plot that uses 9/11 without clear explanation that it was committed by the United States Government will ensure Baumer doesn't like the reason
  11. Its an enjoyable and competent thriller, but the movie makes far too many jumps in logic that make my head spin for me to ever truly be invested in the film (e.g, if nothing else the speech Liam gave which instantly turned the passengers back to his side. B
  12. The original Termniator was a better flick IMO, but this is Cameron at his big budget best for sure. A master class in how to deliver an exciting action packed film for the masses.
  13. I think overrated is a bullshit term to be honest. Who really cares if your opinion doesn't match up to the popular view?
  14. January The Hobbit - Desolation of Smaug : 3.5/5 Wolf of Wall Street : 4.5/5 February Mandela - Long Walk to Freed : 2.5/5 Robocop : 3/5 The Railway Man : 3/5 Lone Survivor : 4.5/5 Last Vegas : 2.5/5 Total : 7
  15. Did you ask permission from your friends to post that picture from your latest geek party?
  16. You guys watch way too many movies. Or maybe I have watched far too few!
  17. January The Hobbit - Desolation of Smaug : 3.5/5 Wolf of Wall Street : 4.5/5 February Mandela - Long Walk to Freed : 2.5/5 Robocop : 3/5
  18. Haha, yeah, like the final hand where it went Flush vs Full House, vs Bigger Full House, vs Straight Flush. Kinda ridiculous.
  19. For example, I'm a bit of a poker buff and a scene in Casino Royale just throws me out of the movie. When Bond calls Chiffre 'Bluff' only to find out he had quad jacks and he is in shock about how he misread his tell and how he made a 'mistake'. But in reality the hand is simply what we call a 'Cooler'. Bond had a super strong hand (a full house), that was only going to be beaten by 2 hands (AA and JJ), both of which are pretty unlikely. You would struggle to find a player in the world who studies the game that wouldn't go broke in that situation. It has nothing to do with getting the tell wrong, and everything to do with just getting incredibly unlucky. So my question is has a little bit of knowledge about something ever taken you out of a movie before, and if so which one and why?
  20. It lacks much of the style, heart and charm of the original while only leaving us the brutal violence. It's passable but barely. C
  21. I don't want to live in a world where Transformers movies (even number 1 which is actually passable) are considered better movies than Pacific Rim. What terrible taste people truly have.
  22. This is Gary Oldman treating all people who consider Leo the better actor with the respect they deserve.
  23. Yet in my own poll on what Marvel movies you would give an 'A' too Thor managed only 2 votes, even the incredible hulk and iron man 2 did more! On RT Thor may have 77% fresh rating but it only has a 6.7 average rating. Couple that with an imdb rating of a 7 tells me that most people found Thor an enjoyable way to pass 2 hours, but they hardly think of it as a great movie. So if you super hated Thor and think that people find the movie 'average' are over-rating it then sure it deserves a spot on your list. But I just don't see this swarm of people thinking its super awesome.
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