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The Panda

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Everything posted by The Panda

  1. Spent 10.81 on Disobedience I mean Infinite Wars
  2. My personal story about Iron Man. I had wanted to see it, and my dad thought it was time to explain to me the birds and the bees (as if I hadn’t already watched all those videos years prior to it) and how to practice it safely. “You see how Tony Stark didn’t put on a condom in that scene? Don’t do it like that son.” Quite an experience.
  3. I think when discussing whether being a part 1 movie will be a detriment to legs will depend on if people can still view this as a complete movie. For example, Dead Man’s Chest is in reality a part 1 movie but it tells a complete story arch. There’s a set, a climax and a conclusion (although it does include a cliffhanger at the end). Compare this with say Mockingjay 1 which is all set up or Battle of Five Armies which is all climax, those movies had issues because they only gave audiences one long section of a typical story structure. Another case you can see this is LOTR vs the Hobbits. They’re both trilogies and part of the quality difference is each LOTR movie, while deeply connected to tell one story, tells a full story on its own. Sure, Sauron isn’t completed until ROTK, but each of the movies has an overarching plot and resolution to it. Fellowship sets up Frodo’s journey, and everything in it leads to the splitting of the Fellowship. TTT tells a complete story of the War of the Ring in Rohan, and ROTK tells a complete story about Gondor. You get a flowing plot structure with a beginning, middle and end. The issue with say the hobbits bits in comparison is AUJ is mostly all beginning, DOS is mostly all middle and BOFA is mostly all end. IW won’t be hampered by being a part 1 movie if it manages to tell a coherent three act story. I think it gets hampered if it’s too much of one thing. I also think the other dangers for legs are going to be if the story is to grim for repeat viewings (villain is triumphant movies don’t always have the best legs. If Thanos isn’t triumphant though this may not be an issue) and the other danger is if IW can connect to an audience outside the fan base lining up on OW. IW could potentially triumph over all of those dangers, but I think those are the big three things to look for. Will IW’s flow as a part 1 movie hurt its reception? Will it end up being too dark for people to want to give it as many repeat viewings as other movies? Will it be able to connect outside its core fan base?
  4. I guess I just don’t shitpost enough for top 5. Sad.
  5. I agree with this peak business comment. Obviously ticket inflation increases that potential (which is why I think around 230-240m OW is a good range). I also think IW will have previews that look closer to Star Wars than to Avengers.
  6. Gotg2 also had next to no competition until WW, IW has two free weeks then it’s three straight weeks of big releases (two of which are direct comp) I think best case legs for this are around GOTG2 (which I think is stretching it). I’m expecting somewhere around Ultron or CW legs
  7. If you want you can send in a list within these next few weeks. Today’s not the real deadline, it’s just the deadline to make edits (so if you say, void my list until I send in a new one I’ll do that, as long as you do it today) But it’s up to you, 10 movies is quicker to score but I just want to make sure everyone who submits a list can feel like their voice was heard equally.
  8. My suggestion would be if you’re feeling lazy submit at least a top 25 or 35 as everything you submit up to 35 nets 4+ points for the movie (a lot when it comes to pushing a movie you like up the list. Most movies on the list end up a few points away from moving up higher when all’s said and done) and up to 50 nets 3+. The exact ordering also doesn’t matter beyond the cut off points as I’m not planning on trying differentiate points between somebody’s 61st or 60th ranking as that’s rather pointless imo (2 and 3 net same amount, 4 and 5, 6-10, 11-15, 16-25, 26-35, 36-50, and 51-75, 76-100)
  9. Just to clarify, that wasn’t the list of names who sent in lists. If you want to double check with me to see if I got your lists you can. I was trying to list people who hadn’t sent in lists that I believed might be interested in sending one! Sorry for the confusion!
  10. I haven’t counted y’alls yet. I was mostly trying to name people who hadn’t sent in lists yet.
  11. You can, any length of list is acceptable, but you’ll be allowed to submit movies for points up to 100 films.
  12. Changed it, I wasn’t aware this was seen as an issue or trolling (usually saw it as a joke for big blockbusters pre-release) but I’ll not do it again as I don’t want to be seen as a troll. Thanks for letting me know this was an issue. (For some reason it won’t let me just delete a vote so I’ll put in a B until After I see it Saturday night)
  13. If you have already submitted and want to make an edit, Today is the last day they’ll be accepted! Two weeks until the hard deadline @Trolltastic Tele @CoolioD1 @aabattery @MrPink @grim22 @Ethan Hunt @Porthos @Isle of Pasta @DeeCee @WrathOfHan @Wrath @Jandrew @Cmasterclay @That Ambitious Guy @Kalo @AndyLL @Jayhawk @franfar @Mattrek @Water Bottle @#ED @Chewy @Fullbuster @4815162342 @CJohn @EmpireCity @Empire @Fancyarcher @filmlover @TalismanRing @Blankments @Jack Nevada @Proxima Olive @ecstasy @kayumanggi @Sam @The Futurist @Noctis @Dexter of Suburbia @redfirebird2008 @RichWS @ddddeeee @K1stpierre @Ozymandias @a2knet @druv10 @Jay Hollywood @The Stingray @MovieMan89 @Lordmandeep @Claire of Themyscira @tribefan695 @DAJK @Gopher @Spidey Freak @Jake Gittes @A Roc in Time @chasmmi @Vanilla @Impact @Totem @Master Scottb @JJ-8
  14. I had a gift card to Chick-fil-A and went to buy some dinner. After the swipe the cashier said, “You still owe 69 cents” and I let out a reactionary, “Nice,” as I took out my wallet. The cashier looked at me, smiled and replied, “My pleasure.”
  15. Tele is the BOT equivalent of Soderbergh, claiming he’s retiring then goes right back into the groove of making movies.
  16. The theater I bought tickets for has IW screenings nearly sold out on Saturday but they’re also only giving it 3 3/4 screens Its something like IW: 3 Screens IW/The Miracle season: 1 Screen IFP: 1 Screen Super Troopers 2: 1 Screen Traffik: 1 Screen ToD: 1 Screen Rampage: 1 Screen AQP: 1 Screen Blockers: 1 screen ICOI: 1 Screen BP: 1 Screen RPO/Metro Opera: 1 Screen Theres a lot of screens they could have cut.
  17. T: 35m F: 60m S: 72m S: 59m Weekend: 226m OW
  18. You can do that just make sure if you do it’s your final list once you send it. The sooner you get the list in the easier it is for me to get them tallied quickly though.
  19. 2 Days Before The soft Deadline, afterwards there’s no more editing lists after you send them in!
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