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The Panda

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Everything posted by The Panda

  1. To be fair, I’m not sure how much of an effect RT has on the BO in general. I think it’s just as likely that critic reviews for blockbusters, in general, tend to roughly match audience reception of a film, and so a quality film will get good reviews, good audience reception and be easier to market.
  2. Looking at some big stars and their ratio of ‘hits’ per movie (over 100m DOM Adjusted) since their breakout movie and ‘big hits’ per movie (over 250m DOM Adjusted), I’m also going to not count major franchise roles as RDJ likely isn’t a major draw but RDJ as Iron Man is. Of Smith and the 3 actors I’d say are definitive draws here are some examples, I may try and make a chart. DiCaprio 72% of films adjust over 100m post Titanic 17% of films adjust over 250m since Titanic Smith 55% of films adjust over 100m post Made in America (61% if you include MIB2 and 3, and Bad Boys 2) 25% of films adjust over 250m post Made in America (26% if you include MIB 2 and 3 and Bad Boys 2) Denzel 46% of films adjust over 100m since Malcom X 0% adjust over 250m Johnson 41% adjust over 100m since Scorpion King (factors out Moana and Furious franchises, 38% if you exclude Jumanji, 35% if you exclude Scorpion King, 32% if you exclude GI Joe 2) 5% over 250m if you include Jumanji, otherwise 0%
  3. None of Leo’s recent projects look commercial but they do commercial numbers anyways (which is what’s crazy). Here’s DiCaprio’s films post titanic adjusted 1998 Man in the Iron Mask - 112m 2000 The Beach - 68m 2002 Catch Me If You Can - 251m Gangs of New York - 120m 2004 The Aviator - 184m 2006 The Departed - 185m Blood Diamond - 76m 2008 Body of Lies - 50m Revolutionary Road - 28m 2010 Inception - 348m (Also Nolan’s only non-TDK movie to make over 200m) Shutter Island - 148m 2011 J Edgar - 44m 2012 Django Unchained - 188m (Tarantino’s most successful film financially) 2013 The Great Gatsby - 159m (critical flop and failed Oscar Bait, as it was pushed back from an initial December release) The Wolf of Wall Street - 134m (a hard R black comedy. The Big Short was tamer and also had big names and didn’t come close) 2015 The Revenant - 196m (An Inarritu arthouse movie btw) He doesn’t have a single franchise film on here, and even the few ‘blockbuster’ movies he has (like Inception and Catch Me) were still original and high form. He’s not taking concepts or franchises that sell themselves and riding off of them. He’s the selling point of his movies. I mean The Revenant for example was advertised as “DiCaprio faces The Bear/Nature” and people showed up for it. He’s taking directors that aren’t always the most marketable, like Innaritu and Scorsese and makes their films financial successes. And even more marketable directors, like Spielberg, Nolan and Tarantino he produced bigger hits than they had been producing in those time frames (in Tarantino’s case his biggest and Nolan’s case his biggest that wasn’t Batman). Even some films that were failed Awards bait that got pushed back, like Shutter Island and Gatsby he turned into big hits. I mean with Gatsby, not only was it a poor quality adaption, it’s a book people are only familiar with because they’re forced to read it in school, and turned it into a major Summer hit that was sandwiched into a month with Iron Man 3, STID, Fast 6 and Hangover 3. I know this thread isn’t about DiCaprio. But when I think about a modern movie star, I’d consider him over Dwayne simply because of the type of movies he consistently turns into hits (with his only flops being Revolutionary Road and J Edgar). I also think it goes to show a Star being in mostly quality movies is vital to stay relevant. GA will attach movie quality to a Star and associate them with “making good” or “making bad” movies. People associate DiCaprio with good, original movies (despite actors having a minimal role in actual movie quality). DiCaprio is also very picky about the projects he picks and the directors he works with. His movies are mini-events in that sort of way.
  4. Yeah that second trailer was confusing. I thought the movie was going to be a survival, exploding volcano movie with dinosaurs (sounds like it be a blast). This next trailer advertises “Evil military kidnaps Dino and mutates it into big evil Dino”. The movie will likely try to be both and suffer because of it.
  5. I mainly set the deadline for my schedule. My finals week is the week of the deadline (the deadline is the day after my last final) so I won’t really get to start announcing until around May 11th-12th anyways. I also haven’t gotten lists so far from a lot of people who seem interested. I have somewhere around 20+ rn (haven’t counted yet), my goal is to get 50+ but typically half the lists come a few days before the deadline. The Soft Deadline is soon enough that I see no reason to move that to be earlier. The hard deadline I could potentially move up, but it’ll be hard for me to really get the countdown started until around the 11th Of May (but at that point it should move at brisk pace) I’m hoping to avoid doing a dragged out countdown.
  6. I like how they say MP will be profitable by 2019 without giving any plan on how to get there. They mentioned economies of scale, but I’m not sure if they’re going to reach a cost minimizing point (which would have to assume after certain levels of sub numbers they could get auxiliary theater revenue and reduced theater prices. Which imo, is unlikely to happen) They’ve bled 150m already this year, as a relatively small company. They have maybe a year, at most, to figure out a way to shrink these net losses.
  7. I’m also not a moderate who’s top Interest is traveling and console gaming. Goes to show data analytics aren’t going to be perfect in analyzing each person, at least rn.
  8. I reckon Friday and Saturday the weekend movies will boos over it then IW will Be First again.
  9. It means Facebook doesn’t think you’re interested in political ads.
  10. Go to account settings, click on ads, click on your information and then your categories. You can see some basic groups Facebook classifies you as.
  11. Apparently Facebook has me flagged as a moderate, that’s funny lol.
  12. Not yet but I do want to. The Lobster is definitely interesting, has a talented writer and has a unique style, it just didn’t work for me.
  13. I reckon Hereditary won’t break out too much simply because A24s horror hits tend to be too unconventional for the modern horror audience.
  14. I didn’t care for the Lobster, maybe I should revisit it, but there’s so many better things to watch than revisiting that.
  15. We also don’t know the title of Star Wars 9 yet. Coincidence? I think not.
  16. Part A: 1. Will I Feel Pretty Open to more than $15M? Yes 2. Will I Feel Pretty Open to more than $18M? Yes 3. Will Super Troopers Open to more than $4M? Yes 4. Will Super Troopers Open to more than $6M? No 5. Will Rampage end the weekend at number 1? No 6. Will Traffik Open to more than $3M? No 7. Will Truth of Dare drop more than 60%? Yes 8. Will A Quiet Place stay in the top 4? Yes 9. Will Black Panther drop more than 32%? No 10. Will Ready Player One have a PTA higher than $2,500? No 11. Will Isle of Dogs have a higher Saturday increase than Sherlock Gnomes? No 12. Will Will Borg vs McEnroe have a Friday increase over 85%? No 13. Will Tyler Perry stay above Chappaquidink? No 14. Will Blockers make more than $5M Yes 15. Will any of these questions actually be a challenge 10 days from now? They'll be a challenge 20 days from now Bonus: 9/15 5000 10/15 8000 11/15 12,000 12/15 16,000 13/15 20,000 14/15 24,000 15/15 30,000 Part B: The top 3 predictions will score points as follows: Closest: Within 1% - 15,000, Within 2,5% - 12000, Within 5% 9,000, Within 10% - 6000 Outside 10% - 3000 points 2nd Closest: Within 1% - 12,000, Within 2,5% - 10000, Within 5% 7,000, Within 10% - 4000 Outside 10% - 2000 points 3rd Closest: Within 1% - 10,000, Within 2,5% - 8000, Within 5% 5,000, Within 10% - 2000 Outside 10% - 1000 points 1. What will I Feel Pretty make for its 3 day? 19.23m 2. What will Rampage's change be? -56.25% 3. What will I Can Only Imagine's PTA be for the Weekend? 1,321 Part C: There will be 6 films to place and points are expanded because traditionally people haven't scored well here: 1. A Quiet Place 3. Rampage 5. Truth or Dare 6. Blockers 9. Traffik 11. I Can Only Imagine Because I realised bonuses are stupid... 1/6 4,000 2/6 10,000 3/6 18,000 4/6 25,000 5/6 36,000 6/6 - 50,000
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