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The Panda

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Everything posted by The Panda

  1. It's not true dedication if your body never actually ages.
  2. This comes out on my birthday... Please give me a decent birthday present Ridley Scott...
  3. Lololol, my 13 Hours derby is completely screwed. And I couldn't be happier. Let that piece of trash film bomb to oblivion.
  4. Silence is the only for sure bet I can think of right now.
  5. To be fair, you can't do a film over Benghazi and it not be somewhat political. But you could at least try to give the film some balance and not play it out like Donald Trump's wet dream.
  6. Idk, but I also think people saying critics having some vendetta against certain directors is reactionary. There's the more likely possibility that the movies Bay makes aren't movies that most critics end up liking. I can see people's arguments for 13 Hours being a decent film from an objective standpoint. But it has more than enough technical flaws to warrant any negative review it gets. Not to mention deeper flaws with how the subject matter was treated itself. (And that too got a lot sympathy from critics. Because even though he didn't give the subject matter a good and nuanced treatment, he didn't treat it as disrespectfully as he's treated true stories in the past. Which i found dumb but that's beside the point). Critics who gave this movie a rotten review likely were not sitting on their high horses going, "Oh, a Bay film? ROTTEN!" I think they genuinely didn't like the movie, because yes, this is definitely a movie that can and will garner a lot of dislike. Same with his other rotten films and Snyder. For example, the reason I have given nearly every Snyder and Bay film a bad review isn't because they're Snyder/Bay films. It's because each movie I watched, I genuinely did not like the film. I don't just randomly decide that I am going to trash every Snyder/Bay film. I will say they both have cinematic tendencies in nearly all of their films that I flat out don't like. Anyways, point is, people need to stop assuming every time so and so director or studio gets bad reviews that it's some personal vendetta against the filmmaker or something else like that. It's a silly argument and makes it seem like you're trying to make excuses for negative reception of a filmmaker you might like.
  7. Thats a load of bull. Snyder will have a fresh movie when he makes a genuinely good movie. Honestly, 13 Hours probably got better reviews than it deserved for being a Bay film that had decent technical quality. A lot of critics were caught up with, "Oh, Bay made a movie not as bad as his lasts ones, fresh review!" Had it been a different director the movie would have gotten completely panned like the piece of trash it is.
  8. I guess I'm wrong about 13 Hours being a modest hit. And honestly I'm thankful for that. I want that wretchedly awful film to bomb.
  9. I can see why it's his most well received from a technical standpoint. (although that's not saying much, the bulk of the positive reviews are 2.5/5 or 3/5s) But this is only going to play well (in general) with a very specific crowd. More so than most Bayflicks. I think legs will be much worse than Lone Survivor.
  10. The preview increase doesn't necessarily mean a breakout. Idk, I'm still skeptical about it, but my derby might be screwed because I don't have a single movie over 30m
  11. Wow... What an opener for my first movie of 2016. It's surely setting a great tone of the fantastic cinema to come. /s I don't know where to start, so I'll start with the good. The good is that it could be an entertaining, over-stylized Bayflick, if you turn your brain off and let Bay work his manipulative magic. The problem with that, is that this isn't a Transformers movie, it's a movie trying to tell a political/foreign policy based story that has a lot of nuance, and it portrays it one-dimensionally. You can't make a modern war movie over controversial events and treat it like a spectacle. It turns the entire film into a propaganda film that doesn't encourage the viewer to think about what they watched, but it encourages the viewer to accept the story they're telling and that you're an idiot if you look at it in any other way. (At least I got that vibe from the fact any character that wasn't one of the main soldier was, "the bad guy", a stereotypical caricature of an "unqualified official", or a damsel. A few of the soldiers had a little bit of depth to their characters, but they were mostly one-dimensional stereotypes that just knew better than their commanders. And all of the commanders were idiots who didn't understand that all of the Muslims were "bad guys" wanting to get them) I guess more good could be that the over-stylization produces some pretty nice and cool looking shots. And every once in a while you'll get a shot, or a quick scene, that could potentially add more depth and grey to the film. Only, straight after the scene, it goes straight back into War Propaganda of all of the bad brown guys shooting up the American flag, or a car zooming down a road with wheels on fire cause 'MURICA, or a shot of mosques and Muslims praying and ominous "chant" noises only to stop before the terrorists start swarming like it's a massive Islamic conspiracy against the Americans. Or that everyone in Benghazi who isn't white just wants to shoot the Americans because they're all bad guys. The movie completely overlooks any complexity during the entire Benghazi debacle. I've also heard a few comments saying the film tries not to be political. I call bullshit on that. Yeah, there's no scene of Hillary Clinton deciding not to pick up a phone. But they make continuous references throughout the movie that are obviously trying to jab at the Obama administration. Which, it would be fine, but the film doesn't provide the nuance. It just tries to jab and manipulate. It just makes out any state official to be idiots who want Americans to die. You are only offered one dimension to a heavy topic. It again, treats the situation like a Transformers/Propaganda movie (the way most Mid-West Americans want to see the events), when the events of this film should have been treated with balance. As for other quality notions, Bay does his usual Bayisms. He swells the music when he wants to work up your emotions, he shows overly long scenes of the soldier talking to his family with little substance to add, he does the ridiculous slow-mo shot of the soldier running to avoid an explosion, he clutters the screen with continuous movement, and there's random montages of shirtless soldiers lifting tires or weights or whatever the fuck they do. The acting is good for a Bay film. Minus a number of characters who are playing ridiculously annoying caricatures, the main soldiers do fine. They aren't great, but there's a few strong moments. Honestly though, if this was a fictional story, it would be one of Bay's better movies. Not a good movie by any means, but one of his better ones. But the fact that it's not just taking true material, but it's taking highly controversial true material and turning into propaganda, that just makes me really hate the movie. I can't give this movie an F though, because it has a good amount of merit to it. It's not necessarily a painful cinematic experience like Revenge of the Fallen, as it's an angering cinematic experience to anyone who cares about highly political topics to be taken with balance and care. But on the other hand, I probably passionately dislike (or even hate) this movie more than Id hate a movie like Revenge of the Fallen, even if 13 Hours is a much stronger movie technically speaking for the reason I listed above. In this case my heart wants to give this movie an F, but my brain is saying a D. Thankfully, I have a special rating I reserve for manipulative preacher films like this one. I didn't give a single film the rating last year, because despite some truly awful films, none of them outright angered me in the way you have to to receive the rating I am going to give this. I reserve Fs for movies that are painful cinematic experiences (in a bad way), by being bore you to tears awful with little to no technical merit in my eyes (or if it has merit, the bad just weighs it down too much for me to care). I reserve Z's for movies I just flat out hate, even if the movie from an objective standpoint might not be dogshit awful. Because I still hate it and I don't feel right ranking it with my D's or C's (or in some cases it's F quality and I hate it, but not this one. It's probably D quality, and I passionately hate it). Anyways, I give 13 Hours the same grade I gave gems such as 300 or America: Imagine A World Without Her. I give 13 Hours a Z (I wasn't going into this review hating it that much, but the more I acknowledged things I hated about it, the more I realized how much I hated the movie.)
  12. I just got out of this... Overly long, emotionally manipulative, and one dimensional Bayflick. There are moments throughout the film, however, that you see a lot of potential. Heck, there's some moments Id say are good moments, but for every good character moment there's two or three that are over the top caricatures. For every moment that attempts to have meaning, there's stereotypes, heavy-handed messaging, and scenes that play right out as war propaganda. I'll write out my full thoughts in the review thread. But, had this been over a different topic, it could have just been over-stylized spectacle. But the fact it's trying to tell a political story and does a poor job at it automatically makes all of the "subtleties" open for criticisms.
  13. Ride Along was a few hundred more, and Purge was about a hundred more. That's not going to stop it from hitting the mid twenty - thirty range, if it was going to before.
  14. And 50 Shades deserved it's one nomination (maybe for the other song, but still), and THG and MI did not deserve any nominations.
  15. The Purge hit 34m with it, Ride Along did 41.5m with a few hundred more, Lion King 3D release hit 30m with that theater count, 8 Mile did 51.2m with it (in 2002), Coach Carter did 24m with a little more, Bourne Identity did 27m, Mama did 28m, etc. There isn't a heavy precedent for it, but quite a few films manage it.
  16. This thread is a compilation of the past BOFFY Winners, and then a full nominee list for each year. BOFFY Best Picture Winners BOFFY Best Director Winners BOFFY Best Ensemble Winners BOFFY Best Actor Winners BOFFY Best Actress Winners BOFFY Best Supporting Actor Winners BOFFY Best Supporting Actress Winners BOFFY Best Original Screenplay Winners BOFFY Best Adapted Screenplay Winners BOFFY Best Documentary Winners BOFFY Best Comedy Winners BOFFY Best Animated Feature Winners BOFFY Best Breakthrough Winners BOFFY Best Horror Film Winners BOFFY Most Overlooked Feature Winners BOFFY Best Foreign Film Winners BOFFY Best Song Winners BOFFY Best Original Score Winners BOFFY Best Soundtrack Winners BOFFY Best Production Design Winners BOFFY Best Costume Design Winners BOFFY Best Makeup/Hairstyling Winners BOFFY Best Cinematography Winners BOFFY Best Editing Winners BOFFY Best Visual Effects Winners BOFFY Best Voice Performance BOFFY Best Hero BOFFY Best Villain BOFFY Best Scene BOFFY Worst Film of the Year Winners BOFFY Best TV Show - Drama BOFFY Best TV Show - Comedy BOFFY Best Box Office Run Winners BOFFY Most Disappointing/Hated Box Office Run Winners BOFFY Best Thread Winners BOFFY Best Forum Story Winners BOFFY Most Valued Poster BOFFY Funniest Member 2012 BOFFY Nominees and Winners 2013 BOFFY Nominees and Winners 2014 BOFFY Nominees and Winners 2015 Boffy Nominees and Winners BOFFY Records
  17. Really loved this movie, if I had seen it in 2013 it would have made my top 3 of the year. Really beautiful and subtle film.
  18. I'd make an exception to Jessica Jones and maybe Daredevil. They are on par with a lot Pixar and Studio Ghibli stuff. But the point still stands.
  19. It's hard to get past the stigma of, "Animation is for children". There are plenty of genius animated films, and practically all of the Best Animated Feature nominations were more mature movies than most Comic Book Movies people drool about here.
  20. SoC was hitting all of the major precursors, and Creed is something that should have. Also, Benicio Del Torro would have been another choice they could have put in supporting actor. I do think there wasn't an excuse to not nominate people of color in the major categories this year (Inarritu aside).
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