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The Panda

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Everything posted by The Panda

  1. Voting ends on Friday, and I will begin to tally them as soon as voting ends, so I should start around saturday - sunday.
  2. I'd prefer it to just hit 400m than be the highest grossing under 400m
  3. 52.Olympus Has Fallen http://www.aceshowbiz.com/images/still/olympus-has-fallen08.jpg' alt='Posted Image' class='bbc_img' /> This movie got so many comparisons to Die Hard, and frankly I just don't see it, the biggest difference between these two is that Die Hard was actually good. Olympus Has Fallen is pretty much a story my four year old niece's 12 year old brother could have written and the villains were probably some of the most laughably bad in a movie trying to actually be good. It takes itself way to seriously, so instead of being dumb fun it's simply just dumb.
  4. Watched Blackfish again, it's just as moving and is the only documentary that I have watched that has made me cry. Blackfish - A
  5. 53.The Secret Life of Walter Mitty http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/sites/default/files/2013/12/TF766.jpg' alt='Posted Image' class='bbc_img' /> When we left this movie my four year old niece said, "This should have been called the Secret Life of Walter Shitty!" and she was absolutely right. Every plot 'twist' I saw coming a mile away, and speaking of miles, I could have ran a mile each time a montage indie music travel scene showed up and not missed a thing about the movie. What makes this movie bad is that it actually thinks it's good, it's so pretentious by trying to be hip and stylistic that it's just bland. The short story was a great piece of work, but it's a short story for a reason.
  6. 54.Now You See Me http://cdn.bleedingcool.net/wp-content/uploads//2012/11/now-you-see-me-600x423.jpeg' alt='Posted Image' class='bbc_img' /> An absolute jumbled mess, and what a waste of a good ensemble cast this was too. The movie plays the plot twist card to attempt and mindlessly distract you from the actual missing plot and character depth, as said by my 4 year old niece who always shares the same opinion as I do. What could have been an entertaining magic show turned into a wannabe Prestige (which wasn't even that good).
  7. 55. Insidious Chapter 2 http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/kaAA806oaVo/maxresdefault.jpg' alt='Posted Image' class='bbc_img' /> I thought horror movies were supposed to be scary? I took my 4 year old niece to see this when I got mad at her, that way I could scare her to death and teach her a lesson, and she thought it was a comedy! It's an absolute shame this movie has the name Insidious on it, because it really wasn't anything that a horror movie is supposed to be.
  8. I'm glad he's on it, but John Ford being under Nolan is a criminal offense.
  9. Please tell me John Ford is on this list or this entire forum is filled with idiots.
  10. 56. The Bling Ring http://cdn.thedailybeast.com/content/dailybeast/articles/2013/05/21/the-real-bling-ring-where-are-they-now/jcr:content/image.crop.800.500.jpg/1369125916149.cached.jpg' alt='Posted Image' class='bbc_img' /> It was nice to look at during many parts, but there was absolutely nothing to the characters, and the director never explored the depth of a plot. My four year old niece pointed out this should have been a character study, but instead it was a cruel attempt at attempting to portray modern culture as shallow and meaningless. I mean honestly, a movie has to have deep, intriguing themes to be good, obviously.
  11. Has anybody ever thought of doing a running commentary night? You pick a critically reviled movie to watch, you start a thread for it, and everybody watches it at the exact same time (of the people wanting to participate) and commentate on the trashpile together.
  12. 57.Emperor http://www.ashvegas.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Emperor-Movie-5.jpg' alt='Posted Image' class='bbc_img' /> I don't even know if this movie even made it wide release, and for good reason. The plot was so cliche even my four year old niece, that we all know and love, knew that the 'love' story was so forced and completely detracted from what would be an interesting plot. Instead of trying to create a looking case at whether or not the Japanese emperor was guilty (apparently what the movie was about) it made up a sappy love story that ends just how you think it will.
  13. 58.World War Z http://www.digitaltrends.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/World-War-Z-special-effects-helicopter-41.jpg' alt='Posted Image' class='bbc_img' /> Look at that picture and tell me that isn't silly, I repeat look at that picture and try and tell me that it isn't absolutely ridiculous. Even my 4 year old niece talked about how fake those zombies were and how a real zombie wouldn't even be able to move, but then again she also believed Cloudy's fattening propaganda. You want to know what I did as soon as I walked out of World War Z? I went pee. (I'm sorry, I thought the rhyme was funny)
  14. If the Wolf of Wall Street came out last year it would have been my number 1, hell if any of my top 6 came out last year they would have been my number 1, wow is this year stacked (and I thought last year was good).
  15. It has the advantage of having next week be valentines holiday with valentines day on Friday, so I think a Despicable Me multiplier is possibly in play.
  16. Uggh, my Her over 50m domestic bet is pretty much a ticking time bomb ready to cost me 100 points (150 if I cound The Monuments Men over 100m) I just pray Frozen gets over 1 billion before March 15.
  17. 59.How to Make Money Selling Drugs http://14bb18348568cf6c48ec-cde16cf5c35d33e882e13bbe648f334c.r8.cf2.rackcdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/drugs.jpg' alt='Posted Image' class='bbc_img' /> It's way to satirical, and completely over empathetic to the drug dealers, I mean why make the drug war seem like a complete joke? I mean my four year old niece is now aspiring to become a drug dealer because of this and they think it's appropriate to make a joke out of drugs? I'm sure Jordan Belfort would back me up here on how serious and not fun drugs are, and how the business should be scrutinized to every extreme.
  18. 60.Evil Dead http://cinema-scope.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Evil-Dead-Evil-Basement-chick.jpg' alt='Posted Image' class='bbc_img' /> I never really got the love for The Evil Dead in the first place, but this movie just made it all worse. It wasn't scary at all, and the gore was just boring, even my 4 year old niece fell asleep during this, but that might have been because we went to the late night premiere. What a waste of a late night showing though, but it's not like this "horror" movie stopped me from sleeping.
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