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Everything posted by Ando918

  1. Honestly, I don't think any of those will do well. The fact that there are 3 of them competing against each other 3 weekends in a row for the same audience kind of hurts all of them.
  2. Possibly. I just don't think Tatum's female fans like him as a butt-kicking, violent action hero. They like him either in a comedy or romance...where he comes across as a sweet guy. I don't think a ton of males are going to show up for Jupiter Ascending. Is the first weekend of June going to be Super Bowl weekend?
  3. I think Jupiter Ascending was moved to early February in hopes of "breaking out" - kind of like how Lego Movie over-performed expectations with little competition that month. However, it looks like Jupiter is still going to flop b/c it runs into 50 Shades of Grey in its 2nd weekend...so Tatum's dedicated base of female fans will be deserting him in that 2nd weekend. Hollywood Stock Exchange is still projecting Jupiter to make only 60 domestic in its first 30 days. So in the case of that one...doesn't look like it is going to work.
  4. This is somewhat of an important weekend just for the sake of Gone Girl's strong hold in its 2nd weekend....to let the movie industry know that we could use a lot more adult dramas on the annual schedule with budgets of 50-60 million dollars. And to prove that audiences do want them. The industry seems to be too enamored with tentpoles aimed at kids/teenagers with budgets of 100 million...aside from the small number of Oscar bait indie dramas with budgets of 20 million. There aren't enough mainstream studio movies in the calendar year aimed at people over 25 years old.
  5. This doesn't belong in any specific thread - but I was near the front doors of The Chicago Film Festival last night and took a short video of Colin Farrell signing some autographs for all of us peasants and plebeians. A few people brought DVDs of Saving Mr. Banks, Alexander, Minority Report, etc.
  6. Anybody know the production budget for The Judge? I am guessing half of the budget will be RDJ's salary, but I don't know how much that is. The Judge is going to bomb with an OW of 14 million, mostly because Gone Girl is going to do so well in its 2nd weekend. But I don't know if that will technically be a bomb, b/c I don't know its budget.
  7. It does look dull, but a big name draw like Hanks or DiCaprio or Denzel would be able to make that movie get 70 domestic. I just want people on this forum to realize that RDJ is not a draw himself like other big name actors are.
  8. The Judge is gonna bomb this upcoming weekend with Gone Girl's strong hold coming. Expect only a 15 OW for The Judge. It has a 37 on Metacritic now. RDJ is not a box office draw....Tony Stark is the draw.
  9. Too bad that Equalizer is going to end up around 100 domestic and not catch up to Ride Along's 133 million. #1 grossing movie of the year starring a Black person will be one with an 18% on RT. But then again, movies starring a Black person in a leading role this year weren't given a lot of great opportunities. A Haunted House 2 has a 10% on RT. No Good Deed has a 12% on RT. Ride Along 2 at 18%. Think Like a Man 2 at 23%. Hercules at 60%. Average RT score for a movie with a Black person in a leading role this year is in the 40s.
  10. I'm hoping that The Equalizer somehow manages to show some strong legs and beats Ride Along's domestic total of 133 million....just because I think it is terrible that the top grossing movie of the year with a Black person in a leading role has an 18% on RT.
  11. If the school district you are in has a decent percentage of Jewish people living in the district's area, you will get Rosh Hoshanah off. You may also get Yom Kippur off a week later. (Yom Kippur is actually the bigger holiday of the 2, and bigger than Hanukkah as well). Elementary school district I went to did not get these days off, but my high school district did, since another high school in the district 30 minutes away has a decent percentage of Jewish people.
  12. Today is Rosh Hashanah, though! Don't you know how big of a holiday that is in the movie industry? J/K
  13. Dolphin Tale 2 deserves to drop down to 2,000 theaters this weekend after that terrible daily average Wednesday.
  14. Empire, are you going to go to the Chicago Film Festival to see Oliver Stone or Reese Witherspoon? Stone will be there at 3:30 on October 12th and Witherspoon at 6:30 on October 23rd. If you bring one of your DVDs and a sharpie marker, they will likely sign for you in the lobby at AMC movie theater.
  15. Fault in Our Stars had the same 15 million dollar budget as No Good Deed and made 250 worldwide with good reviews. You are picking and choosing individual movies. The top 40 movies of all time adjusted for inflation all had good reviews. Something terrible like Transformers 2 is probably somewhere around #75 all time adjusted for inflation. This year, movies 1-3 average 90% on RT and numbers 1-10 average 73% on RT, numbers 11-20 average around 62% on RT, and numbers 21-30 average around 50% on RT.
  16. No Good Deed has got zero legs. Going to finish in the 50s domestically after an OW of 24. Yes, reviews matter somewhat. Dolphin Tale 2 still struggling. Boxtrolls looks like it will continue Dolphin's pain next weekend.
  17. No Good Deed falls 66% on its 2nd Friday. Thank you again to Baumer for reminding all of us that reviews do not matter (*sarcasm*).
  18. Baumer sounds so bizarre when he says reviews don't matter. Someone better show him the list of the top 50 movies all-time adjusted for inflation. What does Baumer think the reviews were for Jaws, Titanic, E.T., Star Wars, Jurassic Park, Forrest Gump, Superman The Movie, etc? He says The Other Woman did fine with poor reviews. Yeah, it did fine. But it didn't come close to the domestic total of Bridesmaids, which had good reviews.
  19. Good legs for The Giver. Playing like a typical Weinstein movie that opens weak.
  20. What a sad day for the movie industry. Ninja Turtles just passed Dragon 2 domestically. (*cries uncontrollably*)
  21. The Giver is performing better than I expected. I haven't seen it and don't intend to. But the legs/multiplier are indicating that maybe some adults are going to see Bridges and Streep. I didn't think that movie would finish in the 40s domestically, but it will.
  22. I am going to cry when Ninja Turtles passes Dragon 2 domestically. Please, American moviegoers, do not make me cry.
  23. I mean, Guardians is definitely a big hit. It is doing great and will finish between 305-325 domestic. Things were better back then when legs mattered more and good word of mouth mattered more. 3-day opening weekend marketing mattered less. Even if TF4 was did not crush up China's box office, it still would have been a hit pretty much based on the 3-day opening weekend in the U.S. alone.
  24. Make sure to adjust those numbers for inflation. People always forget to adjust the numbers for inflation. Guardians isn't anywhere close to #8.
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