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Everything posted by Ent

  1. Never underestimate Will Smith in a sci/fi action movie on overseas markets....$450+ million
  2. And nobody can predict for sure that it won't struggle at home either...not on the first week but being caught in sandwish between IM3, Gatsby, F6 and HGIII isn't the most comfortable place to generate maximum cash. Its legs can be severly hurt by double threats like F6 and HGIII, then AE that is still a wild card at home. In any case, the best it could do abroad is this weekend. After that, it will go downhill with even more crazy competition os. I expect both F6 and AE to inflict maximum damages to movies close to them OS. They both are potentially lethal with Will Smith on one side with AE and extreme growing popularity on the other side with F6.
  3. IM3 is still doing ganbuster abroad too. It is holding well against STID and manage to keep its number one spots in certain markets. I think $940 - 950 millions ww is expected on sunday. Hitting 1 billion on next wednesday or friday latest will seal the deal.
  4. It seems like the first blockbuster of the year will take some steam from movies released close to it no matter what. Financial constraints limit options in a month full of anticipating sequels and others movies.
  5. I see it reaching $650+ 700 millions overseas. A 50 % rise from F5 due to universal popularity in each continent and in each traditionally big markets which can be translate the same way to the expanding markets. If F5 was able to have great numbers (20+ millions) in France, germany, Australia, Uk, Russia, Mexico, Brasil and with great numbers like 15+ millions in average size markets like Italy and Spain, then it shows that this movie has tremendous universal popularity in each and every market. there is no single market where it underperform. It shows that it can grow even more in a lot of markets undistinctibly.
  6. To do some serious cash overseas, it has to be now with the English spoken and german countries releases because on its second date of release with the rest of the markets in June, i see it suffocating between Smith's AE, HGIII, MOS and F6....all of which either more anticipated (MOS), more popular (F6 and HGIII) or with Will Smith who is still a lethal weapon abroad when it comes to sci fi/action movies. So whatever it does now, i beleive will count for 50% to 70% of its total overseas, i believe.
  7. So IM3 is on pace to reach $50 million, $55 million or higher ?
  8. Woaw , IM3 did some serious collateral damages ! Such puny numbers...
  9. It is in direct competition with FF6, HGIII and AE. They could damage its progression overseas, especially FF6 and AE as any blockbuster featuring Will Smith remains lethal abroad.
  10. I don't think it will be able to dethrone HPDH2 but nonetheless, it will be sweet to have two James Cameron movies at the top, followed by two Marvel's ones..Then in 2015, Three Cameron movies followed by three Marvel ones....
  11. Not sure. IM3 is a lock for top three. Then you have Thor2 that can potentially be massive abroad, Hobbit 2 and CF. One will fail to be in the top 3 and since OS markets are often the ones that make the biggest difference for the global BO, i think CF will be number fourth while Thor2 will cruise pass $900 millions with a $650 - $700 OS.
  12. This target is for TA to achieve....All three movies > $5 billion !
  13. No we are on day 12 and the records is set on day 19 if i remembered well.
  14. The countdown to the billion's mark is officially set....7 days left to match the record held by TA, AVATAR and HPDH2. Can it do it ?
  15. I had it at $184 millions latest...but anyway, over 175 millions is amazing ! I remembered some people in here saying that we were crazy for having these numbers...
  16. It could end up with $700 million ww this weekend already ! Damn , get that billion's mark next sunday and share that record spot with AVATAR, TA and HPDH2 !
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