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Everything posted by Ent

  1. I think, it has topped Ultron in local currencies but Ultron made more so far in dollars because of the better exchange rate.
  2. It's definitely not a floppage but when you opened around $420M and won't reach $800M two weeks later, that's a testament of bad legs. As i said earlier in that thread, as a comparison, Winter Soldier that opened around the same period of the year two years ago, so the comparative run holds, had an $95M domestic opening weekend versus $166M for BvS. At the end of its run, BvS will have added roughly the same amount of money Winter Soldier did post opening weekend, if not lower when it should have increased that gap significantly. That's how bad the word of mouth is, the BO retention is and therefore how extensive the loss in BO projection is, based on opening weekend numbers. Besides, out of the four $150M WB openers (TDK, TDKR and Deathly Hallow part2 included), this one, won't hit $1B despite being the second best opener. Again, hard to deny that after that opening weekend, WB wasn't projecting it to hit one billion at the very least, based on previous similar opening weekend results. Besides, overseas, markets have a quicker turnover as countries have also their local movies. So when you registered the kind of drops it has registered in the past two weeks, it is bound to drop even more quicker as new releases are coming and it will drop theaters counts faster than on the domestic side. In my theater for example, in two weeks from now, BvS will be totally removed and will be replaced by CA:CiVil War.
  3. http://deadline.com/2016/04/the-weekend-box-office-batman-v-superman-melissa-mccarthy-1201734178/
  4. BvS hitting between $850M and $900M is nothing to sneeze about and is big bucks if you remove any comparisons but even by WB standard, removing the iconic characters, this is the only $150M+ opener of that studio that won't hit $1B, despite being the second biggest opener. So yes, after opening that big, WB surely had projected this movie to at the very least match the lowest BO of its $150+M opener, aka, TDK. Also, there is no way that any studio with comparative products opening around the same time of the year, doesn't consider that run post opening weekend as troubling and a major disapointment when their product opened like 80% higher (BvS) than the other one (Winter Soldier) and is now projecting to add roughly the same amount of money after both respective opening weekend numbers. The degree of BO retention after the opening weekend is just much too low regardless of the high final gross to brush off any sense of disappointment.
  5. BoxOffice ‏@BoxOffice 4m4 minutes ago BATMAN V SUPERMAN: DAWN OF JUSTICE earned an estimated $6.045M on Friday. Domestic total is now $279.3M. #BatmanVSuperman #DawnOfJustice 2 retweets0 likes Reply Retweet 2 Like More
  6. Exhibitor Relations ‏@ERCboxoffice 31m31 minutes ago THE BOSS ruled Friday, as Melissa McCarthy's latest scored $8M yesterday--will go down to the wire with BvS this weekend. 3 retweets4 likes Reply Retweet 3 Like 4 More
  7. Exhibitor Relations ‏@ERCboxoffice 11m11 minutes ago Internationally, BATMAN V SUPERMAN grossed $7.6M on Friday. Total is now $463M. CHN ($91M) UK ($45M) MEX ($32M) BRZ ($25M) OZ ($19M)
  8. Exhibitor Relations ‏@ERCboxoffice 36m36 minutes ago Domestically, BATMAN V SUPERMAN swept up $6M on Friday. Total is now $279M.
  9. I know the movie is bad but i still doubt Gitesh....60% drop after a 69% one, under such tiny level of competition would be completely crazy....total implosion !
  10. BvS numbers alone are not that bad when considering its critical rating. They are just THAT bad if the damages done to the brand put BvS as the ultimate peak of any other CBM within the DCEU, JL and solo Batman included.
  11. In 2011, First Class domestic take couldn't outgross CA first movie. Same on a worldwide base and this despite having a better critical rate In 2014, same story, DOFP despite having the old cast and more room to increase its BO (Winter Soldier was released four weeks before Spidey at home and three weeks before it overseas), couldn't overtake CA Winter soldier on a domestic take nor Xmen Last Stand. It however got a big bump overseas, eased by the world cup that made most big studio releasing their tentpoles after it, letting basicly DOFP compete with itself for a longer period than usual in a lot of markets. I don't see Apocalypse with a new cast and a weird continuity to really root and increase an already tinier fanbase than the one of the MCU to even touch BvS domestic take let alone Civil War. They will open with a $50M gap at the very least and that gap will increase. I actually feel that without the old cast, Apocalypse will be in a position where it will have to retain from DOFP not increase from it. I feel like it will fall between First Class and DOFP and may end up doing half of Civil War domestically and worldwide.
  12. http://www.screendaily.com/box-office/batman-v-superman-hits-450m-international/5102391.article?blocktitle=LATEST-INTERNATIONAL-BOX-OFFICE-NEWS&contentID=40071
  13. I don't know if SS is being overpredicted or not but the similarity with GOTG is only on the surface. GOTG main attraction character in a strict marketting point of view was Rocket Racoon. He was the one the marketting focused the most to attract families. I don't see any similar character in SS to attract that specific target.
  14. I really see it breaking out with $800 - $850M foreign take. I see Pirates numbers overseas.
  15. That would mean that the addition to the Man of Steel of characters like Batman, Wonder Woman and all the rest of the JL will have increased its previous domestic BO of a mere additional $50M - $60M. That's how a "bad" movie will completely deflect the financial positive impact of major assets aimed at increasing significantly MOS BO.
  16. That movie had a mixed reception (nothing in the scale of BvS) and was a sequel to first great movies. Plus it still made more than the both of them. So Fox was still in a much better position than WB in the sense that it didn't totally kill the goodwill and faith general audience had for that franchise, even more so, that Singer didn't direct it. In fact FOX was in the same position as Sony after Spiderman3. A single movie underperforming after two great ones isn't enough to kill a franchise. A fourth Xmen movie, as well as a 4th Raimy Spiderman, if just better than the previous lackluster one would have put the franchise back on track. Plus in a strict rhetorically point of view, Fox isn't in WB position that can afford axing franchises since it owns an entire portfolio of CB characters. FOX doesn't own the Xmen Intellectual property and doesn't have the luxury of chosing another property to replace them. So if a movie flop or underperform it has only one option : make a better sequel/new movie or it reverts back to the owner of that property.
  17. This is a failure on WB's part no matter how you see it. There is no way WB was expecting a WW gross of $200m/$250m superior to MOS when added their whole roster and biggest assets, Batman and Wonder Woman included....not after non 3D TDK and TDKR. That a newcomer like Deadpool deprived of chinese gross may end up matching this movie WW gross sans China is a total blow to WB. Snyder and co have been bragging for months about having icons in this, throwing cheap shots at flavour of the month from rival studio to sell what they perceive as a superior product with major incentives and definite advantages over the MCU. The worst part of all of this is that it has pushed back even further the prospect of building a brand and acquiring market shares abroad. SS will suffer from this in a lot of markets where both MOS and BvS had toxic WOM. It has to deliver big and unquestionably just to restore faith and repair the damage made to the brand. The only character that will got unscathered from this is Batman who has more hits in his resume and a huge following among the general audience. For Wonder Woman, it will all depends on how WB react to its potential BO as they are one studio quick to dump any character performing under their own projection. I hope WW prevails because it is my most anticipated DC offering. But the timing may really hurt the movie even if it's good.
  18. Always said based on past data that there is a strong correlation RT ratings and legs, especially with cbm opening above $150m. TDK, TA, TDKR, AOU, IM3 and then Spiderman3 legs are all ranked on par with their ratings which also correlate the general audience rating. That said i thought that BvS will be the first movie going against the trend but it may end up the last one movie on that list when it comes to legs, just on par with its own critical rating.
  19. In Hong Kong and South Korea it is collapsing to the point that Zootopia that started on the same weekend with fewer showings may end up already catching it this weekend..
  20. It doesn't fare that well in France too. Basicly 2/3 of the key big markets are experiencing massive drops currently. So far, the only ones that are holding on are south american ones. But the western big markets and the asian big ones have been dropping fast since the start of the week for the asian ones and more recently in Europe. I see a final foreign take around $550M as the ceiling at this point.
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