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  1. But what people are saying is that the bigger opening versus GOGT shouldn't be only attributed to the marketing which were on par as far as i ma conscerned. The discrepancy in the big opening of the DCEU movies so far is mainly due to better known characters that the ones you compared them to from the MCU at the time. Harley Quinn, Batman and Joker were all advertised as major assets in it when there are no equivalent whatsoever in the GOtg. So your premise is a little flawn to expalin that the bigger opening is just due to a better marketing. A list characters versus Z list characters are major factor in the size of an opening weekend. The marketing will stretch the appeal characters from their primal fanbase. GOTG fanbase pre marketing was basicly nil and they happened to stretch it to $90+m on totally unknown characters while SS had already a sizeable fanbase based on the recgnition of its characters. People tend to forget or dismiss it but the DCEUmovies so far is based strictly on A list characters. They started with their big guns and so far no Z list characters...none on par with those of GOTG pre release.
  2. I personally think it will do around $650M, MOS type of numbers. The thing i have noticed with DCEU movies so far is that they usually do poorer than their somewhat counterparts properties/characters from Marvel movies (be it from Marvel Studio or Fox) abroad. DC characters have that stronger recognition in the US but as a whole seem slightly lesser appealing than Marvel ones on the foreign front where the later are usually much stronger in the asian market which makes their foreign revenues usually stronger compared to more or less equal properties from DC. You are more likely to have an IM movie being stronger on the foreign side than a Batman movie whle domestically, it's the other way around. Same for a CA movie versus a Superman movie. Usually DC and Marvel characters tend to do more or less the same between the european and south american continent but the asian continent lean very clearly towards Marvel characters most of the times, especially when comparing to the big three (South Korea, Japan and China) For example SS is currently having a 85% drop in South Korea from its opening weekend, something you don't usually see with Marvel movies at this stage.
  3. How come SS is dropping so fast ? WOM ?
  4. Without China, there is no way it does better than Deadpool did overseas ($420m). Deadpool was massive in all key markets and then some. It had universal reception and unusual staying powers in countries like the UK and Australia (bigger CBM this year !) on par with the domestic market kinda run. Plus it was released when some of the current currencies like the brittish pound were stronger. To me it's clear that without China even $400m for Suicide Squad is nearly dead on arrival and the ultimate best case scenario that it could have achieved had the reception been akin to the universal one of Deadpool. Another pattern i have observed with the DCEU movies till now is that unlike many Marvel ones, they tend to faze out quicker on the foreign side too with bigger drops registered as soon as the second week kicks in compared to their counterpart Marvel ones be it from Fox, SONY or Marvel Studios. It happened with MOS and BvS with much bigger opening foreign weekends followed by massive drops in a lot of markets the week after. That pattern can happen again as those movies divisiveness seem to be universally felt with an equally international respond characterized by severe drops very rapidely.
  5. What about those calling it under $325m (there was even a club for it) at first or even those in the camp of the "not increasing or barely from Winter Soldier" ? There were at first more people in that camp than in the $450M or even $400M as i recall clearly.
  6. http://www.screendaily.com/warcraft-hits-90m-in-china/5104732.article?blocktitle=LATEST-INTERNATIONAL-BOX-OFFICE-NEWS&contentID=40071
  7. http://www.screendaily.com/warcraft-hits-90m-in-china/5104732.article?blocktitle=LATEST-INTERNATIONAL-BOX-OFFICE-NEWS&contentID=40071
  8. http://www.screendaily.com/warcraft-hits-90m-in-china/5104732.article?blocktitle=LATEST-INTERNATIONAL-BOX-OFFICE-NEWS&contentID=40071
  9. Gitesh Pandya ‏@GiteshPandya 1h1 hour ago #Warcraft dominating China #boxoffice today w/ est $44.5M to $46.5M in day 2. Biggest 2-day start of all-time ($91M+) beating Furious7.
  10. At some point there will be superhero fatigue but i find it quite strange that only that genre is stricken by fatigue for having its sequels going down when i have yet to see fatigue being brought up for example for other franchises going down. I don't recall people talking about Bond fatigue when Spectre ended up 50% lower than Skyfall on the domestic front or about $200+M workdwide lesser than it. I also never heard people saying there is a Mission Impossible fatigue though the movies have peaked in 2000 on the domestic front and have since decreased on that market each new movie in. Again it seems that fatigue is only reserved for superheroe movies whose sequels go down whereas other sequels going down have nothing to do with it.
  11. I think Apocalypse behaves in line with the Xmen rebooted franchise numbers. First Class didn't set the BO on fire and like most reboots decreased from the original franchise featuring the beloved old cast. If DOFP wasn't set as an event movie reuniting the old cast with the new one, maybe this trend would have already started right after First Class, just like the Wolverine diminished from Origins. DOFP clearly added a significant amount of additional viewers because it was an event movie and it was the last occasion seeing the old cast again. Now we are back to the usual business, around First Class or declining from it with potential incremental increase from the overseas markets thanks mainly to the ever explanding markets.
  12. To me, IM first movie is superior to any CBM ever made by FOX. Storywise, acting wise, dialogue wise, character devlopment wise, journey wise, as an original true self contained origin movie whose existence isn't a pretence to correct other previous entries. It's just a great all around movie before even being a great CBM and is one of the underrated ones that got overshadowed by the great TDK which was released so close to it.
  13. I think one of the problem with Xmen is that it is the oldest CBM franchise still running. They have retconned, softrebooted, erased, rewinded but it is still Singer at it after 16 years, doing his thing when Raimi, Nolan have long close their franchise which came after the Xmen. It needs some time off and some new blood, some new perspectives, a new artistic signature to rejuvenate that franchise the next time a movie is released. I don't like to say it but it's like the Xmen unlike the DCEU and the MCU only survived by having what's left of the core fans from the early 2000's, hence why it never really breaks out at home. It seems to me that its perception is like it's a cbm made for that generation mainly and Singer and FOX haven't done a good job in transitionning from the 2000's to the 2010's era with that property, hence why it seems less embraced by the younger generation who were babies when the first movie was released, unlike Deadpool who appears fresher, younger and more appealing to them.
  14. Besides i have seen noone talking about flop to describe BvS BO, more like underperformance. What i have seen is countless of people and not just Marvel fans criticizing its horrendeous legs despite having less competition and for having one of the worst multiplier. At the end of the day, it doesn't even matter what you or I or anyone else think about its BO. Cause the very much fact that WB is currently undergoing some internal shift of power after it, adding suddenly some people to supervise this whole DCE and get more control over Snyder is enough to say that this movie underperformed (to say the least) according WB's own perception and expecations of what should have generated the very first encounter of the three icons in what was set to be an event movie à la Avengers. We can debate as much as we like about its performance and what word describes it the most. It will still be irrelevant if those who have financed it and produced it act like its BO is under what they expected to, to the point that they are going into some internal changings because of it.
  15. I do agree with that. That said the MCU had to face the same difficult circumstances being constantly compared negatively to the Nolan trilogies and did it with B, C characters at that. At least the Xmen could rely on a high popularity that was already established in books and tested in a previous franchise that always was the second most profitable after Raimi's Spiderman before TDK exploded. Whereas Marvel, not only had to restore the damages done on Thor and CA first and only released movies in the 90's while launching a first time character like IM. The fact that IM under Nolan's TDK trilogy already did better than Wolverine and all the other Xmen movies released at that time was telling. The fact that First Class despite those assets was outgrossed by both Thor and CA First Avenger during the same year is also compelling to me. Again, nothing against the Xmen, but it's clear to me that they have underperformed under the same circumstances than the MCU had to face too with the Nolan trilogy and this, despite them having A list notorious characters vs second rated ones for the MCU. The only difference is that the MCU increased incrementaly through each release, building solidly its franchise under the same circumstances and basicly exploded. The Xmen franchise did not succeeded in doing so neither during the Raimi era where it had only Raimi to face and couldn't do that type of BO, neither during the Nolan era where both it and the MCU put their works against TDK trilogy which was the main driving force in the CBM genre and certainly not now where the MCU is at the driving wheel and made it so by beating each and every one of its competitors...much more than any of them had to face when they first entered the market..
  16. CA3 isn't an Avengers movie, it's a cap movie featuring IM as an antagonist and many other characetrs, some avengers too in a secondary much containted role. And none of the Xmen movies, DOFP included, are solo movies, they are all the original team CBM and the one that was the most popuarized in Marvel books. They should have made way over Avengers movies so should the JL because both of those teams were much more popuplar than the Avengers to start with. Avengers was always the second rated team compared to those two. They featured the B/C characters before Marvel Studio took them and popularized them in a way that the Xmen never succeeded in. That's FOX's fault if it couldn't translate the mega popularity of the Xmen compared to the one of the Avengers, in the big screen. Hell the fact that an icon like Wolverine who should have been up there with Spiderman can't outgross a new comer like Antman who never got great CB sales like Wolverine did, is also a testament of FOX inhability to translate and increase the popuparity of all the main iconic Marvel characters (bar Spiderman) it has under its roof. Hopefully Deadpool will open a new wave of new characters being popularized within FOX and doing business on par with their iconic status. But i won't hold my breath considering that Deadpool was released and a success despite FOX putting much hurdles for it to be made and release.
  17. Winter Soldier opened in April. TTDW opened in November. Antman opened in July.
  18. How is the buzz for Apocalypse and how much can we expect from it ?
  19. I think it will decrease from DOFP. DOFP was released end of May and had basicly no competition but Maleficent because it was the Mundial and i remember a lot of other tentpoles releases were postpone till end of June abroad. In my theater that year, Winter Soldier was up for three weeks and not a single added day after it, then removed to put TASM2 that was released earlier in Europe and stayed in my theater 6 whole weeks then was removed for DOFP that stayed there...10 successive weeks in a row while weekly new releases suddenly slowed down as tentpoles were released a month at least after their domestic release because of the Mundial getting in their way to maximise profits. Apocalypse won't have the same opened window to perform. Alice2, Warcraft and TMN2 are all released back to back either days before it or days after it in a majority of markets. I definitely think that Apocalypse will end up between the traditional Xmen ww numbers and DOFP numbers that is currently the sole Xmen movie to even reached and passed $500M worldwide I see $170 - $180M at home and $370 -$400M abroad.
  20. That so true. Personally, i think that european cinema as a whole has lost much of its luster and is basicly dying. Europeans are very skilled with auteur movies and personally, i think old movies were so much better. The italian cinema that produced gems that were sold all over Europe doesn't exist anymore while the spanish one seems to maintain itself a little better. Old french movies were the best, including in the comedy genre that are now particularly lame and often too vulgar for my taste. I also wish there were more german movies released here in Belgium instead of just the french and american productions. I remember a few years ago, i entered a theater in my hometwon, Brussels, without really knowing the movie i picked based on the synopsis : i watched my first and last finnish movie...one of the greatest cinematic experience. Here in Brussels, movies are often projected in their original version with french and dutch subtitles and i was so surprised and glad to be exposed to a movie from a scandinavian country. You get bits of another culture, the language, the tonal voice...one of the best movie i have ever seen. I just wish there were more european cinematic projects at theaters. Living in a country with three official languages, in the capital of Europe where most Belgians are fluent in at least three or four languages, in a city where the minimal TV package includes channels in french, dutch, german, italian, spanish, greek, english, portuguese and this as long as i remember while not having their counterpart movies available at theaters is weird to me.
  21. Europe hasn't been as good as the rest of the world to american made CB characters regardless of brand bar the UK. I think CB characters and by extension, even some fictional characters have a very national ou regional identity in Europe. A movie about a european CB character like Tintin or Asterix may easily outgross any CBM with an american made characters in a majority of european markets because they are part of the european culture and are likely to have been more exposed generation after generation. Same with Harry Potter who is much more bigger in Europe than in the US. Removing IM from the equation because Downey charisma trump everything, Thor movies usually do better in Europe than CA ones whereas, CA does better than him in Asia but mainly in South America. I believe Thor Norse mythology resonates better with the european historical culture. Also, let's not pretend that there isn't a sense of contempt that still exist in certain circles of the european intelligencia who considers every US made big productions as junk food and inferior products. CBM are just at the forefront right now and get the blame but that sentiment has always existed in Europe for big US made productions. I think that it is changing, especially among the younger generation whos live in a more international world where data circulate quicker and cultural difference tend to gradually disappear.
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