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Everything posted by BadAtGender

  1. I've been seeing some grumbles of disappointment about BH6's performance elsewhere, along with a saying that a Disney exec agreed that it wasn't doing very well. Does anyone know if there's any proof of such a statement? Because my read on it is that it's doing very well domestically and in the international markets it's already hit. The only way to be disappointed is if you expected it to literally be another Frozen.
  2. There's Broadwas successful, and then there's Wicked on Broadway successful. There really isn't much that compares to it, except probably The Lion King. Kevin Lima could probably do it justice, either animated (Tarzan) or live action (Enchanted). He's ostensibly working on his Bollywood Musical for DWA, but who knows what's going to happen there. If Stephen Daldry is still attached, I dunno. His stage work for Billy Elliot the Musical was fantastic, but nearly everyone I've spoken to who's seen both says that the movie is considerably worse. (I haven't seen the film, so I don't know.) It's pretty good. While the actual OW isn't as large as either AUJ or DOS, it's also not going to see anything close to their second weekend drops, either. Even if it drops 40%, it'd still have a bigger second weekend than DOS, and should gross more in the end.
  3. I can't put my finger on it, but I feel like a number of people underestimated Angeline Jolie's drawing power at some point.
  4. There's an argument that Gandalf planned just that after Moria. However he got taken by the Balrog and instead only gave them a cryptic "Fly, you fools!" Which nobody understood. Hence the walking.
  5. There's probably a limited amount they can do with the existing location. It's over 50 years old, after all, since they originally put it there for the World's Fair. It got converted to an IMAX screen in '79.
  6. Beyond the 2012 renovation? I don't believe so. Honestly, I haven't seen anything at the PACCAR in probably 20 years, well before the renovation. So I have no idea what it's like in comparison.
  7. The Pacific Science Center in Seattle is keeping Interstellar on the Boeing IMAX screen. The Hobbit is playing on the smaller PACCAR IMAX screen. I wonder if they're just going to keep Insterstellar there for the forseeable future. There's a planned renovation for the Boeing theater in the spring, so they may play it until that happens. It's going to get a new screen, laser projector, new sound, and so forth. I'm not entirely sure they're going to keep the 15/70 projector after that, although I hope they do. Their site (http://www.pacificsciencecenter.org/Future-Ready/the-future-of-imax) isn't entirely clear. Although, aside from that, it sounds really cool. The renovated Cinerama with Atmos and a Christie 6p projector was really nice for the Hobbit (2d) marathon yesterday. Good time for movies in Seattle.
  8. http://www.theverge.com/2014/12/12/7382287/project-goliath
  9. Damn. I was really curious to see how to the Christmas release would work out for a major animated film. If they could have gotten it to work, it might have opened up a whole new avenue for DWA.
  10. I've been picking at something regarding billion dollar films, looking at how they breakdown over their top ten respective markets. It's a bit messy, but here's a spreadsheet for your enjoyment. I may need to break it apart and rebuild it. I'd like an easy way to export it for chart purposes, but it doesn't seem possible in the current format, alas. All data taken from BOM's charts, so there's the grains of salt that apply there. For anything with a re-release, I attempted to add up all releases in a given market to achieve a final number. In very few cases did this adjust the ordering of the top ten markets for a film. (Possibly Titanic? It's been a couple months since I compiled this, so I can't remember, specifically.) I stopped at the billion dollar mark mostly because the 20th biggest film WW is The Lion King, and BOM doesn't have market breakdowns for it. I may end up adding more films where I can get a breakdown, but it'll probably wait until there's another bona fide billion dollar film before I update the list. As for future films: Hobbit 3 might do it. I'm not entirely sold, though. It'll probably depend on China. Avengers 2 will do it. In fact, it probably stands a good chance to beat 1b OS alone. SW 8 also does it, but the OS is a question mark, so I don't know how much beyond 1b it gets. Nothing else in 2015 really jumps out as likely. And I'm not sold on anything in 2016, either, though there are several that could flirt with the mark (BvS, Cap3, Finding Dory, Moana. Though there are a lot of interesting questions about animated films once you start to look at the breakdown. They tend to require at least one non-DOM market to overperform relative to the others. And by that I mean Japan.)
  11. One exception I've found: Seattle's Pacific Science Center. While The Hobbit is going to show up there, it'll be on the smaller screen. Interstellar will keep playing on the larger one. I believe the smaller screen, while older, can only play digital shows, now. It was renovated two years ago.
  12. No. It's one of the most vastly misused words. It cheapens what is a terrifically horrific act and doing so as a joke just means people don't think it's that bad.It's a really bad joke.Don't contribute to rape culture. Don't use rape as a metaphor.
  13. Huh. I don't really want this to be remade. OTOH, I rather enjoy Taylor Kitsch.
  14. They have to post the weekend dailies. Which they haven't done for any weekend.
  15. Nobody's posted the answer key, yet? 1) Will GOTG make more than 75 mill? YES2) Will GOTG make more than 80 mill? YES3) Will GOTG make more than 175 mill WW? NO4) Will GOTG make more than 5 mill for Thurs previews? YES5) Will Get on Up make more than 7.5 mill OD? NO6) Will Get on Up make more than 20 mill OW? NO8) Will Lucy fall less than 58%? NO9) Will Hercules fall more than 58%? YES10) Will any film fall more than 20% on Thurs? NO11) Will any film fall less 1% on Thurs? NO12) Will any film increase more than 75% on Friday? NO13) Will Purge make more than Planes? NO14) Will Transformers increase more than 53% on Saturday? NO 9 And So It Goes11 Boyhood12 Transformers: Age of Extinction13 Tammy Bonus 1: What will GOTG gross on Friday? 4000 37,845,336Bonus 2: What will Sex Tape gross on Friday? 4000 1,077,959Bonus 3: What will the gross be for the films that finish in spots 6-10 5000 21,922,364 Individuals: Ed: 1) Will Lucy have a Saturday increase of more than 25%? YES2) Will Apes have a Saturday increase of more than 40%? YES3) Will Purge increase more than 7.5% on Sat? YES Mattrek: 1) Will Transformers gross more than 17 million internationally? ?2) Will Maleficent drop more than 25% on Sunday? YES3) Will GOTG drop more than 22% on Sunday? NO Cjohn: 1) Will Get on Up do more than 1 mill for previews? ?2) Will Hercules increase more than 15% on Sat? YES3) Will Tammy drop less than 35%? NO Spaghetti: 1) Will Planes fall more than 37%? NO2) Will Transformers increase more than 50% on Friday? NO3) Will Purge fall more than 26.5% Sunday? NO Laguy: 1) Will GOTG make more than 175 mill WW? NO2) Will Hercules fall more than Lucy? YES3) Will Lucy fall more than 15% on Thurs? NO (I do kinda wonder why Laguy had one of the standard questions as an individual.)
  16. I suppose it's possible they were literally giving the movie away on blu ray for the first six weeks. I feel like it would have been bigger news, though.
  17. Why would people go see Monsters Inc? It has nothing in common with Toy Story besides the studio. Why would people go see The Secret World of Arrietty? It has nothing in common with Ponyo besides the studio. Why would people go see Madagascar? It has nothing in common with Shrek 2 besides the studio. Or, hell... Why would people go see Guardians of the Galaxy? It has nothing in common with Captain America besides the studio. Sometimes the studio matters.
  18. Earthsea is pretty lackluster, but not as dire as many people indicate. Still, Goro Miyazaki probably wasn't ready or skilled enough to direct such a production. Poppy Hill is quite an improvement.
  19. Even from the initial release, TLK is on top. It's estimated ticket sales is around 74m, Shrek 2 is around 71m.
  20. It seems like the studio's in a position not unlike Disney 10 or 30 years ago, when the return on investment for their animated films was really slim (or negative) and they weren't sure if they'd keep the division open or possibly start farming it out. I wonder if the latter might happen to a degree, with Yonebayashi and possibly Goro Miyazaki directing efforts that are animated by other studios rather than Ghibli's own employees. They could keep the Studio Ghibli name for such things, at least.
  21. Not likely. It would require an overseas performance close to IM3 to get there.
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