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Everything posted by sabrecmc

  1. I usually really like Gregson-Williams' scores. I'll have to check this out. Thanks for the rec.
  2. Looking forward to watching this on HBO. For me, I wouldn't pay to go to the theater to see this, mainly because I think my 15 year old would be dead bored, but it is definitely the kind of thing where I can have a glass of wine and enjoy at home.
  3. My Dallas AMC added a 10:15 IMAX showing that wasn't there at first. The IMAX and Dolby theaters are pretty well sold for opening night. The regular theater has 3 seats sold. Definitely a premium theater bias! We are seeing it in IMAX, so excited for that.
  4. Yikes, that was a rough review. It must just be all but impossible to recapture what made the first one great.
  5. These reactions read very different to me than how the trailer made the move appear, which was, you know, pretty grim and rape-y. Not my cup of tea, Adam Driver's pants notwithstanding.
  6. SC seems to be doing quite well, all things considered, but it seems like the most important thing it did was point to people being willing to return to theaters in a big way even with Delta. BW came out before things went truly off the rails, so I honestly wasn't sure how SC was going to do with no PA. I think it showed there was a willingness to go to the theater by enough people to make a movie of that scope and budget successful. Certainly, it impacted Venom, and probably kept Eternals theater only, or at least was a big part of that decision. As for Dune, I'm glad to get to see it on HBO and not have to pay, but it is definitely leaving money on the table. Maybe that's worth it to them in the long run. I don't actually know any real life person who signed up for HBO and pays for it, just a few who did the free trial and then the rest of us AT&T people getting it for free. But, they clearly have a strategy they are sticking with very hard.
  7. Trailer looks good. I don't know if I'd go see it in a theater after 2 & 3, but will definitely catch it on HBO.
  8. Well. I’m still trying to get through it on HBO. I’ll be the odd person out and say it has been very boring and just…dumb. I think it is just not my kind of movie, and that’s okay. I’m sure plenty of people will enjoy it. I did find Peacemaker kind of funny, but other than a couple scenes and Harley’s one good line, nothing much else.
  9. For a second there, I wondered why NATO cared about a movie performance, but then my brain caught up.
  10. I watched The Last Crusade last night. Still such a great movie. I think that I can't imagine anyone taking over for Harrison and then watching River is just...so much lost potential. Anyway, I'm excited for this movie and I hope they give Indy a proper send-off.
  11. The smaller AMC in Florida where we will be when this comes out is not selling tickets for Thursday night, just Friday. Argh. I don't want to wait!
  12. Watched the first hour and a half on HBO Max, but sadly, I think we are leaving it there. Bland and uninspiring, as someone said upthread. Too bad. I enjoy musicals and was excited for this one. But, big oof.
  13. For me, this is one where the reviews will probably make a lot of difference. The first Matrix is one of the best movies I've ever seen, and one of the best theater-going experiences. Everything else they've ever done has not been my cup of tea. So...really unsure what to think about this one.
  14. Enjoyed this. I was entertained, and the costumes were super fun. Emma Thompson looked to be having the time of her life. My daughter and her four friends LOVED it, though. Loved it. Daughter wants me to order it on Disney+ now so she can watch it again without leaving the house, though it was fun to be in the theater. Crowd (such as it was with distancing and all) applauded at the end and seemed enthusiastic throughout. Maybe we are all just ready to be back at theaters, but I did have quite a good time with this one.
  15. My daughter (15) is super excited Jackson Wang seems to have done some music for this, at least based on the trailer. Very excited to see what they do with this (I think the guy who did some of the action scenes also did The Matrix? I read something along those lines...).
  16. Excited for this! Trailer looks good. I really liked Simu in Kim's Convenience, so I was so happy when he got this role.
  17. Big monkey and big lizard went BOOM. It was ridiculous and fun. Less humans next time, please. Good to be back at the movies.
  18. Bought an IMAX ticket to see it this afternoon. I think my last movie theater experience was...maybe Jumanji 2? Wow. Very excited. I'm fully vaccinated, and based on the CDC's latest statement, it seems highly unlikely I can either catch or transmit the virus. That was what I was waiting to hear. Ready to see some movies.
  19. This looks ridiculous. I'm seeing it this afternoon on IMAX. I can't wait. Hope it is every stupid thing I want it to be. Please have no plot. Just let the big ape and giant lizard fight.
  20. $30 directly to Disney vs. sharing with theaters in an uncertain marketplace...I get that theaters are hurting, but I'm having a hard time seeing how there is a huge downside for Disney doing this? I'm hoping to be in the theater by then, but I get that a lot of people will not feel comfortable by that point (or won't have access to a vaccine, particularly in non-US parts of the world). There are a lot of unknowns with various variants of the virus floating around. I'm just excited to see it, however I watch it.
  21. Here in Texas, we are supposedly going to hit herd immunity sometime around June or July, but I will tell you that people are chomping at the bit to get out and get back to normal. The mask mandate on the state level is lifted as of today, as are capacity rules (though businesses can do their own thing). By May, I suspect that, herd immunity or not, there will be enough people vaccinated who are in the target audience for this that it will do pretty well in theaters. I haven't been to the theater in over a year, but I am vaccinated now and would definitely go see this in the theater. I'm all for masking, distancing, etc., but I do believe by May 7, there is going to be a lot of vaccinated people who are ready to be back at the movies. I hope so, anyway!
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