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Everything posted by sabrecmc

  1. Since I personally have not enjoyed the Snyder-verse, I'm excited for a reboot. Nothing against Cavill, he's bland but fine, but I'd really love to just see something go in a totally different direction. Supes is one of my favorite characters, so I'd really like getting back to a version of him that I enjoy.
  2. I would never pay actual money to see this, but since I get HBO Max free, I'm looking forward to popping open a bottle of wine and watching the big ape punch the fat ass lizard. I hope there is basically zero plot or character moments.
  3. I was deeply, deeply uncomfortable with the body-switching aspect of this, and that neither Diana nor Steve seemed as profoundly disturbed by that as they should have been? It was played for laughs, but like...that's some guy's body they are using. He's someone's son, who they are taking away from his family and friends. Not to mention the consent issues with the sex, like...all of that just really bothered me so much that it overshadowed a lot of the good things about Pine and Gadot's chemistry. It was just very icky for me. I also wondered about all of the people who made "good" wishes. We seemed to just see people who wished for things like power or money, but what about the parent who wished their child didn't have cancer? What about the person who wished AIDS away? There was a prominent "No Nukes" sign, but not one person wished away nuclear weapons? In the 80's???? Easy to say people should renounce their wishes if you are only going to show people asking for money/fame/weapons, etc. Seemed to dodge the harder questions pretty readily. So, basically, a mess. A pretty mess, but one that got more disturbing and nonsensical the more I thought about it. I loved the first movie. LOVED it. I cried, more than once, watching it. WW is my favorite superhero from childhood. I dressed up like her for two Halloweens as a kid, had a WW lunchbox, the whole works. I am definitey the audience for this, but it did not work for me and really left me cold on the whole thing. Felt like they wanted to bring Steve back and just made up a story to do that. Things I did like: The Linda Carter cameo was great, the Amazons were neat, Wiig and Pascal were really good, Gadot and Pine are adorable together, the invisibile jet thing was cool, and the armor was beautiful. It's sad b/c it really wasn't all bad by any means, but the bad just really blotted out the good for me.
  4. A couple of the reviews do mention how the smaller scale on TV seemed to impact their enjoyment of the movie, which makes sense to me. It is what it is, but something like that probably does suffer a lot from being examined from your sofa instead of in a darkened theater with a huge screen and excited audience. The vibe is very much not the same. I know I've loved things in theaters and then watched them at home and wondered what I had been smoking to make me think the movie was good. Maybe that's one reason they're a little forgiving on things?
  5. Got free passes from AMC for a Dec. 15th screening of this. Good way to try to get people to come try the theater again, I guess? I don't know if we will go, but we'll see. Glad it seems to be a crowd pleaser!
  6. Seems like perhaps Tenet not doing well gave them an excuse to do this, but the real issue has more to do with HBOMax swirling the drain. Buy into it or not, it seems that a lot of studios (or the corporations behind them, anyway) think streaming is the way to go in the long-term. This strategy still seems bonkers to me as an outsider, though. I get HBOMax free b/c I'm an AT&T internet subscriber so it has been free, and I watched one thing on it. I would definitely not pay actual money to have HBOMax, but I can see subscribing for long enough to watch a movie I wanted to see.
  7. Did no one in their marketing department take a second look at that title???? LOL, that's great.
  8. Forget Tom Cruise, if they are doing multiverse Starks, they should do Natasha Stark and really throw everyone off when she kisses her husband, Captain America.
  9. Very small sample size (obviously) and limited to here in the US, but I have not talked to anyone, in any political group/education level/age category, who plans to go to the movies until there is a vaccine. It just isn't deemed worth it to consume something for pure entertainment like that, as opposed to going to the grocery store, school. or work, which most of us have to do. I'd love to see this on the big screen. But, I can wait, or I can watch it on streaming one day and that won't be the end of the world. I personally hope Disney waits for next summer. Same group of people all are very, very excited to go back to the theaters when there is a decent vaccine.
  10. So with WW84 now on Christmas, I wonder how that might change things for BW.
  11. I'm personally glad to hear this and hope they wait it out until things are safe enough that we can have the theater experience again. That's going to be awhile, at least here in the US. I'd really prefer to see it in the theater, but not anytime soon.
  12. Delayed indefinitely: https://www.wsj.com/articles/wonder-woman-sequel-delayed-by-at-t-s-warner-bros-studio-11599839648
  13. This looks really fun. I liked HDD, and this seems to have the same kind of horror comedy vibe. The concept is brilliant. Probably won't go to the theater to see it or anything, but would pay to stream it if they go that way.
  14. I don't actually go to the theater to see that many movies, so would personally be happy to see more streaming options available for first run movies. Like, I would never go to the theater to see Tenet or Bond. I might (maybe) pay to rent or watch things like that on streaming or just wait for them to show up on Amazon or something, especially right now. On the other hand, I love going to see things like Endgame or Star Wars in the theater and might see a big movie like that easily 5 times. I'm sure my personal movie going tastes are not the norm though. I want theaters to be viable for those movies I do want to see in theater, and I don't know if that math works if the rest of the clutter moved to streaming, but there is a whole generation growing up very comfortable watching movies on streaming. I wonder if we will eventually see more home media rooms become the norm and that's just how people get their entertainment.
  15. This is good news! I liked the first DS okay, but it was kind of paint by the numbers, all in all. Even though I don't like Spiderman all that much, Spiderman 2 still ranks as what I consider the best superhero movie. Excited to see what he brings to the table with Marvel.
  16. I think you are very right here. It so depends on what you have grown up with. I remember those scenes in CTHD, and I thought they were so, so stupid, but, of course, they make just as much sense as The Force and Jedi when you think about it. I've tried a few more recent Wuxia films and just can't get into them at all. I'm assuming there is some cultural divide that keeps SW niche in China and the same for Wuxia films in the US. But, you are correct that if a movie could find a way bridge that gap, it would probably be very successful. How was The Matrix received in parts of Asia? Wonder if the sequel will try to pull some more elements and more Asian characters into it.
  17. AMC's website seems to be glitching at the moment. I was trying to see about tickets for Christmas Day and it gives me an error message.
  18. Really enjoyed it. Crowd was into it. Sold out Dolby theater, so real fans willing to fork over $20+ each, lol. Had a lot of fun. People seemed happy after? My daughter loved it. We are seeing it again tomorrow!
  19. I feel like they totally forgot what made Ghostbusters so great. It was funny and weird and a little scary, but a giant marshmallow sailor stepped on a church, you know?
  20. Yeah, I got what it was attempting to do, just didn’t think it did it well. Then they literally called it out within the movie, so it was kind of lifeless satire for me.
  21. I was honestly disappointed with this. I think my expectations were too high. The plot seemed way too obvious and Craig’s accent was distractingly terrible. Everyone other than Craig hamming it up, I liked, but it just didn’t really work for me that well. I did like the cast and the set decoration. Kudos to the costume team for putting Chris in a sweater. Otherwise just kind of okay for me. Not awful or anything, but with all the praise at the twists in the plot, I thought there would be more of those.
  22. Really loved it, as did my 13 year old daughter. She asked when we would see it again as soon as it was over. Very rewatchable, I think. Our theater was pretty full but not sold out or anything, though the theater itself had several private screenings happening for a couple of businesses, so maybe that affected the number of showtimes. Big applause at the end.
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