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Everything posted by FrozenUnicorn

  1. Not everyone who dislikes/felt meh towards HTTYD2 aren't necessarily people who disliked the first. I LOVED the first and I wanted to like the 2nd, I just... I didn't really like it much. After the excitement I had toward HTTYD2 before seeing it, I was really disappointed by the final product. Which is a shame, because I was REALLY hoping to like it, I THOUGHT I would like it, but I just.... didn't. A few people I've talked to (including my BFF who I've found to have good judgement about films I'd like) said Lego was good (though some people have said it was bad as well), plus I've now seen part of it thanks to this streaming site, and honestly, I was more entertained by those minutes of The Lego Movie than most parts of HTTYD2—at least, it was funnier, and part of what made HTTYD1 great was the humor. The other part that made the first film great, the primary part, was the relationship between Hiccup and Toothless, which we don't really see that much in the sequel. Hiccup isn't the most interesting protagonist, the one of the two plot twists that wasn't blatantly spoiled in the trailer didn't have much of an emotional impression on me... I did like the song, and the ending animation was excellent, but I just didn't feel as connected to it as I hoped. Also by including the song, as cute as it was, I almost felt as if they were trying to be Disney-esque, like they were trying to engage people more by putting a song in so it seemed a bit out of place, though I liked it. As for BH6, the concept seems intriguing and it reminds me of The Incredibles, not that that's a bad thing, and it's coming off the heels of Frozen. I'm not saying it'll be a masterpiece because Frozen was, as each movie stands alone on its own merit, but Disney is finally getting back on its feet and has risen into a new Renaissance now, whereas DWA seem to be relying just on sequels to their more popular franchises. Shrek and Madagascar had some great movies (with the exception of Shrek 3 and Madagascar 2 IMO), and they had good, solid endings... and now they're apparently making more. So I have a bit of confidence in at least that BH6 will be good. It could be terrible, who knows, but still. As it stands, from the films I've seen so far, Lego should win over HTTYD2, though another film this year like The Book of Life or BH6 may take that spot IMO. I think The Panda meant that Lego deserves the win over HTTYD2, and saying that out of the animated movies that have been released so far it currently seems the front-runner to win, though that might change later.
  2. ... That's a LOT of Blu-Rays sold in only 4 months. I don't recall ever seeing ANYTHING on Amazon with nearly 10,000 reviews! (it's at 9,951 right now)
  3. Most movies I like I watch maybe 2 times in the theater at most. Then Frozen came along and I saw that in the theater 11 times. As for DVD, I've lost count with most, though I've probably seen my favorite Disney films and the first and second Potter films at least maybe, 7 times?
  4. I didn't necessarily mean that in the sense of rushing sequels, just on the fact that the other studios (DWA, BlueSky, and even Pixar's falling into it) start to rely more on sequels rather than putting out more original content,
  5. I haven't seen Lego yet... but I actually hope it or BH6 wins over HTTYD2. Maybe it's because I went into it with the foreknowledge that thanks to a magazine article (though it didn't say which characters were involved), but I just... didn't really feel much of an emotional impact. HTTYD1, TS3, and Frozen were much better at that.
  6. Well, at least there's that. It may not beat DH2WW (though it would be awesome for it to by some miracle), but it still has a chance of beating SA?
  7. Agreed—same with Blue Sky. Disney seems to be the saving grace here. Instead of only relying on sequels, they're giving us hits like Tangled, Wreck-It Ralph, and most of all Frozen, and Big Hero 6 seems like it could be pretty promising.
  8. I hope that it'll be better than the second. Not to say the second was awful by any means, but it didn't focus as much on the heart and emotion between characters so I don't feel it had as much of an impact, it just had worldbuilding going for it. I'll be happy if it brings back the emotional charm that the first had.
  9. Stupid early DVD release... I was really hoping to see it beat SA and DH2...
  10. Oh come ON Disney! I would think that you'd WANT Frozen to beat SA in Japan and DH2 WW, but NOOOO! You HAD to go and shoot yourselves in the foot and be stupid by releasing the DVD early AGAIN. ... Is there ANY way we can stop this? At all? That reasoning is so silly and stupid that we have even more of a case to go up against them.
  11. Reading these, this was honestly the first thing that popped into my head: So does that mean beating DH2 is still a possibility?
  12. Darn it Disney, why do you have to release the DVD so early?! Your killing your own movie's profits!
  13. It's not really a "blink and you miss it" cameo because it was confirmed she's going to be the main apparent villain of the Season 4 premiere. If what the producers have said is any indication, more Frozen characters will appear, and the OUaT gang may even travel to Arendelle. So yeah, while it was just a "blink and you miss it" teaser at the end of the season 3 finale, there is gonna be a pretty substantial crossover next season. And did a Justice League/LOTR/Star Wars crossover happen in The Lego Movie? I'm a fan of all three (mainly LOTR and SW though) and that does sound pretty awesome. But I'm talking about cultural impact outside of the scope of the film itself, whereas that seems to be a cultural reference within the film. I'm not really hating on Lego (in fact I'm pretty sure I'll like it), I'm just saying that I don't think it deserves as high a score on RT as HTTYD or TS3, and that Frozen deserves higher. Before seeing Frozen, my sister and I heard pretty much positive things about it from all of our friends who mentioned it. When we heard opinions about The Lego Movie though, some people loved it and others said it was really bad. So the reaction seemed more mixed. Considering these mixed reactions I've heard and read from people, I'm just surprised that the RT is as high as it is, especially because it doesn't translate as well in all markets. And pardon my ignorance, but what's GOAT?
  14. Well, while it is true that I haven't seen the movie yet (and I know from Frozen not to judge a movie by it's trailer since I thought it would be just a comedy), I have seen a review of it that goes into more detail on that person's thoughts on the story, animation, and characters. It seems that most of the characters that have depth to them are the side characters like Batman and Morgan Freeman's character, and not so much Emmet who's literally an ordinary guy even though everyone calls him the chosen one. I do want to see it, and I'll probably like it, I just don't think I'll like it to the point of it deserving as high a score as Toy Story 3 or How to Train Your Dragon.
  15. Any chance we might know the current numbers eventually? Why does it take this long to release the numbers for the 2nd week?
  16. Overrated 12 Years a Slave (not too many people even heard of that before the Oscars, and it won Best Picture?! It shouldn't have won just because it was about racism and slavery and all that come on, Frozen should have at least gotten nominated in its place!) Gravity (I haven't seen it yet, and I still want to, but I don't think it warrented that many Oscars...) DM2 (I thought the first was okay) Underrated Pacific Rim (Kaiju, robots, and GLaDOS in all but name, how can that not be awesome?) Oblivion (good movie)
  17. So that's both DVD AND Blu-Ray sales within the first week? Nearly beating every other Disney movie in their entire lifetime of DVD/Blu-Ray sales? (if only we could count home video too). ... Frozen is a powerhouse. It keeps breaking records!
  18. Agreed, I haven't seen The Lego Movie yet but I'm certain it's not as good as Frozen. The characters mostly seem kind of boring and I'm not exactly fond of the animation (though that may change when I see the movie). Plus, the characters of Lego seem mostly bland. Not to mention comparison in impact: Lego Movie: -Pretty popular when it came out, but people stop talking about it shortly after it leaves theaters (mostly). Frozen: -Chart-topping in film/soundtrack sales -Broadway play in production -ice show starting September -sing-alongs in theaters and on Good Morning America (and the ice show if what I've read on the site is any indication) -many people knowing the songs -Let It Go being on the radio/in remix albums/on a CD with 50 alternate language versions on iTunes -5-hour-long waits to meet the characters at Disney World -the Once Upon a Time crossover -merchandise unable to be kept in stock -doing HUGE in Japan, at over 200m now when initially 90m (gross of Monsters University) was thought to be the absolute optimistic limit, and 300m is a possibility -still going overseas and in some domestic theaters even though Lego came out a couple months later To have RT give it a higher score than Frozen is shameful.
  19. I REALLY hope the DVD release can be delayed somehow. This film deserves to make as much money as it can, so if there's even a chance, a CHANCE, that it could beat SA and DH2 WW, why doesn't Disney do the smart thing and let it rise to that milestone? Frozen's run has been PHENOMENAL in Japan, and I feel like cutting its run short would be the worst possible thing.
  20. Does anyone have an email address for ehoever's in charge of Disney's international marketing? I really want to write a letter to delay the Blu-Ray/DVD release.
  21. Is Dave Hollis the one in charge of DVD marketing? Here's hoping that he says yes the DVD release can be delayed.
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