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Everything posted by whoot

  1. $5.7 WEEKEND?? That's almost a million less than WALL-E at this point!! Madagascar 3 was $2 million ahead at this point! The sky!! 'tis FALLINGG!!
  2. Sounds close to what the U.S. folks are giving it.
  3. How is it being received though? Does anybody know if they like it over there?
  4. Just realized every wide released animated film this year has been rated PG. I wonder if that's just the rating system changing or movies are just pushing the envelope more now...
  5. Better than WALL-E, worse than Mad 3 on the same weekend... Looks like $235m is going to be the ceiling for this.
  6. Too lazy to go through all the massive threads this weekend. What's the estimate for Brave this Friday and weekend?
  7. Wow that's some sick shit. What the hell is wrong with some people
  8. It's way ahead of WALL-E at this point but could conceivably fall behind enough in the dailies soon to end at around the same number. This is when WALL-E started pulling off its strong holds. If Brave starts to falter like Mad 3 did though, it should be a close one between Brave and WALL-E.
  9. Man. Such a great animator, Geri's Game is one of the best shorts. Wish he can get a project out, even if it's a small one.
  10. I think i read that he works for some European animation company? Not 100% sure.
  11. Gag orders are usually part of it. After they leave the company they typically never say anything about what really happened because they can get sued.
  12. Ratatouille - Jan Pinkava was the original director, replaced by Brad Bird. Stayed with Pixar until film's release, then left shortly afterward.Cars 2 - Brad Lewis was the original director, replaced by John Lasseter. Stayed with Pixar until film's release, left shortly afterward.Brave - Brenda Chapman was the original director, replaced by Mark Andrews. Film's been released already...
  13. Yep, that's one of the ones I was thinking of... DWA would probably love to make a movie about that. Perfect buddy movie, could probably draw a big audience. Not likely to happen anytime soon.
  14. Brave NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOh wait... That's good right?Just not good enough to beat Mad 3 on the similar day...
  15. Well aside from the murder of the mother and the obvious animal abuse by the niece, it's pretty light hearted. ;)Seriously though, I wouldn't count it as dystopian or anything, which is what I really meant. It showed the beauty of the ocean without showing how much peril it really is in. I think just creating a movie like that will provide awareness for the environment anyway because of all the obligatory features on the movie that will come.And also, I do have faith in Stanton in creating a good sequel since this movie is his baby. I was commenting on if it became "political" - which I would hate; and which I seriously doubt Stanton would do.I would just rather Stanton work on another original film because there's got to be more in that genius brain of his and I'm interested in what else he can create. Just to prove he can do live-action blockbusters is not a good reason to all of a sudden do a sequel to FN.
  16. Not to be a wet blanket, but apparently there could be some issues... I still think it's a good move, like Disney buying Marvel. But like Disney/Marvel, sounds like it could take some time before DWA acquires full rights to all the characters. Luckily for them, none of those are as marketable as Spiderman so they probably won't meet as much resistance to getting full rights like Disney gets from Sony and FOX.
  17. When I watch movies, I want to be entertained, not preached to. I think WALL-E did a great job of putting the consumerism message in the background, and yet there was still some backlash from some people for it being too preachy; so I can only imagine if Finding Nemo 2 became Happy Feetish how much worse the backlash could get (and if it's like Happy Feet in the heavy handedness, I'll join in that backlash).Plus, I'm tired of all the dystopian settings in most of the popular stories coming out nowadays. I'd rather some real escapism, especially from Finding Nemo, which to me was one of the best light-hearted epic journeys ever done. It'd be a shame to see a sequel change the tone that made the first so great.
  18. Reading some of the comments around the interwebs on Finding Nemo 2, I'm starting to be convinced that "Pixar" itself is not the one to be blamed for this, but Andrew Stanton mostly. Of course Disney will greenlight the sequel to Pixar's highest grossing original film. It was only a matter of the director giving his blessing for it. It's sounding like Stanton wants to prove he can direct a blockbuster to be given another shot at live-action. This is now who is in charge of Pixar as he is one of those listed as Executive Producer all the time (along with Lasseter and Docter). It's all up to you now, Pete.
  19. I thought it would too but I'm not a fan of that release date. Too early, and it usually drops like a rock after Thanksgiving. But I still think it breaks out enough, $200m could be doable.
  20. Smart moves IMO. They're not surefire hits, but they'll have some properties to merchandise if needed since they're a relatively "small business."Before anybody says "don't kill my childhood like Michael Bay is doing!" like my first instinct usually is, I was rewatching He-Man last year on Netflix and man was that garbage, so honestly there's not much to destroy there... More than likely they'll improve on it. I remember loving it as a kid though. Looking back I think I must have just really been sucked in by how cool the characters looked and so I wanted all the toys. If DWA can push He-Man into modern times and get the merchandising money from it, they'll have some nice cash flow to help produce their movies.
  21. Relative to 2010 and this year? 2011 was a crappy animation year, oversaturation or not.
  22. Oh god please no. Leave the preaching to Happy Feet.
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