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Everything posted by whoot

  1. Ice Age 4's early reviews not looking so good. Even the fresh reviews say, "just don't expect anything, and you'll like it!" Safe to say this is not going to be nominee.So The Pirates! Band of Misfits is still the favorite so far...
  2. Brave is doing much better than Mad3 early on, but I'm hesitant to use "lock" until I see how much damage IA4 is going to wreak. I doubt Brave has a better hold than Mad3 in their 4th weekends, and Mad3 is likely going to have a stronger finish than Brave.
  3. Looks like -41%. Nikki overestimated big time. Rth got it exactly right. Unfortunately.
  4. Well, Tangled took what, two decades to finally release? It had so many forms before the final product. If someone decides to dust it off the shelf and take it on, maybe? I doubt it though. Seems like Rio took the concept already. Trees? Rocks? Aliens?
  5. I agree on the growing pains. I said before that from a fanboy perspective, a swing and a miss by someone up and coming at Pixar would be easier to forgive if they were allowed to work on their own original movie than if they were just shoving them onto ready-made suit-requested sequels... But there were some unconfirmed reports of some issues with the top, which is why both Pixar and Disney lost out on some major talent recently, which is another symptom. And the symptoms i am talking about are of Disney's corporate marketing side taking over the creative side little by little, and of leadership issues at Pixar. I think it's slowly getting better though; Pixar's slate after MU looks really interesting, all originals. Disney's animation studio is on fire lately... Obviously again, this is all from a fanboy perspective, so I have to talk about this like I know everything.
  6. Wait until IA4 to verify, but at this point it's looking like WALL-E #s are the worst Brave can do
  7. Cars 2 is a symptom. We had many posts on this before and it's not as simple as "1 movie out of 13 you hated so STFU already." Remember that we know nothing about how Monsters U is going to turn out even tho at the moment it's looking really interesting... But before, it was - "3 out of their next 4 movies are sequels. What happened to their taking pride in not making unnecessary sequels?"
  8. Well I grudgingly went to Mad 2 after hating the first and thought it was miles better than the first, so I wouldn't be surprised if I liked Mad3. I think DWA bringing G del Toro into the fold to be their own "Lasseter" is helping them a lot lately. And to be honest, at this point I'd trust del Toro more... But that's for a different thread.
  9. Is Disney ever getting the Spiderman franchise back from Sony? i.e. does their contract et renewed automatically as long as they release a movie? Or is their an expiration? It's the whole reason why I wish TASM failed; so Sony wouldnt feel the need to come out with a Spiderman movie every other year.
  10. Although "Brave 2: Beijing Bling" could probably compete with those franchises next time.
  11. Right, I'm saying I believe 5.8m more since Brave seems to be following WALL-E pretty closely.
  12. WALL-E made 5.6m on the same Friday. It sucks, but I believe rth's number for Brave...
  13. Yessssssss (We've been reduced to being excited over 77%. Damn critics.)
  14. Big weekend coming up. Needs a good hold to withstand the IA4 onslaught. Should determine whether it hits Cars or WALL-E numbers.
  15. That's actually good for Brave IMO. If I recall correctly, movies don't go up much if at all on Jul 4th. Everybody watching fireworks.
  16. Nothing. Remember, don't feed it. Just ignore it.
  17. Everything but Spiderman numbers already have gotten lost here.(No Brave #s? Does that mean it took a dive?)
  18. That said though, if you want to simulate Snow White's novelty back then to the present, it'd have to be something like an animated version of SWATH in holograms and in 4D, like the rides at Disneyland that move the seats when it's an action sequence and blow wind in your face when there's flying, etc. At least that's my understanding of how big Snow White was.
  19. Yeah... I've given up on repeating this though. It's really the major studios' fault for marketing animated movies to be kiddie fare for so long. I'm really curious about what artists can do if they weren't restricted to making only G to PG rated fare for animated movies. Doubt we'll ever see that from the big players.
  20. Omg WALL-E had a better 2nd weekend drop?! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
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