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Everything posted by TheDarkKnightOfSteel

  1. Steve could return in a way to make their story even more heartbreaking and tragic.Like have him, when Diana needs him the most ,somehow appear to her and have this beautiful dialogue about love and loss or whatecer and then something about time and you have an impactul emotionally powerful scene that does not take away of what happenned in the first one.
  2. This is pperfect marketing right there.they should keep this up.
  3. WW2 officialy starts principal photography on May 28th so we can expect some sort of plot summary and full cast list very soon.
  4. DP2's decrease over the original actually makes me a little bit worried about WW2.It's a lighting doesn't strike twice thing. Like no way in hell WW2 opens to less than 100M but maybe the jump won't be as big as we thought and it will ultimately finish with less than WW (which i realise is a very possible scenario even w/o DP underperformance. That being said,i think audiences connected to a more personal level with WW and a WW film could more easily diviate from the original and people see it as its own thing (which i think didn't helP DP2.)
  5. This looks so good.I am hyped AF. And my boy Cavill slaying that moustache.He seem really great in this.I really hope that August Walker aka The Hammer (lol) is not a one off.
  6. When judging sequences and not the movie as a whole,No Man's Land has to be be one of the best,if not the best,aequence in a superhero film and since then nothing (not even that scene in IW) has come close to it.Here's hoping that Jenkins' genious mind come up with something equally great for this one.It's hard but i trust Patty.
  7. As some who always hated Von Trier and thought his movies were pretenious fucked up messes masqurante as art i am very happy.Shame because Dillon looks like he is giving a hell of a performance.
  8. A bit OT: Just find out that Israel won Eurovision 2018.Their entru had a Wonder Woman reference so winning was inevitable.Now maybe next year someone can come up with a song with a Black Panther reference.Instant win.
  9. All the posters and trailers hinting that Henry will have a huge role.Just hoping it's not a one off thing.
  10. I also noticed that Kiersey Clemoms has shaved her head.Maybe she is no longer involved? If that's true i think it's too late to go back to a white actress because that should raise a shitstorm against WB.But there are still a lot of African American girls that could be great.
  11. Aquaman could get FB2 for its final trailer while Shazam will have its first full trailer with AQM.It would make sense to attach Godzilla to The Meg.
  12. Would wb want to take away from AQM's buzz from releasing trailers for both of these movies on the same day?I don't think so.DP2 would be a great date but something tells me Ocean's 8.Webwill get Shazam at ComicCon.
  13. 170M would be terrific.150M would still be great.Hell 130 is still awesome.I hope Deadline is right and 170M happens because i want Emilia Clarke in my life long after GoT finishes its run.
  14. It looks like King Arthur.King Arthur is the only movie that i have slept through while watching it on theater.I don't judge movies from their trailer but for now i am not interested at all.
  15. Great WoM,witch is totally possible from everything we have seen so far,coyld translate to 230M + 550 OS = 780M WW...which would be great.Maybe more?
  16. *Gf enters the room* Gf:hey what you are looking? Me: * shows her the last tweet* Gf: i want to catch Henry Cavill too Me:what? Gf:what? Me:*thinking "well who can blame her...i'd go after him too"*
  17. Aquaman foitage sound amazing but i am willing to wait if it means i will get to see it in its full cgi glory.From what i gather Comic Con now seems like a good bet. I am also on cloud 9 that they touched a bit on WW2.80s here we come.It could still take place on the modern era.Exciting nonetheless.
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